I just can't concentrate....
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
May 14, 2007 11:04pm CST
I can't tune into my children!! What the heck is wrong with me??? I try so hard to hear what they are saying, but 3/4 of the way through what they are telling me, I catch myself NOT listening!! I just can't concentrate and zone-in on what they are saying...I'm finding it very annoying! I just can't bring myself to sit still and listen to them. I'm always up cleaning or chasing, or whatever and I~ for some stupid reason~ can't STOP and LISTEN to what they are trying to tell me.
I feel like such a bad mother. I just don't know how to fix myself or them for that matter and it's driving me CRAZY and trust me, it's a very, very short drive!
ANY suggestions??
I also need to have more patience, any suggestions for that?
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14 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
15 May 07
Steph Sweet you have to calm down
Ok yes the cleaning and that needs to be done no doubt
I was a full time worker with 2 Kids and a House to run, I will suggest to you that when your Kids want to talk to you then ask them to just let you finish of what you are doing and you will sit down with them and talk
Finish what you are doing then sit down with the Kids and chat to them
Once that is done carry on doing what is still to be done if there is no time then do it the next Day
I got into a routine
But normally mine would talk to me while I am cooking, washing up or something like that so I could still listen to them
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 May 07
The problem is I NEVER finish what I'm doing, lol. I'm always doing something. I think I suffer from ADD myself, lol. I just can't ever concentrate on anything for a very long period of time. That's why I don't watch tv, lol. I need therapy...
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@yamahagirl (415)
15 May 07
hello there tuff one im a mum of 4 5th on the way can i asked how old are ur children mine are all young oldest is 10 today.do u suffer with depression at all ur not a bad mum trust me, my kids go on and on all the time sometimes i listen sometimes i dont i listen to the things that need to be listed to if u know what i mean,kids can do ur head in no one knows that more than me do u ever get time out even if its going out with friends or going down the gym i dont know it miught help.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
16 May 07
My kids are 2, 5, 8, 9, and 12. I'm 29 and yes, I do think I have a slight case of depression. I need some time away from them, but my ole man is working two states away and I'm stuck with them all by myself....atleast for the next couple of weeks...I'm doomed, lol.
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@compumom (738)
• United States
15 May 07
It sounds like you need a vacation. You need to find some time to yourself so that you can find some peace. Once you're at peace you'll be able to listen to your children.
I'm guilty of the same thing. When I find I'm zoning out, I realize it's time for me to spend an hour or so doing something that will calm me down.
On the flip side, don't feel bad. Our kids zone out on us too!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
15 May 07
How old are they? I know when my daughter was little around 2 to 6 she would drone on and on about things and I would do the same thing, I would zone out! Don't feel bad we all do it, but you are there for the most important parts when they really do need you. I know it feels bad that you don't listen, but when they prattle on and on about their legos or what they did at day care, it is hard to keep tuned in! LOL, just be patient and at least just sit there and let them think your listening. That is what I did and now my daughter for the most part comes to me and still talks to me, but now I listen to everything she says because she can carry a more adult conversation and I can understand what she is saying.
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@Rohit20 (327)
• India
15 May 07
A penacea to maintain concentration and increased activity of mind is to follow deep breathing exercise in early morning in the greenry.This will activate your mind ability number of times better than the level you are at.Do as pre your body allowance and do relaxingly.
@luisfh1902 (6)
• Argentina
15 May 07
Hi stephanie5, I've been through that. I have twins and work at home, my wife is out all day at her office... Don't think you're a bad mother YOU'RE NOT. The only thing you should try to do is get organized. Sounds easy or silly? we'll , sometimes we can just find solutions in a simple way. You probably have your kids trying to make contact with you at a certain time of the day... well, try to do the other things before of after that moment of the day. Try to let them know that you have lots of things to do and to realize which is your "free" time. Even if they're 4 years old as my kids, they'll understand. Need more patience, try to have a moment, a few minutes of the day, just for you. Walk, drive, take tae kwondo lessons, DO SOMETHING for you. Hope this helps. Best Regards. Luis
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@annieroos (1845)
• United States
16 May 07
I have found myself doing that.. I think you just need to relax take some time and just sit.. I don't think you are going crazy you just have a lot on your mind.. just clear your mind and relax.. You are not a bad mother.. It will get better believe me.. and the cleaning will always be there no matter if you take 2 mins away from it to hear them.. and the same as the chasing.. have them chase with you or clean together.. maybe that might help.
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@magnet (2087)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I don't think that you are a bad Mom. It just sounds like something every parent goes through. It sounds like they are just getting on your nerves.My children gets on my nerves all the time but I still love them. I think that the best way to deal with it is to get out of the house, forget that you are a grown up just act silly and do something fun with the children or go for a walk. Then you should just do something together like an art project or a craft. Look at them and give them eye contact and listen. They might really have a very interesting conversation to share with you. They love you and they just want your attention.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
16 May 07
Don't say to yourself you are a bad mother. You must have a lot of excess things on your mind right now. I think patience is a matter of sorting out your proiorities and sticking to those. You might be impatient because you always feel like you have so much to do or that you have to always be doing something (cleaning or running around). So you don't feel like you have time for anything. Maybe you could concentrate on doing the few important things and leave the rest for later. You might be able to create enough extra time to listen to your kids and even listen to yourself.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
15 May 07
You are just being human, you have a lot on your mind and listening to the ramblings of your children are not usually as profound as trying to figure out how you are going to pay the bills or get things scheduled.
It is normal, we live in a fast paced society and multi-tasking is one way we can cope.
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@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
19 May 07
I too,was a young mother of 5.....I'm now 40 and still have 3 at home......go to your local library and take out the book.....How to Talk so Your Kids Will Listen and Listen so Your Kids Will Talk.....it is known world wide and it is awesome.....I thank God for this book all the time because if it wasn't for this book,I'd be bald or totally grey.....let me know how it goes
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
15 May 07
What is the point? Get to the point.
Without going off on a tangent here as to why this same problem occurs to me, what I had to do with my children was......I sat them down one day and explained to them that I had a problem concentrating. I made sure that they understood that this was MY problem. Then I told them that they could actually help me. They could help by getting to the point of their discussion right away.
Now instead of telling me big, long winded stories, they get to the point right away and I have a much easier time of focusing in on that part of what they are trying to tell me.
It works for my family. Try it. Maybe it will work for you and your family.
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
22 May 07
Ok I'm a mother and grandmother, and I go through this all the time. We love our kids, but sometimes... I hate to say they just go on and on. We want to hear what they have to say, but sometimes it is hard. Look at it this way though... do they always listen to what we have to say? And really when you think about it, you did hear what they said, and it will hit you later when it is quite. Then the next day you will be able to talk about it. Also it gives your mind time to re-group when you might have a lot to think about, and a lot to do. We all can't be Joan Cleaver lol.
@yamahagirl (415)
15 May 07
and sorry can i just add that ur child/children might be trying to tell u somethink u may need to hear,we should always let our kids know that we are hearing them,but we are all guilty of not listen to our kids dont feel bad hope u get help ur looking for
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