e-mailing, instant messaging, texting, phone calls, or IN PERSON???
@creativemind755 (400)
United States
May 15, 2007 3:57pm CST
Which is your preferred style of communication and WHY?
I guess u can include participating in discussions here as well, as a form of communication, or any other site where u can post your opinions, chat rooms, etc.
Also, u can include writing via "snail mail" (letters, postcards, cards, etc.)
How do u FEEL when engaging in these different forms of communication? Does 1 feel better than the others? Please elaborate.
What do u think your preferred style says about u? And, if u could ONLY choose 1, generally speaking, which 1 would u choose?
As 4 ME, I like e-mailing, posting my opinions, and "in person" the best. I enjoy e-mailing and posting because I am a writer by nature, and it's a perfect forum 4 me 2 fully express what's on my mind. I can organize my thoughts better this way, and I can proofread, and make sure that I haven't missed ANY points that I wanna make. Also, if it gets "heated", the other person can't argue with words on a screen! They can respond back, but u avoid the emotional "drama" that u deal with "face 2 face". Also, I think things "sink in" ALOT more 4 many people when it's in writing. U can always read points over and over, 2 really comprehend what's being conveyed. Of course, NOTHING beats "face 2 face", 2 me, because u can discern body language as well, which tells u MOST of what u need 2 know! It's been said that 93% of our communication (in person) is NON-VERBAL! So, some may lie with their MOUTHS, but the body NEVER lies!
I don't like instant messaging as much, because I've encountered some IMPATIENT people with that. I don't like 2 feel that pressure 2 hurry up and type something. I like 2 ponder my thoughts 1st, then respond. I guess it could be an enjoyable experience with a PATIENT person. I've just yet 2 HAVE that experience. As far as texting goes, it just doesn't feel as good as the other forms, 2 me.
Preferring writing is natural 4 an introvert like myself. In person is the BEST option, 2 me, but ONLY 4 those I feel really CLOSE 2! 4 everyone ELSE, if I had 1 choice, it would be e-mailing, and these discussions.
So, tell me about U now!
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19 responses
@silver_moon525 (282)
• United States
15 May 07
I have many different preferred styles of communication, each one with its ups and downs and I use all of them. I think that the best way to talk to someone or to communicate with someone especially if it's a really serious topic is to talk to them in person. Nothing expresses anything better than talking to someone in person, face to face, eye to eye where one does not/will not misunderstand words due to the tone of someone's voice (as people often do on the telephone.) However, not everyone can always see each other everyday in order to talk to each other. So the next best type of communication would just be the phone. Hearing someone's voice is tons better than not and it really helps in sorting out things like problems and stuff happening because often people will want to talk/argue and nobody can argue through email (it's just weird.) Then I would prefer the stuff like email, IM and stuff like that.
I definitely agree with you that 93% of our communication (in person) is non-verbal. you can deduce a lot of things from watching/looking at someone's body language. As for talking to someone online, you don't really see much of the other person. You can't tell what tone they're saying it in, you can't tell what they're thinking of at the moment, you can't tell if you hurt someone's feelings or not, and you definitely can't tell a joke from a serious thing and you can't tell emotion through texting, IMing or emailing either. It's just very one-sided and plain. However IMing and stuff done electronically has it's ups too. For example, you can talk to someone for a prolonged period of time without really a suppressed time limit because often while chatting with people, you can still be doing something else and usually no one will complain if you don't reply immediately. However, if in the same situation but on the phone, you feel like you always have to say something to keep the conversation going because you can't really ever go "brb" or "bbl" or something like that. The electronic form also has it's downs because oftentimes, people do very important stuff and tell other people important stuff through email/electronic communication than by mouth. For example, stuff like breaking up with someone or getting together with someone (in a relationship) is very important and shouldn't just be done through AIM.
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@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
15 May 07
Nicely written! Yes, ALL forms have their pros and cons. But, 4 me, even though e-mailing is impersonal, I can STILL feel people's ENERGY from that, and I can get an intuitive "vibe" about the person. But, in person, whenever possible, is always best! Thanks, silver_moon!
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
15 May 07
I prefer to discuss things in person because I like to see there expressions,I like know what there thinkin after Im done talking. I feel everything can be out in the open better when your face to face with someone..the words just flow right out my mouth as oppose to instant messaging or texting. For me the only time I text or instant message someone is when they live far and I cant see them face to face...texting takes to long if I have something to talk about I need to get it out ASAP...I dont wann be there trying to find the letters on my phone.
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@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
15 May 07
LOL!!!!! I agree, Gorgeous! It IS irritating 2 be searching 4 letters! That's why I like e-mailing better. But, I'm with u. As I said, u can only c expressions, and all OTHER body language IN PERSON! But, I prefer 1-on-1 interactions over group interactions. I like 2 focus on 1 person at a time!
@DiamondWings (176)
• United States
15 May 07
I love email. Just to be able to send something that you've received to someone else, instantly, is so neat! I also send out greeting cards by snail mail for special occasions. But, for those that have email, I'll be sending more ecards now that stamps have become more expensive. I'm not someone who likes the telephone so I rarely call someone. That's what I do. As a former professional typist, I like to type my letters and communications.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
16 May 07
I prefer email over anything. I will IM if it is someone really close. I don't like talking on the telephone and cannot say what I want to say in person. In emailing, I can look at what I have said and maybe check to make sure it sounds right.
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
16 May 07
I'm with u. My preference is e-mailing as well. I like 2 organize my thoughts, and make sure I'm hitting ALL the points I wanna make, and I can BEST do that in e-mails, or discussions here. Even though NOTHING beats "face 2 face", 2 me, alot of times, when in person, or even on the phone, I can 4-GET some points I wanna address. Plus, if there are any conflicts, when people get emotionally "riled up", u can REALLY 4-get all that u wanna say, not 2 mention that people aren't really LISTENING when they're in that state of being. I also think that information STICKS with our brains BETTER when something is in PRINT!
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
16 May 07
I agree, kitkat1. I, 2, find it much easier 2 express myself, FULLY, in written form. Although the general consensus is that face 2 face is BEST (and I agree also), I can STILL tell a WHOLE lot from JUST writing! How a person structures their sentences, their choice of words, and the actual subject matter, gives me INSIGHT into the MOOD they're in when they write, and just their overall "vibe"! Of course, u won't know a person FULLY until u spend actual PHYSICAL time with them, but I can still discern MUCH information from writing alone! Nice post!
@mzamilla (43)
• United States
16 May 07
My preferred style of communication is text messaging or e-mail. I find that I just communicate better with written (or in this case, typed) words than spoken ones. I only talk to one person regularly on the the phone (my boyfriend). Like most people, I do enjoy receiving snail mail. But at the pace the world is going at today, I just prefer something faster.
@Italiana2683 (87)
• United States
16 May 07
I have always prefered in person. I never liked talking on the phone - I like to see the persons face, their reactions, facial expressions, etc...
@GergOnline (399)
• United States
16 May 07
I mostly sent text messages form ym phone. it is pretty much instant messaging with people. and the other thing i like doing the most is email. i can always rely on email. although we have to use the "Snail Mail" (lol i like that) or air mail to send invitations to my fiance and I's engagement party this summer.
@CatNPK (461)
• United States
16 May 07
In person is definitely best! For all my friends and family that are too far away to see in person on a regular basis, both phone and email are wonderful for staying in touch. I've come to like social networking sites like facebook as well, especially for friends/family that I'm less likely to be in regular communication with.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
16 May 07
I think i like e-mailing the most because you can just say what you want and then leave it like that.
When instant messaging people can keep talking to you while you don't want it and you try to leave but they keep on talking that's even worse with phone calls you can't quit like that because that would be rude.
When i want to discuss something in pesonal i really prefer to talk with someone in person,because you can express yourself more and you can't hide something.
I'm not always a talker so i mostly want to keep things short and i don't like people who can talk for hours.Well i don't hate them but for me it's annoying if someone talks too much so that's why i prefer e-mail.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
16 May 07
I prefer in person, but if for instance I need to talk to my husband about something ASAP and he is at work, then I will either email him, or call him. If it's really important I like to wait til we can talk in person, but sometimes that isn't a possibility due to his work schedule and constraints.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
16 May 07
I prefer to sending messages with my parents and friends.Compared with phone calls,sending messages are more efficiential and convenient for me.I seldom use chatting software for online communication,yup,that's disgusting.So many strangers want to add me as friends and once I accept their requirements,they want to see my real profile.Arrggg,Boresome!!
@Betso221 (1699)
• India
16 May 07
I feel the best way to reach someone instantly is by phone and there is no means of communication that can be more faster and better than that. It's the best way that a human can possibly think about.
@maui_gomez_lim (1017)
• Philippines
15 May 07
I use SMS (mobile) everyday, it's faster compared to email and a lot cheaper compared to phone calls. It's more convenient and the result is surprisingly faster too. =)
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
16 May 07
I prefer communicating through email or online forum. I have five people on my msn contact list and only talk to one of them regularly. I have found in the past that I would add someone to msn and remove them before the end of the day, mostly men because they cross that line and start flirting. Email is better.
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
15 May 07
I have to say that I prefer face to face, but with the way everyones schedule is, it is almost impossible. What has worked best for me is email, and texting on my cell phone. I think that they are the fastest most efficent way to communicate when you cannot speak to someone face to face, or pon the phone. I have to say i cannot remember the last time that I sent a letter though the mail. It was probably a few years ago when i was a teenage writing to some celebrity. I think with all of the technology that we have, why would we waste time on regual mail. i mean I can send an email for free, and the person gets it instantly. If I write a letter I have to pa .42 to mail it, and if it is going from one part of the country to another it could take a week to actually get there. In fact I have not cheked my mail box in a week because I know that everything is set up to be paid online, and when i do finally check my mail it will mostly be all junk.