Why do some people think
@dragonokiefly (862)
United States
May 17, 2007 10:47am CST
it is their lot in life to tell people they need to quit smoking??? Do people think actually think smokers are stupid and don't realize this is bad for us?? We know it is, we know that it harms us, that it can kill us. Some smokers want to quit and just don't have the will power to over-come the addiction. Ok so you say use the stop smoking aids, well it doesn't work for everyone. Some smokers DO NOT want to quit. They enjoying smoking! Smokers don't need lectures on the dangers of what it can do to themselves or others. Unless a smoker is deaf, blind and dumb we have heard it all before.
I realize some people lecture because they care but not everyone does that. Some people like to butt into other people's without caring about them or even knowing them. If you feel you must say something about smoking then say it to your loved ones. DO NOT go bashing people you don't know and harping on the fact they need to quit. We know we do, we will when we are ready!
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15 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
17 May 07
I understand exactly where you are coming from.
These people who go around preaching their anti-smoking gospel to everyone within earshot are nothing more than self righteous elitists who have never been taught the good manners to mind their own business.
They have already caused it to be that the only place a person can smoke in public is outdoors, and now they want to restrict that also.
They don't have the good sense to not walk up to someone who is minding their own business and enjoying a smoke and then they want to complain because they were subjected to second hand smoke?
Let's use a little common sense here people.
If you don't want to be around the smoke, then stay the hell away from it.
I enjoy smoking and have no intention of quitting.
It is about the only thing left that I can enjoy.
I expect any day now to read where of these self-appointed anti-smoking Nazis opened their overly large and loud mouth to the wrong smoker and promptly got it shut for them.
That is what it is going to take to get these idiots to start minding their own business, and they will have had it coming to them.
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
18 May 07
Well I must admit, occasionally I lecture and or tease my dad about his smoking. I do it though because I want him to know I still care about his health! He has been smoking for like 35 years now though or longer, so I know he isn't going to quit, but I like to make the effort in a silly-non judgemental way. My husband used to be a smoker before we met and doesn't smoke now, however he does sneak a smoke sometimes and that irritates me, and I do bash him, but only because I care and he has some lung problems so I just try and stress the importance to him. I don't EVER lecture anyone else though and certainly not someone on mylot lol!! I do understand some smokes (probably the majority of them) don't want to quit, and it's their perogative to do it, so who am I to say?
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
18 May 07
Thank you for understanding what I was trying to say. To me it is acceptable to lecture family in a loving non-judgemental way but to start in on people you don't know is another thing totally. I started this because hubby was getting lecture about quitting smoking on one of his discussions that smoking wasn't the point or topic.
Thanks for not being judgemental, maybe if more people were like you I wouldn't be so rebellious and keep smoking lol.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
18 May 07
I did see that in his post, and I just skipped over that part and responded with my suggestions about keeping the kids busy, lol! I was suprised to see people start like that, it was very irrelevent to the post!!! I think preaching to a stranger/aquitance ect is kind of ridiculous though, that must be annoying..lol!
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@sadgirl_1958 (1088)
• United States
18 May 07
Very well said. I am an ex-smoker and I know many ex-smokers are the worst offenders on this situation - but I keep my nose out of other people's business because I know how hard it is to quit smoking.
@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
17 May 07
I don't tell anyone they need to quit. I know this is not something you want to start with a smoker. And really I don't care if you do smoke.
However, there are many smokers who only talk about their rights to smoke. And they bug me. You may smoke but do it at home. Smoking kills people. Just 5 minutes in my mother's living room, even when she's not smoking at the moment, and I stink, because the stench lingers i her couch, in her books, in her drapes. I so absolutely hate getting dressed up and going out and 2 hours later when I come home I have to leave the clothes on my porch because they reak. Don't go talking about your rights. It is your responsibility to not harm anyone with your cancer sticks, your coffin nails.... Smoke all you want but don't get all defensive if I ask you not to smoke around me or my children.
So go ahead and smoke but do it in at your house, I don't care if you get cancer, or you spend thousands of dollars on something that will kill you, but not when I'm trying to enjoy my meal, or at the playground around my kids, or anywhere else the general non smoking public is trying to enjoy their day.
@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
17 May 07
And as I said in an earlier post.. I totally agree with you. I smoke but I get tired of hearing smokers complain about their rights just like everyone else. I avoid my habit when I am in a public place that could put "innocent" people at risk. I do not smoke in my home or around my children. All I was trying to point out is smokers do not need people to harp at them to quit. We know we need to quit but some don't want to.

@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
18 May 07
I don't know. I imagine they mean well, but I don't see what purpose it serves other than to irritate people. I am sometimes joined by a woman when we are having coffee who s really bothered by cgarette smoke. If we are sitting outside and there is someone smoking she makes such as a stink about it and announces it loudly, complains and leaves after a lot of fanfare. It is so embarassing.
She souldn't actually do it, either, because it isn't illegal to smoke outside and there is no non-smoking section so the people have just as many right as she does. I don't know what she hopes to accomplish because the smokers always ignore her and it irritates whoever is sitting with her.
@MJLami (1173)
• United States
18 May 07
You're right. We do know smoking is not healthy, not attractive, not a nice fragrance and not a good activity to be involved in. As someone currently working very much to be a non smoker today and for the rest of my life I truly empthasize with you. Of course I've heard all the negatives too - from family, coworkers, employers, neighbors, friends and I can easily say someone I want a relationship with who is now a non smoker stays away from me because of the smoking. Ex-smokers seem to be the least tolerant of all! What these people fail to realize is their negative commenting will not assist us. Keeping us from feeling good about ourselves will not strengthen our will power or our resolve to end a habit we've probably done longer than not in our lifetime. Yes you touch a hot stove and get burned so you learn not to do it. But with most things in life the better they feel the more you want to do them. Being commented on negatively just makes you want to stay away from those people and do the opposite of what they expect to force you into. We are our own rulers and masters. Be negative to me and I'll fight you and prove you wrong. Be positive and help me grow and change then I will want to. Too bad more people don't realize this really does work - not just about smoking but anything that matters in life.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
18 May 07
Okay, if smoking is so bad for you people who are smoking, and you know it is bad for you people who are smoking then why do you keep doing it? It like your friend telling you to go jump off of a bridge and you do it without question, you know not to do it, but you do? You can tell me that comment I have made is not true or that comment I have made is stupid, but it is true and you know it. Everytime you smoke and you know that it is bad for you, you are agreeing with that friend who tells you to go jump of a bridge. I have asthma in case you are stupid enough not to know that, and people who smoke are killing my health, get that! Everytime people smoke, others die too, not just them. You are being selfish by considering others and how they feel about smoking.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
18 May 07
You are being selfish by NOT considering others and how they feel about smoking. You are killing people, or are you blind to that?
@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
18 May 07
Did you bother to read what I said in ALL my posts?? I (ME, MYSELF) am considerate of non-smokers. I do NOT smoke in crowds, I do NOT smoke around my children and I DO agree that most places should be smoke-free. Attacking me and saying you have asthma in case I am stupid enough not to know that does not help me see things your way at all. I do not know you so please explain to me why I am stupid for not know you have a lung disorder. Everyone has choices to make in life, sometime we make the wrong choice but they are our's to make. As the person beore you said.. if you don't like the second-hand smoke stay away from it. I am sorry you have encountered people who are not considerate to you but not every smoker is like that. I will not apologize for my feeling about wishing people would lay off the lectures but I think you should for calling me stupid.
@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
18 May 07
Rogue- while I respect the way you feel towards smokers and smoking in general, I was not making excuses nor whining about anything. I am sorry that the people in your life have gotten cancer from smoking, I can see why this might upset you and cause you to be against smokers but attacking me and calling me names will get you no where. Why would you even think of wishing cancer on someone knowing personally what it can do to a person? I feel that was a mean and spiteful thing to say. Just because you do not agree with how I feel that doesn't give you the right to act childish. I did not attack you in any way, shape or form. I have respected your feelings as a non-smoker but now I have no respect for you as a human. You are a self-centered spiteful person that really needs to take a look into your own like and find out why you are so miserable so you can stop being so hateful towards others.
Please do not reply to any of my discussions again, you are not worth my time.
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@mnflower (1299)
• United States
18 May 07
well I think that it all boils down, right now the smokers are being targeted with the new laws about the smoking bans and all, I just recently quit myself but I did it for myself, yes I listened to alot of people tell me I should and tell me all the reason, it is there right to speak how they feel, it is how I react to what they say that matters, and it seems to me dragon you are just not having a good day and someone said something about your smoking so your venting, all in all that is kool but facts are facts and people wouldn't say anything if they truly didn't care.just don't let them get to you makes things easier, getting pissed about it is only making yourself miserable noone else.
@xiqechill (238)
• Indonesia
17 May 07
i don't really care about other people's smoking habit. i advise only to my close friends to quit smoking. but i thik they don't really care. coz, really smokers don't really care to quit, coz smoking for them is enjoying. hhaha.. so i just advised them to be sure that they have a life insurance so they will not give any trouble to their familiy if something bad happen to them coz of smoking. :D
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
17 May 07
some people care about others! it hurts them to know that you are hurting yourself!
smoking is very harmful to yourself and others too. Smoking is not a very intelligent thing to do.
you could quit right now if you really WANTED TO. those people want to Help you!
I want to help you too
nothing is impossible.......the more people who reinforce this idea, the sooner you will get the picture.....
so now is the time to Butt-Out
@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
18 May 07
Ok that is great but why the lectures? Whycan't people just say I know you know it is bad for you, I wish you would quit and leave it at that? The more you harp on it the more rebellious people become.
@nishchith (136)
18 May 07
there is nothing bad if u smoke but it does one thing it injures ur health thats all nothing else
@farhany (67)
• Canada
18 May 07
Smoking is a choice just like everything else in life. I never tell anyone to stop smoking. Just because I don't do it, I can't find that reason enough to tell others about their choices. Let them figure it out on their own, and make the right choices.
Everyone has their vice in life. I may not be smoker, but I am sure every one of us can stand to stop doing a few things that are not good for us...
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@MisterPlus (1915)
• Philippines
18 May 07
you just said it right. They don't have the right to tell to smokers we don't know what we are doing with our life. It is really the addiction that should be addressed not the person. I too, want to quit smoking. I say it to myself every morning but I can't quit it.
I am trying very hard to quit smoking. Hope to stop my smoking habit before it gets worst.
Thank you for your concern to smokers.
@AnimeSeller (31)
• United States
18 May 07
well you keep on telling people to stop quit smoking, but is a addiction! really hard to quit my advice is tell them to cut down! that the only best solutions! You cant tell sombody that smokes for a long time to stop right away! So like take their times you know to stop everything!