make me LAUGH !!!!!...or make me THINK???
@creativemind755 (400)
United States
May 16, 2007 7:59pm CST
Here's a hypothethical question.
If u could only choose 1, as far as a person (friend) u'd like 2 spend your time with, which would it be, and WHY?
1) A person who makes u laugh HYSTERICALLY, ALL THE TIME, and u always just have
FUN with this person, yet, outside of "humoring" u, there's NOTHING else
there. Intellectually, they are a "dunce", in YOUR eyes, and u can NEVER have
a SERIOUS conversation with them. In fact, hanging with this person is like
going 2 c your favorite comedian. But, once the "show" is OVER, u're ready
2 go HOME!
2) A person who ALWAYS gives u "food 4 thought", who always makes u look at
situations from different angles and perspectives, who helps u work thru
your issues, who ALWAYS has something INTELLECTUALLY stimulating 2 say,
someone who just constantly introduces u 2 new things in life. But, it's
more like this person is your COUNSELOR or THERAPIST, which is fine, but
outside of THIS, this person is NO FUN 2 be around, AT ALL! In fact, all
of the deep delving DEPRESSES u, quite often. U rarely, if EVER, laugh
with THIS person. This person is ALWAYS serious and sober.
Now, u can only hang with 1 of these people. U CAN'T combine qualities, 2 get the "best of both worlds"! It's ALL or NOTHING!
So, which is MORE important 2 u?
11 responses
@Melissa528 (744)
• United States
17 May 07
I would choose a friend that makes me think. I love to learn new things and have a good conversation.
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
17 May 07
WOW!! That's a good question as well as a very difficult one to answer. I think I'd have to go with the intellectual. As much as I love to laugh and have fun, if the person was a complete moron I think it would get old very quickly. Just think of the days when you were feeling a bit down and needed someone to talk to, the joker would be of no help....yes, definitely the intellectual.
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@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
17 May 07
I agree. Laughter IS important, no doubt! But there WILL be times, MANY times, when we need 2 have a SERIOUS talk with someone (like u said), so I would go 4 the intellectual myself. Besides, I've personally found, that people who are ALWAYS just silly (even though I LOVE 2 laugh), and can NEVER be serious (they can never turn "off", so 2 speak), quite annoying! Thanks, inked4life!
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@sunita64 (6468)
• India
17 May 07
Well my choice is the first person as who wants a doctor or advisor all the time in life. Laughter is the best medicine and whomsoever makes you laugh is a blessing. As far as intellectual thinking is concerned that I can do myself better. So a person with good sense of humor is one thing I look forward to in a person.
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
17 May 07
I agree, sunita64, that "laughter IS the best medicine". And, me, being an intellectual MYSELF, I also do MUCH thinking 2 myself! But, u can only do SO MUCH thinking 2 YOURSELF! I can also make MYSELF laugh as well! I think a sense of humor is definitely a TOP PRIORITY 4 me, in a person, but I need intellectual stimulation, and while I CAN think and ponder on my OWN, I can't really be "challenged" just on my own! I need OTHER people's perspectives 2 REALLY get me 2 thinking about things DIFFERENTLY! This is DEFINITELY a tough choice, which is why I started this discussion. When 2 things are EQUALLY important (as I feel these 2 things ARE), which 1 is MORE important? Thanks 4 your response!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 May 07
What a fabulously delicious question!!! I would have to say that I'll pick Person #1 for $500 please Alex ;-) Why would I pick that person...because I really dont need someone giving me MORE "food 4 thought"...I'm already a naturally curious who analysizes and picks apart everythign she comes across in life until I'm satisfied mentally..Being a Virgo Food 4 Thought is a staple thing for me LOL so um yea, having that unnecessarily added to could very well get my a$$ tossed in the loonie bin from complete overload :-D I love to laugh and enjoy not only entertaining but being entertained so Person #1 would definately be a nice break for me from my constantly racing mind....
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
21 May 07
Well, I feel where u're comin' from, Ravenladyj!
I'm a Libra, sun AND moon, so I know OH 2 WELL about a "constantly racing mind"! I also have Mars, Mercury, and Pluto in Virgo, so I, 2, analyze and analyze and ANALYZE, 'til there's NOTHING LEFT!
I also LOVE 2 laugh, AND make OTHERS laugh (I'm EXTREMELY silly and goofy; those who know me WELL can attest 2 this), and I AM an ENTERTAINER at heart!
I noticed, on 1 of your posts, that u put that u were into astrology AND numerology. Well, since u know numerology, I have MANY 3's in my chart, which, u know, is the number of communication and entertainment. So, I'm all 4 this, AND, I'm all ABOUT this as well!
However, as I've already said here a few times, I LOVE 2 delve DEEPLY, into 1's SOUL, and someone who ONLY wants 2 "joke around", probably WON'T have much interest in doing that, because they will, most likely, just wanna keep all things "light".
But, according 2 my 3 whole name (expression) in numerology (as well as the OTHER 3's in my chart), I would do WELL 2 BE a little more "light-hearted", and NOT take things so seriously all the time! It says my GREATEST success will come from a more "light-hearted" attitude and approach.
This question is STILL a tough 1!
I know, that, most likely, in the end, I'd pick the "thinker", because even though I analyze SO MUCH that my head feels like it's gonna "spin off" or something, and even though laughter IS the "best medicine", I know that the deep delving is MORE IMPORTANT 2 me!
But again, I understand what u mean by needing a "nice break"!
I feel u!
@edandunyo (146)
• Indonesia
18 May 07
laughing activity is one of very fun thing. when it's serious time maybe we get high depression and also stress because in underpressed. that is the correct time to get more laugh to cooling down our mind.
thinking also one of good activity. without do that, then we could be ascertained that we will not experience the progress. keep thinking and not forget to laughing as the best combination that we can do.
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
21 May 07
Yes, they're BOTH important, but what would be your choice if u could ONLY have 1 of 'em?
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
17 May 07
I personally would choose a friend who can make me think for the fact your mind never stops learning now matter how old you get, everyday your constantly learning new things.
If I really needed to talk to my freind about something serious and they were always trying to make me laugh that would make me not want to be there friend, it would make me think that they dont value our friendship enough to take 5 minutes out from joking around to listen to what I have to say. Keeping your mind intrigued is good for your health..dont let a good mind go to waste.
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
17 May 07
Well, I told u that I'm a Libra, so INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION is ALWAYS a number 1 priority 4 me! I love 2 laugh just as much as the next person, but if u can't stimulate my MIND, it's over b-4 it begins! I'm feelin' u, Gorgeous!
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
17 May 07
I agree it can get very boring for you if there isnt anything interesting to talk about with someone and I believe if you feel comfortable enough with your friend then the sky is the limit for your conversations, meaning nothing should be off limits. I am a very open person and I like know peoples thoughts on life, love, and whatever else there interested in. Theres so much knowledge in life to not talk about it.
Thanks for choosing my response as the best! You really come up with great topics to get me thinking.
@balasri (26537)
• India
17 May 07
Fun you can have in many places.It is hard to come across eople who talk wisely.I prefer the second.
@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
17 May 07
wow this is hard because I want both but if I had to choose it would have to be option number 2 only because I connect with those on a deeper level... the laughing and joking is fine but in order for me to connect with you I have to get inside your mind... I beleive option # 2 will be there to aid you through tuff times and grow with mentally. though it can get a little depressive, I still think # 2 is the way to go
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
17 May 07
I'm with u, AcousticSoul! My nature is 2 connect DEEPLY myself, so as much as I LOVE 2 laugh and joke, I couldn't just have "surface" fun, with NO deep soul connection. And, me being a Libra, an AIR sign (which rules THOUGHT), it's a MUST 4 me 2 be INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATED! Great post! Thanks!
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
17 May 07
I'd say 2; as fun as one might be, if they have no intellect I simply can't stand being around them for too long whilst I can stand a lot longer around people which are no fun.