I hate people

@Portex (98)
May 15, 2007 11:35pm CST
I hate people who is so negative!!! Do you guys agree with me?
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3 responses
• United States
16 May 07
I dislike negative people too, I try and surround myself with people with positive attitudes. I like people who have positive energy because positivity promotes positivity as well as the opposite.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
I dont like negative people around me either for the fact that negative people are always trying to bring you down to there level. The truth of it is negative people are insecure with themselves and cannot stand to see another person happy with their life. You just have to know how to really spot someone who is out to bring you down.
@Portex (98)
• Philippines
16 May 07
But it is hard sometimes to know who bring us down, coz we tend to be negative sometimes.
@hmike_d (1529)
• Philippines
16 May 07
Agree! It's really difficult to deal with negative-minded people. And of course, i won't benefit from them and they would likely make me sick. But just for me, well, its not bad to think of negative sides, but please dont stick to it. It is more good to mingle on the positive areas.