please pray everyone

@peni88 (469)
United States
May 15, 2007 10:31pm CST
hi everybody. i know that i have posted this before but i need all the prayers i can get for my daughter and unborn grandson. to those who dont know, she reptured her membrane at 16 weeks and she is now 25 weeks. thats 7 more weeks than the doctors gave her. well today they sent her over to get an ultrasound and still no fluid. that makes it literally impossible for his lungs to develop. well as they were examining her she had mucus coming out. the doctor told her any sign of infection that she was going to be rushed into emergency surgery. well thank god it wasnt, it was the plug. but with everything her and her baby has been through, they really need everyones prayers that she wont have to deliver him before at least 34 weeks. so please i beg of you, pray for amber and baby elijah. thank you for your time.
4 responses
• India
16 May 07
Hi Peni88 i will definetly pray for your daughter and grandson. God will give you and your family the strength to come out of this hard and testing times. i also wanted to tell you something...yesterday i came across a discussion on mylot started by SheliaLee who asked for prayer requests and two others mamacathie and Sherry12 have also joined her maybe you can send a message to them as well....just a suggestion :) but Amber and little elijah will be in my prayers as well..
@peni88 (469)
• United States
17 May 07
hi thanks for your response and i will respond to the ones that you listed.
@takkea (393)
• United States
16 May 07
Prayer helps and it is good that you have reached out. I pray for you and hope that others will pray for you also. Reach out for me in your prayer also.
@peni88 (469)
• United States
16 May 07
i will keep you in my prayers also and thank you.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
16 May 07
We will keep her and the baby in our prayers. Thanks for the update. This has to be a real emotional and trying time for her.
@Acts238girl (2087)
• United States
16 May 07
I'm so srry to hear that.I will keep her in my prayers.I know from experience prayer definitely changes things.Even when the doctors say its hopeless God is in control.Just keep the faith that everything will be ok.God bless.