Algae in your birdbath?
By tammyr
@tammyr (5946)
Etowah, Tennessee
May 15, 2007 12:51pm CST
Do you get algae in your birdbath? Would you like to get rid of it? I know a secret to stop it in its tracks! If you want to know more, read on!
Of course first thing you must do is scrub the birdbath using bleach and a stiff brush. Get all the algae off the sides, paying close attention to the cracks and crevices. Rinse the bath with lots of clean water and let dry. Fill with water and put a few pennies in the bottom. That's it! The pennies stop the algae from growing! I heard this a few years ago, but just tried it about 3 weeks ago. I have 2 birdbaths. The one with pennies has no algae in it at all. The one with out pennies has a little bit growing on it, and I have already cleaned it again.
Do you have a different way of keeping your birdbath clean longer? or, Maybe you know of any other ideas for tips for in the garden.
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18 responses
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
15 May 07
What a neet suggestion. I have a new one in the front yard I shall this evening throw a couple of pennies in it. But you know what? I have an antique birdbath that was my mothers in the back yard, and the algae and moss that grow on it adds so much beauty and character to the piece that I have never wanted to clean it up. The birds don't seems to mind, and the mourning doves gather there several times a day.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
16 May 07
Why didn't I think of that?? :) Copper pennies make sense because they use copper sulfate to keep irrigation ditches clear of algae. It's supposed to be harmless to animals, birds and people. I have a fountain, but gave up on it because I got tired of cleaning algae from it. I'm going to try this now.

@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
16 May 07
Thank you for that lesson in what makes this work. I do not know why, I just heard it did and tried it. I only know it worked for me.
I would be sure to clean it well first, to get all the algae out to start with a clean slate, so to speak. I wonder if this is how wishing wells got started?

@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
28 May 07
Thank you for that great tip.
I feed the birds in my yard everyday. It's very hot and humid here in New Jersey today, so I filled the bird bath with water and put ice cubes in it.
So far this morning I've seen Robins, Doves, Finches, Black Birds, Crows and a Cardinal splashing in the water. I wish they could smile so I could see how happy they are.
I bought two frozen pizzas for a dollar each. I put one in the oven and it was aweful. I only ate one slice.
So I put the rest of it outside by the birdbath and I also put the other frozen one there.
My yard now looks like a bird sanctuary. They are all over the place. I guess birds like pizza with sausage.
The house squirrel is also out there eating the crust. I have a squirrel that basically lives in my yard.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
5 Jun 07
There was no one home or I would swear that they had hurt him. I am still at a loss about what could have happened. He was healthy as far as I could see. He was not old enough to eat well when we got him, but a couple of weeks and he was fine.
The squirrels in Charleston NC. would come up to about a foot from people. Some maybe even closer, just out of reach. That was so cool, really. We had never been that close to one before!
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
16 May 07
Oh wow I'm loving this, I don't have a problem with a birdbath but I have a water fountain that does this, gets algae in it. I don't run the pump unless I'm setting on the deck relaxing and often the 'mini-pond' sets for days and days. I'm going to try pennies in it - might make a game of it with the grandkids; kinda grandma's version of a wishing well and I'll supply the pennies for them :)
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
16 May 07
I feel responsible for my grandchildren - if I hadn't had children of my own they, the grandchildren, wouldn't be here. Each of them have 'problems' in their lives even as young as they are and I do my best to give them what joy I can.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
15 May 07
Hello Tammy, I have never heard of this. I am bringing my mama's birdbath home to put in our memory garden and this hint will help me so much. Thanks so much for the tip. And how did you make it thru Mother's Day and how are you doing now? God bless you.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
16 May 07
Thank you mamacathie. You are kind to remember. I actually bought these birdbaths as a memory to my mother. One was going to go in the cemetery, but I was afraid it would get stolen. I am doing okay and making it through. I have to thank all the prayers you all gave I am sure that had a lot to do with me getting through the weekend with out crawling into bed and staying there!LOL
God Bless You!
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@keepermykitty (2573)
• Canada
16 May 07
I always wondered about bird baths and pennies in them I always thought it was for good luck .
Thats kind of neat .
You learn something new everyday LOL LOL LOL ...
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
16 May 07
I am awaiting my first birdbath to arrive so this is definitely could to know. I will definitely give this a try and see if it works. Does it matter what type of birdbath that you get? I know that I get algae on my patio table so I am sure this will happen when I start using the birdbath. It is definitely important to keep the birdbath clean so we do not kill our birds.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
16 May 07
I have a concrete one and my friends was plastic, so I don't guess it matters. Have you tried anything on the table? For some reason, I think vinager may work. Just clean it well and wipe it down with the vinager. It will also help keep ants at bay.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
15 May 07
Last year, we played a game where all the kids had to find pennies in the pool. We missed a couple and they actually had more algae around them. Maybe because of the chlorine? If it is a kiddie pool with out chlorine, I say yes, but don't let the kids eat them!LOL
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
16 May 07
That has always bben a major problem. I always hesitated having a birdbath due to the algae. The birdbath I bought was jumped on by a neighborhood cat who came over the fence. Broke that expensive birdbath to pieces. I am going to get another bowl for it but I will remember the pennies as you say. Fantastic idea and I will let my birdbath owner friends know about it.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
15 May 07
You have hit on a tip that I have never heard before. Is it the copper or the zinc that kills the algae? Will this hurt the birds in any way? I have two bird baths, so I guess I should try this.

@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
16 May 07
Tammy, I do not have a tip for this. First guess was that the wire used in the concrete form was rusting into the water. For that, I would suggest painting the inside with a concrete sealer. From the sound of the post, though I would guess it is from her well water. I do not have a solution for that.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
16 May 07
I am not sure why it works. A friend of mine did this with hers, and never had any problems with her birds. I still change the water every 3 days or so just so it doesn't get mosquitoes or get yucky.
Do try it, it really helps a lot. And I am glad I finally found a tip that you did not know already!! Do you know how to keep the water from turning the birdbath rusty. My sister posted below you and she has that problem.
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@bluewings (3857)
16 May 07
Neat idea! Pennies can be used in more ways than one,lol.I used a glass birdbath for the bird.I usually washed and scrubbed to clean it.Yes,I have seen the birdbaths with agla.While letting the water stand might clean most ,but it doesn't clean the alga in the crevices.I thought the birds like eating the algae that was left there,lol.
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@bunbunrocks (185)
• United States
16 May 07
Ok.. I'm happy and mad at you at the same time. First, thanks for the idea! Now, I'm mad because now I have no excuse for not cleaning the bird bath and fountains! AHHHHHHH!!!!!
@CindyShipes (7)
• United States
15 May 07
I haven't had a problem with algae yet, my problem is rust. We have well water with a high iron content and it causes my birdbath to have rust.
Does anyone know how to stop that?
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
16 May 07
Hey Sis. You can start a discussion on it and ask. I don't know of a way to stop it. Just make sure you put it in a interest like gardening in hobbies or have discussions on day to day issues also in hobbies. Make the topic catchy but simple like "Rust in the water" or "Well water&rust" something that will let them know what it is about just by the title. You do get paid pennies for that too!
Other than that, I would talk to home depot or Lowe's about a water filter of some kind.
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
21 May 07
My wonderful friend grubbyhands just posted this response on page two and maybe it will help you:
"Rust can be tricky,especially if it is coming from the water source.Oxalic acid with talc and water is a natural iron removal technique.A semi-natural product is Iron-out,and its available at most hardware outlets."
He is an organic landscaper from New Zealand, and I think he knows his stuff!
@patootie (3592)
31 May 07
How bizarre is that .. I wonder what chemical reaction it is that stops the algae forming .. I shall try it the very next time I clean out the bird bath ...
Here's a health and safety tip for when you are cleaning anything to do with birds or filling feeders .. wear rubber gloves that you keep just for this task .. and if you are brushing clean the feeding area or feeders wear a face mask .. with all the bird flu that's going around we need to take great care when handling anything that wild bird go to ..
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
17 Jun 07
OMG, I just stumbled upon this discussion after having been outside cleaning my alage-laden birdbath!!! I will definitly try this as we have such a problem keeping the birdbath clean! Thanks so much for the tip!
@andyssolutionsplus (43)
• United States
16 May 07
Yeah power wash the sucker! It will look like new!
don not use too high of a pressure tip cause it might damage the birdbath but the 45 degree one should work just fine! Happy washing.
@egfitz62150 (645)
• United States
15 May 07
WOW!!! What a great idea! I like to keep a pitcher of water outside for my cats to drink from, but they won't touch it if it starts to "go green." I'm going to try this out right now! Thanks!!!
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
16 May 07
I went out and changes my dogs water and noticed a bit of green in the bottom. I try to change it every day, but it does get a little green sometimes. I will have to try it. If he turns it over at least it is only a couple of pennies lost. I can run in and respond to a thread to make that up!LOL