Were you a "scout" growing up?

United States
May 17, 2007 7:28am CST
For those in the U.S. it would be a girlscout/brownie or boyscout. In other countries I believe they call them "guides". What's your favorite memory of scouting? I was a brownie, then girl scout. Of course my favorite times were camping!
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18 responses
@suscan (1955)
• United States
18 May 07
I was a Girl Scout. I did like camping then. It was fun and I love s mores and roasted marshmallows.I went to a area weekend with several troops,and it was fun,I think it was some kind of jamboree. We had sing a longs,skits and scary stories by the campfire. And I still love those GS cookies especially thin mints, but I hate to age myself but here goes. They were $.50 a box when I sold them
• United States
21 May 07
The cookies in our area are now $3.50 per box. I was a girl scout as a child and I have been an adult girl scout for the past 10 years. I always enjoy our outings and trips the most.
• United States
18 May 07
Oh goodness how you brought back a flood of memories! I started out as a Cub Scout then followed the natural progression to Weebaloo. Once I raised to the illustrious status of Boy Scout I only stayed a few more years. Our Den meetings and activities were fun but... I agree camping was the bomb! The hiking and activities were memories to last a lifetime. I'll tell you of our most bizarre experience. We went on a typical weekend camping trip to a field next to a stream. Once we set up camp it was the usual planned activities on Friday night. Saturday was full of the same in addition it was time to spend just with your father. After that we, the scouts, were allowed to go swimming and use a rope and tire swing to burn off energy and cool off. We went to bed exhausted Saturday night. The next time I woke up I thought I wet myself but come to find out the whole base of the tent was soaked. My father and I left the tent about the same time as everyone else only to realize that it was still raining lightly after what appeared to be a deluge overnight. The stream had overflowed its banks and the entire camp was flooded. Man did we scrambled to scrounge, not pack, as much as we could. The only problem was that the field had turned to mud and the cars were stuck. Everyone pitched in to help push each other out but we all were absolutely filled with mud by the end of our efforts. When my mother and sisters caught sight of us their jaws dropped. As I'm sure did every other Scout's family members. After all that mess I view that as our best camping trip ever. ‹(°¿°)›
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• United States
17 May 07
I was a bluebird, but I got kicked out cause I talked to much during crafting times, never made it to the brownie or girl scout stage.
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• United States
18 May 07
I was also a brownie and then a girl guide. I liked almost everything but camping was just one of my many favorites. My cousin reached the rank of Queen's Guide and went to international campfire in Canada. That was a big deal in Scotland.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
17 May 07
I was a girl scout- Like you I started off as a Brownie- Remember the song- the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see- ? My favorite memories and there are many are of camping too- We’d go to week long overnight camps- You’d make a lot of new friends and spend time with the friends you already had. I loved the weekly meetings- every Tuesday night for an hour- we made crafts- worked on badges- I’m still great friends with a lot of my old scout troop. My daughter joined scouts about 4 years ago- She dropped it this year- Just had to much other stuff going on- She didn’t even do the camp part- I keep telling her of all the fun she is missing- but sports keep her pretty busy!
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
18 May 07
I was a junior and then a cadet. How could you beat those times at summer camp when you cooked out over the open fire. There is nothing that can beat an open fire and a cook out, unless of course you leave to sleep at the Holiday Inn. Personally, as an adult, camping, tents and sleeping bags don't cut it for me. As a kid, raised in a city, going to the woods was great fun!
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
19 May 07
I was a cub scout while growing up and then became a Boy Scout. I did not go far enough to get my Eagle Scout as I dropped out of it to be more active in playing sports. I enjoyed the camping trips the most and being away from home and experiencing life outdoors and doing new things. Being away with the other scouts was fun.
@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
17 May 07
I was a Girl Scout in Massachusetts up through the Junior level. My favorite memory is the year our troop won the trophy for the region where our troop sold the most cookies. I think the clincher was my neighbor with five kids who bought 18 boxes, on top of the other sales that my partner and I made.
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@Lady_Vincy (1538)
• United States
11 Jan 08
I was a girlscout when I was younger. My best memory of my time in the scouts was going out wit my troup an earning badges. I had lots of patced but the badges that I made was so much better. The best badge I earned was my cooking badge. We all had a sleep over at the sout leaders house and we made lasagna and garlic bread. The lasagna was a little watery but it was still good.
• India
5 Jun 07
yeah, i was a scout member during my school days. we went to a number of places for outing as a scout and i enjoyed it a lot.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
21 May 07
There are currently several different levels of girl scouting in the United States. They are: Daisy girl scouts, Brownie girl scouts, Junior girl scouts, Cadette girl scouts, Senior girl scouts and Adult girl scouts. We are all Girl Scouts at different levels. The newest level to be introduced recently is Studio2B which is for all girls who are between the ages of 11 and 17. There is also the Juliettes. These are girls who are not attached to any troop or group. We used to call them Lone girl scouts since they work on their own. There are also special troops called Honor Guards for the older girls. On an International basis, it is not uncommon for Girl Scouts to be called Girl Guides. They have similar levels based on age and school grades. No matter which level you are on, you are a Girl Scout. I point this out because I have seen some confusion on numerous occasions. Especially with the Brownie level. Brownies in the United States are Girl Scouts. It is my hope that this information will help to clarify things. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Yours in Scouting, 10-year Troop Leader 12-year Girl Scout
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• Philippines
20 May 07
Hmmmm... I remember the days.... Lolx. I can say that i am born to be a scout.. whehw. even when i was a child, i love to join outdoor camps.
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• Canada
7 Jan 08
I was a girl guide and pathfinder in nova scotia. My favorite memory was going to an international camp in geulph ontario It was the best i have my daughter in brownies and she just loves it. I hope she gets to do the fun stuff we got to do
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
15 Jan 08
I know you posted this eons ago, but I thought I'd respond anyway. I have been a Girl Scout since 3rd grade and still am. That was a long time ago. One of my favorite memories is going canoeing down the Colorado River. But my first memory was being completely confused during the Brownie pinning ceremony. I didn't the whole twist and turn me like an elf thing back then.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Aug 07
I was a brownie and my older sister a girlscout. My favorite memory was making things doing crafts. probably why I am a crafting fanactic nowdays. We lived in the country so when it was time for my sister to sell cookies she only sold them to family members which means my mom and dad had to buy alot of cookies which lasted us for about 6 months we put them in the freezer. My favorites were the peanut butter and everyone else was the mints. gained 10 pounds that summer.(smiles) Well have a good day and happy posting.
@KrauseHome (36446)
• United States
1 Sep 07
I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout and can remember selling Girl Scout cookies. These were my favorite times, and I still to this day enjoy Selling things. Maybe not door to door like this, but I do enjoy Selling. And I also look forward to being able to buy Girl Scout Cookies every yr. as well. These are some of the best cookies out there even if they are now getting a little expensive.
@tutor1235 (113)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I was in Scouts as a kid from Brownies through the first year of Cadettes. Mom was my Brownie leader, and we had a ball. My most vivid memories, though are from GS camp in the summer. I had a great time! It was so much fun that I sort of dragged my girls through the program and the younger two have had a ball. Middle child is now an adult life member and has already had all her leader training at age 18. Youngest is interested in a youth position on the board of the local council and planning to get her Leader-in-Training stuff this fall. I think the whole program is grand fun!
@roberten (3128)
• United States
7 Jan 08
For about a nano second, but I enjoyed the time I was allowed to attend meetings. All my kids were scouts.