The Forth Hokage's true identity....

@nash3181 (124)
May 15, 2007 12:32am CST
Do you think Gondaime is the father of Naruto? I have a hunch that Gondaime and Naruto is only one. This are my reasons: 1. They look alike. 2. I you can remember, when sarutobi uses the Demon Seal technic, the same jutsu Gondaime uses in sealing the kyubi, the seal was shown sarutobi's belly, same as naruto's seal. Maybe Gondaime has another technic that instead of dyeing after the technic, he became a baby. 3. No one knows Naruto's parent. He just appeared after the sealing the kyubi.
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4 responses
@bimflux (294)
• Philippines
15 May 07
EY! dude!'s Yondaime not Gondaime..hehe...yeah the fourth hokage is narutos father which is the leader of Akatsuki...Yondaime decided to be the leader of akatsuki because he wants revenge to the konoha village. Konoha village forced him to kill narutos mother by force and aside from that he was also forced to seal the kyuubi to his son naruto. He was very angry to the third hokage.
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@nash3181 (124)
• Philippines
15 May 07
oops sorry. wrong type...
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@bimflux (294)
• Philippines
15 May 07
hehehe...that's ok dude.
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@nash3181 (124)
• Philippines
15 May 07
i still don't think that yondaime is the father of naruto. it was not mentioned in the manga, even in the anime.
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@calakarak (137)
• Australia
16 May 07
ofcourse it wasnt mentioned. its a mystery, but its predictable
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
19 May 07
Well, I disagree with you. For me, Yondaime is not the same peson as Naruto. If you think so, how could you explain the fact that he did a sealment in his own belly? I mean, you put a sealment in your own belly? Wouldn't that be strange? Maybe Yondaime is locked inside Naruto, which I doubt, but I don't think he is Naruto.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
29 May 07
The same person? I don't think so. Maybe Yondaime just gave his powers to Naruto, by sealing it. Or maybe LOCKED HIS SOUL inside Naruto, which would be different. You know, any ways to pass his strenght to Naruto, but not being himself. Naruto is not Yondaime, but he has Yondaime's powers, which means they could be son and dad. Not saying that Naruto is as strong as Yondaime, though.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
13 Jun 07
The sealment technique that the Third Hokage used was completely different from being the same person. How would Yondaime be a baby that was already born? As I said, probably he could transfer his powers into that baby (Naruto), or Naruto is his son. Why would Naruto handle Rasengan so easily? Kakashi wouldn't know because Yondaime didn't tell anyone. Or maybe Kakashi know and Yondaime asked him to stay quiet, otherwise everyone would give attention to Naruto and Naruto wouldn't become so strong (he is strong because he fights to be recognized).
• Indonesia
13 Jun 07
Yeah...I Think It can do that..Like I Say Before...just Like Third Hokage Jutsu Which Seal Orochimaru's hand inside his own body...isn't possible???? But Yeah Both Of Us just thought at all...The Creator Of Naruto who knows The Truth...hahahahahaha If Naruto is Yondaime son, why Kakashi didn't know that???
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@faruqy (150)
• Indonesia
16 May 07
Well I didn't realize that, may be you right. It's probabily that yondaime become a baby. And about the leader of Akatsuki, I'm never think that he is Uchiha Madara. Thanks for the information.