Looking for free diaper soaker and longies patterns...

@ragmama (536)
United States
May 14, 2007 11:02am CST
Does anyone know where to find patterns for diaper soakers and/or longies online? I'd love to start knitting a few for our baby-to-be so I have a decent supply by the time s/he arrives. Also, where to find nice color combos and/or inexpensive wool online? Any ideas? I've found some at JoAnn's, but they only have solid colors (which will work for some), but I'd really love to find some variegated wool too. :) Thanks!
2 responses
@mememama (3076)
• United States
27 May 07
Patterns, I don't knit so I don't know how easy/good they are ;) http://www.fernandfaerie.com/freesoakerpattern.html http://www.birdcrossstitch.com/soakers/pattern/index_printable.html http://community.livejournal.com/punk_knitters/110889.html For wool, sometimes you can get some on hyenacart http://hyenacart.com/poweredby_cat.php?hct=12
@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
21 May 07
Hmmm...I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but a little googling turned up this site. http://diaperpages.com/soaker.php It looks to have lots of patterns, as well as some links and info on where to get wool. It looks also to have info on dying your own wool if you want to try making your own verigated wool. I've never trying dying, but it looks like it might be a fun thing to try. Good luck and congrats on the little one.