Advice about sleeping problem needed, P L E A S E ! ! !
By babykay
@babykay (2131)
May 13, 2007 4:12pm CST
Hello everybody,
I have got into the habit of staying up really really late and it just bugs me that I find it very hard to get up early. Its like my "internal clock" is urging me to stay up rather than go to bed, no matter how tired I am. I find that if I go to bed before midnight there is little hope of me going to sleep, no matter how tired I am. All day I could be falling asleep due to tiredness and then when it hits bedtime suddenly I am wide awake.
Any suggestions?
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24 responses
@larryfisken (339)
• Norway
13 May 07
You should try to listen to some music before you sleep thats what i do and i think about the dark,black dark, black when i closed my eyes.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
13 May 07
First, look at your total caffeine intake, both the amount and when you ingest it. Don't forget to account for chocolate, tea, and other less obvious sources. Studies have shown that the peak effect of caffeine in the body isn't reached until 7 to 8 hours after ingestion. Make sure you stop drinking colas, etc, at least 9 hours before you want to sleep.
Next, try to get a half hour of physical activity early in your day. Anything will help, a brisk walk, a couple flights of stairs, bike around the park a few times, anything. Increasing activity improves sleep, as long as you don't exercise in the 4 or so hours before bed.
You may want to consider a simple over the counter sleep aid. The antihistamine benadryl is excellent for this, it's what they put in a lot of pm meds anyway. If you've never taken this before, be sure to try it on the weekend, in case you need time for your body to adjust.
I am a lifelong insomniac, so I have lots more ideas, but try these first and let me know how you make out. Good luck!
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
13 May 07
It is easy to upset the 'internal clock' and difficult to return it to what most consider normal hours...
Setting a pattern, setting an hour an ritual that suits you can help you to 'settle' into a pattern which can lead to sleep.
There are several sites with sleep studies and suggestions to aid in the search for the arms of Morpheus. Search them out and try several things to see what works for you.
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
14 May 07
Just go to bed anyways, try to sleep. In twenty minutes cant, get up do something quiet without much light (say read a book or something).
I just recently a little over a month ago I began a job where I have to get up at 4:45am 4 days a week. It sucks cause I am a night person (I am assuming you are too) and my body eventually just got used to bed earlier and getting up early. Even days I dont I still wake up and force myself back to sleep. I am always confused cause I take naps in the afternoon to help make up for sleep loss since I dont make it to bed anywhere near 10:30pm. Its always 11:30pm or 12am. I just stock books for 4-5 hrs and go home usually (except Mon & Wed I have a class at school too!).
So it takes time, just try. Maybe not nap at all. Whatever it takes, your clock will change you just gotta let it, not give up, and not give in to staying up too late.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
14 May 07
Welcome to the club, babykay! The same thing happens to me. I think it is all in the programming. You can reprogram your body to sleep and rise at a normal time however. My problem is that I like to be on the computer while listening to late-night talk radio. I found that just shutting down the computer did not solve my problem. I still was addicted to the radio. So, I had to talk myself into giving up the radio for awhile and soon got back on schedule. Old habits die hard though, so I am back at it again. I'm going to have to start all over again.
@Tyler7777777 (169)
• United States
13 May 07
Have you considered taking sleep medication? The only cons with doing that though is if your up past like 12 and you need to get up at 7 you cant take it otherwise it will be super super hard to get up in the morning.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 May 07
Yea heres a suggestion go to be earlier at night.LOL Its your fault your so tired during the day hours. Your not getting enough sleep during the night. You have to be alot more strict with keeping your hours limited at night. GO To Bed
@syndhujaa (252)
• India
14 May 07
hey dude..!
I think you can practice yoga to slep well..
am sure that your problem will be solved..!
and also make it habit to go to bed at 1o..
although you wont feel slepy but make it a habit to go to bed..
you will ultimately feel sleepy within few days or weeks..!
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
16 May 07
I had this problem ever since my high school days. I've always been a night person that's why I always sleep late, so what usually happens is that I oversleep the next morning. I always end up late and it's a habit that was really hard to break. Now that I'm working and had to get up early everyday, I had to force myself to sleep early so I can get up early too. But sometimes if I'm really enjoying surfing or posting here during night time, I usually sleep at 4am and set the alarm for 6am. During those times I would just turn the alarm to snooze mode so I could sleep some more. That will happen 3 times in a row, and when I'm finally awake, I'd be too late for work! lol. Oh well, I have resorted to putting the alarm far from my reach, so I'd be forced to stand up and get it.
I suggest that you put on some instrumental music before going to sleep, drink warm milk, have a warm shower and avoid stimulating activities before bed time. You should relax both your mind and body to induce sleep. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, softdrinks, or anything with caffeine that will keep you active. It helps that you schedule a regular sleeping pattern of going to bed early (even if you're not yet sleepy) and waking up early too. I know it's hard, but you will do your body good. There are a lot of processes and repairs that happen during sleep that our body needs. Goodluck! :)
@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
14 May 07
I have absolutely no advice for you, as your problem sounds just like mine.
I'm just a night person, I could easily stay up till the sun comes up, but that's also when my kids wake up so I can't do that.
Sometimes I manage to be in bed by 11pm and then I do surprisingly well during the day, but it's just hard to be in bed that early.
Good luck with this, I'll be back to see if you got any good advice, I know I could use it for myself.
@RookRocks (381)
• Philippines
14 May 07
I also have this problem when I'm not coming to school. What I found is that tiring yourself before going to bed is a good way to sleep fast. What I do is to walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes or more. I also drink warm milk and clean myself thoroughly. Feeling fresh, exhausted and warm will make you more comfortable in bed. Then try to erase all complex and logical thoughts. Just fill your head with shallow things.
• United States
14 May 07
I would try to take sleep medication. If you don't want to do that, I would try to look at your cafinee intake.
I used to have this problem but I force myself to go to sleep now early and I get up early. It is so much better. I just hate that all my fav. t.v. shows come on later and I want to watch them and I am so tired. Sometimes I fall alseep on them. I wish I had a DVR.
@TheBrady (5)
• United States
14 May 07
I have the same problem. I can be absolutely dragging all day long, and come 10 or 11 pm, I'm wide awake. Heck, its 2:30am right now, I'm still wide awake. Sometimes, if I have something important the next day, I'll take a few sleeping pills, but even those don't always help. Sometimes they'll drop me like a log, sometimes I won't even be able to tell I took them.
How old are you? I have a feeling being a teenager factors in (I'm 19). I also find that reading sometimes helps.
Another thing that helps me, is I always play the same soft, slow CD when I go to sleep. I've done it for so long that just hearing the songs will sometimes make me feel like sleeping.
@sp310070 (93)
• India
14 May 07
try it! wash your hands , feets , legs with cold water before going to bed. ITS EFFECTIVE!!!
@urbandekay (18278)
14 May 07
Maybe you should ask yourself what advice Aristotle would give you
all the best urban
@sadgirl_1958 (1088)
• United States
14 May 07
There are a number of factors that contribute to insomnia and there are millions of insominic sufferers! Age, diet, weight, stress, health issues, lack of exercise are all culprits. First you need to take a serious look at your habits. Are you a big consumer of caffeine and/or sugar? You need to eliminate this from your diet as much as possible or if you simply cannot do so - don't have any caffiene or sugar after 4 p.m. Exercise is a great stress reducer, weight reducer, and relaxes the muscles. Something as simple as taking a 30 minute walk each day can make a great difference. Television is another culprit. Watching programs that stimulate the mind and body can cause unwanted tensions and an inability to sleep. Make sure to turn off the television at least one hour before bedtime. I personally believe the computer is also a big culprit. Staring at any screen or monitor is not good for you. Make sure your bedroom is a place of restful sleep. Remove any stimulus from the room. Make a habit of waking up at the same time every day. Try going to bed 30 minutes earlier (or even 15 minutes earlier) than your current schedule every week until you are on a schedule that allows for eight hours of restful sleep. Set that alarm for the intended wake up time and get up! Don't hit the snooze alarm - but get out of that bed. I have also found that when necessary a sleep aid can help. If you can get it - Sleep MD is an over the counter herbal medicine that works very well. Otherwise, I have found prescription Ambien or Lunesta works very well and is not as habit forming as some other medications. However, do not abuse or overuse any prescription medications. Good luck!
@mkmsam531 (267)
• Philippines
14 May 07
There are a lot of people who have problem with sleeping. I only have problems with sleeping when i am on mylot and when i think of my problems before sleeping. When i am on mylot, i seem to forget that i need to sleep and i am still awake until sometimes at 4 am. I hate this because in the day, i just sleep and when i wake up i feel that i have not rested. There was this time that i have lots of problems that it keeps me awake until 3 in the morning. So my suggestions to your sleeping problem are:
1) Do mylotting during daytime
2) Do not think of your problems when you are about to sleep
3) Have a definite time for sleeping like 10 in the evening and even if you are not sleepy go to your bed. this is to train your body to sleep at this time
4) Before sleeping, read (reading makes me sleepy)
5) Drink milk before sleeping
6) Count until you are sleepy (This is one of the methods used by actors in our country)
I hope this may help you with your sleeping problem
@arsonizta (944)
• Philippines
14 May 07
i recommend you to buy some books that interest you and read it before you sleep.. you'll feel drowsy and eventualy, you'll fall asleep and learned something at the same time. You can also listen to audiobooks. Try Harry Potter.
@zeqi1985 (20)
• Turkey
14 May 07
i have been suffering form the same problem and tried some activities that really helped me try to read at very late time that will make your eyes tired and so you may get to sleep...another thing try to run after work if you can..i spent my major time in school and after i come i run in campus for 30-45 minutes per day and that makes you fit and makes you very tired after the whole day's casual thing..hope i may be helpful