Would you allow your child to pierce their body parts?
By mamasan34
@mamasan34 (6518)
United States
May 14, 2007 8:20am CST
I have seen a lot of younger girls and guys who are obviously still in their early teens getting body piercings. Do you think this is ok? Is this just a modern form of self expression? Would you allow it? I know for myself I would have to say no. I think it is good to express yourself but I think at that age it is too early to be piercing and making permanent holes in your nose, eyebrows or other extremities! HOw about you?
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48 responses
@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
30 Jul 07
I would not allow my kid to pierce at odd places on their body. I would only allow her to pierce at her ears, and that's all. Other than the ears is prohibited. I know it may sound cruel, but I also know the kid will regret it later when she reaches maturity age. I don't want them to blame it on me for not preventing them piercing. Furthermore, I think it is ugly to pierce at other places such as eyebrows or other extremities.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I appreciate your opinion! I think the same way. I could not allow my child to do more than an ear piercing in my home. What she does outside of my home when she is an adult is on her.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
15 May 07
My son got his ear pierced when he was ten and he took very good care of it without needing many reminders. I didn't mind in the least, and was actually quite surpirsed he was prepared to deal with the pain and the caring of it. I thought he was very brave.
I would rather he not get his eyebrow or anything like that pierced and I wouldn't agree toa lip or a tongue. So far he hasn't brought it up, and I dn't think it will be an issue any time soon, if ever. He is the only one of my children that has expressed an interest in this, and of course now precedent has been set.

@brokentia (10389)
• United States
15 May 07
I didn't stop and think about ears.
My son got his ear pierced when he was 9 years old and he did incredibly well at taking care of it himself also! He wanted it so badly, he was in the bathroom looking at it all the time anyways that he didn't need any reminding to clean it either.
And 7 seems to be the magical age for girls wanting their ears pierced for some reason. Because I waited for my girls to tell me they were ready and understood it would hurt and there was no turning back after the first ear. LOL And all three girls were ready by and begging by the age of 7 years old. LOL
Actually, my youngest daughter just had her's done a week ago. :D
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
That is great that your son took good care of his ear like that! I know girls usually around that age if they haven't had their ears pierced, they do want them because most girls in school have or are getting their ears pierced, it just seems to be the age where they want to be pretty and have that extra bit! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
That is great that he was so responsible at such a young age. I would be surprised and impressed as well. I do agree with you on the being wary of any other piercings. Thanks!

@protectiva (687)
• United States
13 Oct 07
I don't have kids but I work with children in foster care all the time and I have worked in a group home so I have a lot of experience in dealing with children and raising them although i have never been an actual parent.
that being said, I would make getting a piercing a luxury, something that my kid had to earn. If they consistently did well in school and were respectful of others in the household, then they could probably strike a deal with me as far as getting something pierced or inked. I do think that body moodificatins are an expression and it's good to be able to let people express themselves. It can also be a useful bargaining chip in your parenting, quid pro quo!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
13 Oct 07
Interesting concept protectiva! I don't know if I would let them get tattoos in my house while they are underage though, these are very hard to get rid of and they could make life changes that would end up in regret, however piercings leave very little if any scar. But that is an interesting tool in the way of bargaining. Thanks for the response!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
14 May 07
Well I think it depends where they want to get pierced. Simple ear piercings i'm ok with. Belly button they would have to be older. I will always say no to nose and eyebrow because I think those look stupid. Chances are, even if I say no they'll find some way to go out and do it behind my back lol.

@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
15 May 07
I have my nose and my eyebrow pierced. I did it because I like the way that it looks. I keep my jewelry small and tasteful though so you can barely tell that I have my nose pierced and my eyebrow is usually covered by my hair.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
Hey! I wasn't trying to be offensive, I just personally don't understand why people pierce their nose or their eyebrow, but everyone has their own form of self expression and I am all for that!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
14 May 07
This is very true! I think kids are pretty ingenious when it comes to finding loopholes hahaha! I agree wtih you on the ear piercings and the waiting on belly button. I don't believe I would ever agree with a nose piercing or eyebrow. I don't know why people do that.
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@Galena (9110)
14 May 07
I think the difference is, I don't see any piercings differently than I do an ear lobe peircing. if they are mature enough to choose to have their ears peirced, they are mature enough to choose to have any other part pierced (apart from bits you wouldn't want them exposing to the peircer)
I really don't see it as any different.
it's their body. when they can be trusted to look after a new piercing they can have a peircing. it's up to them where.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
14 May 07
I don't see the difference either, but I think that tongue piercings, lebrae piercings and other extremity piercings take more care and maturity to understand why they need the extra care and attention, that is why I think there needs to some maturity in regards to that. Thanks!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
14 May 07
I think it all depends on the maturity of the child really. I know my daughter is 12 and I got her ears pierced for a 2nd time this Christmas and she just got lazy and let the holes close up. So, I guess she isn't ready for that kind of responsibility. But your right, overall anyone under twelve shouldn't even be considering it! Thanks for commenting
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@MrsWickham1 (464)
• United States
14 May 07
I would let my daughter get piercings or tattoos, but at a certain age. Her ears are pierced and if she wishes she can get them pierce a second or third time. Other piercings depending on the spot I would make her wait until 16 or 18. I see nothing wrong with the piercing as long as I feel she is resposible enough to keep it clean. Also, to make sure that when working it is not ok to have holes everywhere and she may have to remove some for a job. So I mean I will leave the descion up to her, but she has to wait until I tell her she can.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
14 May 07
Yes teaching our kids that there is a time and place for everything is important. I also feel as you do taht responsibility plays a big part in what and where the piercings are. Thanks for commenting!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
14 May 07
Those are also very important things as well! I don't know, in this day and age tattoos are much more widely accepted and I do trust many people in the business world who have many tattoos, but there is still that stigma. I still believe that there should be a level of discretion in regard to that. Thanks!
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@MrsWickham1 (464)
• United States
14 May 07
I also want to add that I do completly understand why some parents feel that it should not happen until they are older. My parents did not approve of piercings or tattoos, but I waited till I was 18 to do so as well as place my tattoos so they can be hidden. I want to be a CPA would you trust me doing your taxes if I had tattoos up and down my arms. Probably not so I do think that it is important to stree what consequenses there may be because of these things.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
12 Sep 07
Every culture is different, thanks for giving some insight on your culture from India!
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@Zhanec (1651)
• Malaysia
8 Oct 07
I don't have child yet.Being a youngster,myself..i don't even like to leave some piercing marks on my body.Be it a trend,i differ to follow it.Some people thinks piercing is just a modern way to enhance their appearance...Though i do agree and understand why they have such thinking.However,if i have child in the future,i wouldn't permit them to do so.I'm a pretty traditional person.Seeing my child with rings and metal sticking out from their faces is an unfavorable scene to me.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
13 Oct 07
Thanks for your thoughts. I see how you feel and it does make sense to me. I do understand why some people feel the need to pierce and tattoo, I have tattoos myself and piercings. I waited until I knew for sure these are what I wanted and I wouldn't regret it, you seem to know yourself and not care for the trends. That is good! Thanks for your response.
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
15 May 07
I dont think some things are bad. Stuff I wouldnt mind myself. Like my ears, my nose or my belly button. I would say do it with tact, ask first and not certain things. So be careful. But I wouldnt say its that bad. Not THAT much. Depends on age too. Past 16 sure, under is too young.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
Sometimes even 16 year olds aren't apt to make that decision either. I think that maturity comes to play with that. I do believe that tact and discretion should be applied as well!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
15 May 07
I really depends on how young, specially for body piercing.
I usually think about how important it is for me that my daughter does or does not do something. Some things are not that important, and I will allow them and save my arguments for something that seems more important to me and worth fighting over.
As for piercing I don't think it's as bad as all that, and it looks really cute. Of course I"m not sure I would allow my 12 of 13 year old daughter to do it, but I would compromise on waiting a few years more and then talk about it again. It's not one that is worth fighting for, though, specially with the many other things that I will really put my foot down for.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
Yes you are correct, it is necessary to pick our battles with our kids. I don't think it is the most important issue amongst our youth these days. That is a good way of thinking about it.
@onecutehoneybear (938)
• United States
15 May 07
I'm not sure how I would feel about this. My daughter is only 5 but I'm pretty lienant. I would probably allow her to do what she would want when she is in her teens even though my mom would probably kill me cause shes so conservative unlike me.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
I know I went wild when I was a teenager, lol! My mother had a heart attack when I got blonde streaks put in my hair. I could just imagine if my daughter walked in with piercings and tattoos, LOL! My mom would kill me too because she is so conservative as well. I know how you feel!
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@rainbow2007star (920)
1 Aug 07
no i don't like it even to other people so for my child will be probably a no, i'll not allow him if he ask me to do it in the teen age, if he will make it when he will be an adult i cann't say nothing about it it's his decision, but for now I have not to be troubled 'cause he is 11 mounths old lol
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Yeah! At 11 months old, they normally aren't concerned with piercing hahaha! Thanks for commenting.
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@tattooedcrafter (79)
• United States
1 Aug 07
I will let my children get them when they are mature enough and have done some research first. I got my first non ear piecing hen I was 12 and I was mature enough to take care of it and know what I was doing, I also got my lip when I 16 and I again did research and knew what I was getting myself into.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
3 Aug 07
That is very good that you were mature enough to do research and make a cognizant decision at that age. Thanks for commenting!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Aug 07
You have a good point on the hypocrisy of you saying no. But I think that you could say no until they are of age to make their own decisions.
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@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
15 May 07
I do not have a daughter.I am against all body piercings or any sort of mutilation of body parts.Doctors are starting to see more of body piercing’s disadvantages: oral piercings are causing swollen tongues, excessive bleeding, infection and swallowing of small jewelry parts. In fact, infections from moist or unclean piercing sites now occur in about one out of every five piercings.
Those receiving the piercings are firing back, however, saying that the majority of people know how to take care of themselves with disinfectants. But, according to some medical practitioners, many piercers are providing their services in unsafe environments - no gloves or mask, no sterilization equipment and unsanitary surroundings.
Other hazards come later – when jewelry is removed from the piercing site. Skin dimpling may appear even though the hole has closed up. A second problem is keloids - where scar tissue extends into normal tissue. If a person receives a paper cut and develops a keloid, they may end up with a scar the thickness of a pen. A keloid the size of a pea may develop on an earlobe where an earring once hung. Unfortunately, if you cut out a keloid, another may develop at the same location.
In the upper part of the ear, a serious infection could cause the cartilage to die, leaving permanent disfigurement. Oozing pus from bellybutton piercings is also quite common.
Treating an infection can be difficult. For example, if someone receives an antibiotic to fight the "streptococcus" bacteria, it may be of no help because they actually need an antibiotic to fight the "gram negative" bacteria found in the mouth.
So I may allow only one ear piercing(lower ear) if I have a daughter.

@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
15 May 07
Also read:
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
Thanks, I will reference that as soon as I get a chance!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
Wow! YOu are very knowledgeable on this subject! I didn't know there were so many hazards when it came to those types of piercings. Thank you for participating in this discussion and making these known. I will definitely keep that in mind for future reference. Thanks again!

@vhansen (2029)
• United States
2 Sep 07
No,I don't think it's a good idea and didn't allow it with my boys.I told them 'Not until you're 18 and responsible for yourself'.My oldest had no problem with that and got a professionaly done tattoo shortly after his 18th birthday.My youngest on the other hand went to a party with friends,got drunk and got a 'jailhouse' tattoo at 17.It's one of the ugliest things I've ever seen and he's been to several legal tattoo artists who have all told him it's going to be costly and hard to cover.Now he understands my rule.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
3 Sep 07
After they are 18 you can't stop them from doing anything legally of course, but that thing your 17 year old did, that is awful! Those jailhouse tattoo's are just terrible. Lesson learned too little too late of course, but poor guy! I do have tattoos and I waited 10 years to get my first one because I wanted to find the right one that I wouldn't regret having. My daughter says she has no intentions of having tattoos or piercings other than on her ears.
@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
14 May 07
i beleive you have to pick your battles with your kids. letting them do certain things when they are teenagers are ok. they need a chance to do it then because when they get older and need to look presentable for a job they won't be able to do it anymore. i'd let them dye their hair and get piercings cause that's all removable but i'd never let them get tattoos until they are adults.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
14 May 07
This is a good point. I have let my daughter put pink streaks in her hair, I am not too sure about the piercing part, because I am trying to teach her there is a time and place for everything and that she should be discreet about what she does and where she puts her piercings if she so desires to have one when she gets older. I have tattoos, but I waited until I knew I wasn't going to regret them and even now I am very picky about what I put on my body and where I put it.
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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
14 May 07
that's what i did with my piercings. i wanted to be discreat with them. i have some but but they are all in places i can hide so it doesn't affect me having a job.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I would much rather my teen got a body pierce than a tattoo. My oldest daughter was allowed to get a tattoo by my ex-wife at the age of 13. But she wouldnt let her get her eyebrow pierced. What she was thinking I have no idea you can always take out a piercing but a tattoo is a different story.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
3 Aug 07
Personally at the age of thirteen I don't think either is appropriate! I can't believe your ex-wife allowed her to get a tattoo at that age. I totally agree with you on that. At least with a piercing it can be taken out and there is a possibility it will close up, but a tattoo? Wow.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
11 Aug 07
Evan, that is a sorry reason to allow it to happen, I hope she has seen the erring of her ways. It is never a good idea to use your child to irritate someone else, especially when it comes to having something permanent put on your body. WEll, at least they have one mature parent!
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
3 Aug 07
I am sure at the forefront of her thinking was that she knew it was going to tick me off and thats probably the biggest reason she did it.
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@shinjiao (1457)
• China
15 May 07
At least,now I don't want to pierce my body parts.My father said now I'm an adult and I can make decision by meself.So now he doesn't care whether I pierce my body parts or not.But he forbad me when I was still a teenager.
I don't want to my child pierce his or her body parts,especially when he/she is a teenager.But I will let my child does it after he/she be an adult.My child has his/her own right to make decision by himself/herself.Piercing his/her body parts is non of my business.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
As they become adults you are right, it is their own personal decision to make those choices. I think it is our job as parents to facilitate right and wrong while they are in our homes so we can better prepare them to make those decisions. I feel that if that is what they want to do with their body they are entitled to it as long as it is not hurting them or others. Thanks for commenting!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
Yes guidance is very important in a young persons life! It is necessary for us parents to guide our kids and instruct them in the right and wrong ways. Thanks!
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
15 May 07
Parents must shoulder their responsibilities to guide children.You're right.Before they make their own decisions,they must learn how the make a correct decision at home.I believe the strict instruction to children is necessary.For children,especially teenagers,they are immature so guide is very important in daily life.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
3 Oct 07
My grandkids are pierced and tattooed... Hun got both at age 60! It is purely self-expression... it in no way changes who they are. What other people think is immaterial. But they should be at least mid-teens... I got married at that age because I knew my mind and what I wanted. We are still together after 44 years.
Piercings are trivial next to tattoos... tats need to be well thought out. I would be sure to talk it through with the child before those were done.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
13 Oct 07
That's a very good point you made. It is a form of self expression and it is important to talk it out before any action is taken. Thanks so much for your response!
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