For a Husband who comes first his wife or his childrens??

Who is more important - Eyes
May 17, 2007 7:47am CST
When a man gets married he gets a life partner for all reasons. when he becomes a father he feels complete. But the question I wish to put is that both the wife and child are an integeral part of his life, but who should come first in the line of importance.............?????
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6 responses
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
17 May 07
For me I would have to say my children. While I would love my wife my first responsiblity is to my children. I brought them into this world. My children rely on me to love them and teach them the ways of the world. My wife has already learned these things and doesn't need my help as much as my children do.
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• United States
17 May 07
I've seen this before..I think their wife first..because it seems like if a man and woman divorce the man is not as close to his children..but if they stay together then he is there for I do think..wife..then children..for a man..for a woman..children..then partner..this is the way it is..
@hi1234 (175)
• India
17 May 07
hi... a family is made by all of them,not the wife alone nor the,for their importance too,they cannot be considered alone,and,moreover,its a very general question to answer.
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@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
17 May 07
I think it all depends on priority, the urgency and importance of the situation. For the husband and being the head of the family, I think he should treat his wife and children as equally importance. Without his wife and children, he will never be complete. If he chose his wife then it goes back to the same, incomplete. So, both should be his priority no matter what.
• United States
17 May 07
The Spouse always comes ahead of the children it is up to the parents to present a united parenting scheme to show and teach the children how a family works. Children grow and leave and you still have a spouse to live and grow with. If you teach the child that they are more important than a spouse then you have an upside down household. Because that means they are also more important than you. Grow with your spouse and teach the children so they can grow in a healthy family and create one of their own.
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
17 May 07
when a man gets married, he lives with his wife before the children, so that is the line of importance.