Is Mother's Day a Great Day, or a Day You Just Try to Get Through?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
May 13, 2007 6:39pm CST
Mother's day is one of my wife's favorite days of the year. From Breakfast in bed, to her favorite dinner, it is basically her "spoil me day". Talking to mothers who are friends of mine though, I've learned that (sadly) many mothers don't look forward to Mother's Day... in fact, some just plain hate it. Which are you?
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4 responses
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
14 May 07
Really? That is so odd. Mothers have such a high calling and they are essential to Heavenly Father's plan. My daughter was ask to give a talk in sacrament meeting today in her ward. She was terrified but she said her talk got many compliments. I wish my husband and I could have been there to listen to her. Her oldest child was born on Mothers day and her youngest child was born on her birthday. LOL In our area, Mothers day is a big deal. All the churches, no matter what belief they have, honor mothers day. My brothers, sister and myself along with our families met at my parents home last night for a weiner and marshmellow roast. It was so much fun. We chit chatted like we were kids again. LOL My mom just loved being the center of attention. I love mothers day.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
14 May 07
Glad to hear that Mothers get honored there! I'm sad that so many mothers (especially ones in our faith) don't love Mothers' Day. You are right, good Mothers are so essential to everything from a strong community to eternal salvation. I'm glad your daughter did well with her talk.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
14 May 07
I always thought Mother's Day was ok, i got to pick out a nice gift or my Mum but other than that, it was never a big deal for me, probably because i was the kid! This Mother's Day was my first AS a Mother & i had a pretty good day, my partner took car of the baby for the day :) Although i still had nappy duties coz he still wont change her nappies! I had coffee made for me all day, i also had a yummy roast chicken dinner cooked for me which was VERY nice, i think i could get used to the Mother's Day thing. I was hoping for some warm bed socks from my daughter, instead, i got a Sims 2 game pack so it was much more than i expected! All in all, i think it was a REALLY good day & i think i'll be looking forward to it again next year!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
14 May 07
Here's hoping this was the first of many wonderful Mum's days for you!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
14 May 07
I guess I would fall into the just hate it catagory. Mainly because my husband doesn't seem to think its necessary to even tell me happy mothers day. yet on fathers day he gets whatever he wants. our local airport has a car show and they give air plane rides($30 per person!) And boy he better get his airplane ride or the world will end! I got nothing, no happy mothers day, no card, he didn't even get the girls to tell me happy mothers day. and to top it off yesterday he told me that he shouldn't have to help me with the girls because i'm a stay at home mom so i have all day to get things done, what do i need help for? :(
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
14 May 07
You have my permission to "Forget" the plane ride this year! When will men learn that kids learn respect for their mother from their father. If your kids grow up showing disrespect for you, you also have my permission to tell your husband it's his fault. Happy Mother's Day... from me!
• China
16 May 07
In my country, mother's day hasn't been a tradition for us.But it seems that people has paid more attention than before this year. May be next year i will take into consideration what to buy for my i'd like to see if you have some good advices.