Labor Stories....
By toyhamarz
@toyhamarz (124)
United States
May 17, 2007 11:50pm CST
Every mom has her labor stories and I'm going to share mine. I love to tell it because it was the best craziest day of my life!
My due date was July 14, 2006. I live in Connecticut and my family lives in Jersey. On June 28th i drove my 9 month pregnant self 2.5 hours to Jersey for my fathers birthday. My husband is in the Navy and was out to sea so I figured it would be a great idea to spend a coulpe days with my family. At 6am on June 29th I woke up with my water broken, and not sure if I was having contractions. My doctor told me to come back to CT so they could examine me. Thier reasoning was that it was my first kid so I had PLENTY of time. So my divorced parents drove me. And while sitting in road construction traffic in labor I had a lot to say abou the Dr. who said to drive to her instead of the nearest hospital.
We got to the hospital at 2pm, I got my epi and was feeling great except for the fact that my husband wouldn't be able to be there since he was in the middle of the ocean and I wasn't due home until the day after my 'due date'. My father amazingly remembered Lamaze breathing from 24 years ago that he never got a chance to use until then. He coached me until the dr came in, then he hid in the corner until my son was born. Then he was the worlds proudest Grandpa taking pictures of the baby.
My husband pulled into a port the next day and got to come home 3 days later to meet his son.
And my father swears he should have taken me for a ride on his motorcycle the night before so that he could have shared his birthday with his grandson.
Thankyou for reading my long little story. Almost every parent I talk to loves to tell the story of when their beautiful baby was born, so share yours!
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11 responses
@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
18 May 07
well my labour started on a monday morning at 26 weeks and a few days. i woke up with a funny feeling in my stomach. i decided to call my doctor. she asked me to come in. when i got there she checked me and i was 3 cetemeters dialated and fully afaced. she called the hospital to tell them i was on my way. i was rushed in and poked with needles and had doctors in and out telling me what's going to happen and that my baby might die and that she would have all these problems and so on. i was high risk due to early labour. anyway by then i was having major contractons two minutes apart. the next day my water broke and the day after that right when i turned 27 weeks i had an emergency c-section. my daughter spent 2 months in the NICU. she is now almost 4 and it really helthy.
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@jessigirl116 (848)
• United States
18 May 07
My cool labor story is this- Kid #2- I woke up at 5am with slight contractions that were about 20 minutes apart. My labor from 5am til 3pm was uneventful. My contractions gradually got down to 5 minutes. My first labor was 30 1/2 hrs, so I thought I had plenty of time, as we were only 10 mins from the hospital. I had found a comfy spot outside in the lawn furniture, soaking up some sun, timing the contractions. My mom, my sister, my 2 nephews, a family friend, and of course, my son were all there to help me. My labor was so easy, I only had a few contractions that really hurt. At about 4:30pm, I noticed a funny feeling between contractions. It was a mellow contraction that I didn't really notice until it was gone. Well, we timed those for about 10 minutes, and then my sister called the nurse to ask about them. The nurse told her to count them too, and when she was told my contractions were 2 1/2 minutes apart, she wanted to send me an ambulance!! We declined and I got out of my comfy chair and went and changed my clothes. My mom and sister were freaking out, yelling at me, telling me to hurry! I took my time because I was referring to my first one and I didn't want to sit in that hospital room forever. They finally got me going, and by the time we got to the hospital, Andie was on her way! When they took me upstairs they told me they didn't have a delivery room ready so they put me in a labor room. The difference?? The end of the bed folds down on a delivery bed. The doc had to prop up my behind with a bed pan wrapped in a towel. The total time from entering the hospital to delivery- 8 minutes. If we would have hit one more red light, Andie would have been born in the van. They only had time for a BP cuff on me and a fetal monitor. 2 pushes and she was out.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
18 May 07
Yes, everyone loves to share thier labor stories, so I'll share mine!
#1. I was due August 20th, went to the doc's on the 18th miserable and huge, told him that if the baby didn't come over the weekend, he would have to induce me, b/c I could no longer handle not sleeping. (I was getting 2-3 hours a night). My hubby and I went out to eat on the 20th. We had a great dinner and went home. A few hours later I started to have contractions. I was throwing up constantly, as was my husband, we didn't know what was going on. We went to the hospital when the contractions were close together. They determined I was having hard braxton hicks contractions, due to the food poisioning I experienced from eating out. They hooked me up to an I.v and sent me home at about 2:30 in the morning. We went home and went to bed. I woke up at 10:00 a.m. with contractions. I was in labor. Went to the hopsital and they admitted me. THey had to break my water, because they could not get an accurate read on the baby's heartbeat. I threw up a lot while in labor. I Delivered at about 11:00 at night. A healthy 10 pound 14 ounce boy (21 inches long).
#2. Due to the large size of my previous boy, and my major discomfort, we decided to induce the second time around. I had been 3-4 centimeters for a couple of weeks. We took him one week early. I went in to be induced at 7:00 a.m. My contractions began after they broke my water. They checked me after they broke my water and I was at a 4 cm. They said, if you feel anything going on, let us know, sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes it takes a while. I called them back in 20 minutes later, I'm sure they thought I was crazy. But they checked me to humor me, and I was fully dialated to a ten. Thank God for an epidural, or that would have been painful! 6 cm in 20 minutes! Our next little angel came out after 2 good pushes, 9 pounds and 22 inches long!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
18 May 07
With #1 I was due Dec. 5th. On the evening of Dec.7th I took a really long walk. At about 2:45am on the morning of Dec. 8th I woke up having contractions. After we got to the hospital we found out that both my regular doctor and her back up were unavailable so I had to use a male doctor I'd never even met before. He ended up ordering too much pain medication so I basically slept for the whole labor. I barely remember my daughter being born.
With #2 I was due July 8th. On the morning of July 13th I again woke up with contractions. I timed them until about 8:30am then called my husband's workplace. He made it home in record time even though he stopped to tell his mom the baby was on the way. I wasn't expecting him for at least another 20 minutes so I was still in the tub when he got there. He panicked at first because I didn't answer when he called to me (I couldn't hear him). That labor also went smoothly and our son was born just after 4:00 pm.
With #3 I was due Aug. 7th. One the night of July 31st I just had a feeling it wouldn't be much longer so I made sure everything was prepared and ready. Throughout the morning of Aug. 1st I had contractions on and off but nothing regular until about 2:30. I knew it was finally starting but wanted to let my husband sleep a little longer (he worked nights). I took the two other children and went on my normal daily walk. I stopped in to see my mother in law and she jokingly asked if I was out walking to try and start labor, I said "No, it already started!" She got all excited and offered to give me a ride back home (thinking it had started while I was out walking). I explained that I was fine and just letting my husband sleep until I needed to go to the hospital. We walked back home and waited a bit longer. I woke him up at 5 so he could get dinner quick, then we dropped the kids off with my mom and got to the hospital at around 7:00pm. I was sitting up in bed feeling quite comfortable until a little after 9:30pm and our daughter was born with one push just after 10:00pm.
My 4th was my hardest and worst labor. I was due Mar. 8th but had been having contractions off and on every day for a week. On the night of Mar. 6th I decided to go to the hospital because they seemed to be a little more regular. By 8:30am Mar. 7th I was still only 4 cm dilated so my doctor decided to break my water and start pitocin. She refused pain medication because she thought the baby would come very quickly and there wouldn't be time to order up the medication. She was VERY wrong. I labored another 5 hours until my 2nd son was finally born with the help of the vacuum because he was stuck and his heart rate was dropping dangerously low. She said another 5 minutes and I would have needed an emergency cesarean. But he was born perfectly healthy and was fine.
With #5 I was due on April 16th. He was being stubborn though so on April. 24th my doctor scheduled an induction for 9am April 26th. But on April 25th my contractions started! I went to the hospital at about 7:00pm so we could get settled in for the night and my 3rd son was born just after 2:00am. He was my biggest at 8 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long but he only took 3 pushes, one for his head and two for his chest because his chest and belly were bigger than his head (usually the head is the biggest but since he was so over due he'd put on extra weight in the middle like babies usually do in the first few weeks after being born).
With #6. there has been debate about my due date. I said using dates based on my cycles that I should have been due on Oct. 30th. We used that date for the whole pregnancy and my belly measurements always matched that date. I didn't go into labor though until Nov. 13th. I labored very comfortably at home for 17 hours before heading off to the hospital. We live 45 minutes away and stopped for drive through because "Daddy was hungry!". We got there at 9:00pm, were getting settled into our room by 9:30pm (our hospital has "birthing rooms" so the labor delivery and recover all occur in the same room). Our 4th son was born at 10:18pm, on his own without pushing or the assistance of my doctor. She simply pulled the blanket back and picked him up after I told her the baby was coming out. She also made a mistake and announced that he was a girl at first! She quickly corrected herself but it was still a little funny since I had been sort of hoping for another girl and didn't find out by ultrasound before hand like I had with the others. Oh almost forgot to finish about why my due date was debated...even though by my original date based on my cycles he was 2 weeks late, based on his appearance at birth he was 2 weeks early. Since I know what an over due baby looks like because of #5 being so late I know that #6 did not appear to be late either. I still haven't quite figured out how I could have been 4 weeks off like that but all I care is that he is here and healthy and nothing else really matters!
So now I have 2 girls and 4 boys (plus a step son and step daughter) and unless God decides otherwise and circumvents all my best methods of protection, we will have no more labor stories!
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
18 May 07
#1 I started having contraction before midnight on March 6th. I stayed up a while timing them and getting pretty excited. I kind of "knew" that was it, but at the same time was in disbelief because my due date wasn't for another month. I finally went to bed and was able to sleep all night. I woke the next morning with the contractions a bit more painful so I ran a warm bath and soaked, and ended up falling asleep. When I woke the water was cold and the contractions were back up. I just kind of flittered around the house all day, not really doing anything but trying to stay comfortable. My partner works nights so he was asleep all day. Around 3 PM I knew he was getting up so I went to go pee before he took over the bathroom. When I sat down I had a really bad pain and instinctively reached donw and lifted my belly. As soon as I did my water broke. I got my partner up and in the shower while I called the midwife and finished packing. We had to drive an hour as there are no midwives near me. Once I got to the birthing center the midwife checked me and said I was almost ready, then filled the spa with warm water and turned on the bubble jets. I stayed in the water for a while until I had to push, then we moved to the bed. The midwife was worried about me having the baby in the water since I was earlier than she liked. I pushed for about 30 minutes, then at 6:15 my baby boy was born. He was wide awake and alert and never cried, just looked around at everyone and everything. :)
With #2 I had been in labor for days with very slow progress. The day before i had him was the first day I felt great all day and had no contractions so I took my oldest son out playing and then cleaned the house some. It was after midnight when I finally laid down and as soon as I closed my eyes I heard a loud pop and felt my water break. I jumped out of bed, called my partner at work to come home, and started getting all of my birth supplies. It was an extremely fast labor which made it even more painful and nothing seemed to work. Added to it was that my partner and I were fighting and I felt very alone and helpless during the labor. When I hit transistion I got scared and begged him to do something, unfortunately instead of being there for me he took me to the hospital. I walked in ready to push and had my second son in the hallway with the nurses and a very rude doctor.
I do not plan on having anymore, but if I do I will strive harder to have a homebirth and make certain that my partner understands better what I need.
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
18 May 07
I have 2 Daugthers a 5 year old and a 10 month old. When I was pregnant with my 5 year everything about that pregnancy and labor was bad I was huge, had alot symptoms, and I was in labor for over 10 hours. I was having contractions on September 11, 2001 I am sitting in the emergency room on monitors the doctor said I was only 3 centimeters dialated I am sitting in the room on monitors I had no ideal what was going on all I could hear is nurses and doctors panicing and runing to the waiting room to watch tv, then I hear an announcement on the hospital loud speaker stating that hospital is under emergenccy surveiliance I started getting scared because I had no idea what was going on .I went to the nurses station no one was there I went out to the registration desk no one was there. I then go out to the waiting room all the doctors and nurses were in the waiting room crowding around the tv watching the news to hear about the bombings one plane went down not to far from where we were. I demanded a shot to stop the contractions and wanted out of that hospital right away.When I left the hospital the City was empty the parkway was crowed with cars trying to get out of the City. I was 9 months pregnant my baby would have been ok if I had my baby then but I was not about to stay in that hospital at that time.I woke up around 8am on September 21, 2001 I went to the bathroom and my water broke. I went to the hospital I was still only 3 centimeters dialated I had to get potoson to bring contractions I was terrified to get epidoral but my labor pains were so terrible my grandma felt my contractions and was able to tell me when I was getting to have a contraction. I ended up getting the epidoral my daugther was born @ 10:29PM 9/21/01. My 2nd pregnancy and labor was a walking in the park compared to my 1st I was even pregnant longer with the 2nd but I did not have alot of symptons and did not gain as much weight. I was due on July 21, 2006. On July 16, 2006 I started feeling light menestraul feeling cramps throughout the day. Cramps were very light and were not getting any stronger I was not sure if I was in labor or not I thought I was just dialating a little because on July 14,2006 I went to the doctor I was only 2 centimeters dialated. I did not want to go to the hospital and then get sent home so I waited. The cramps did not get stronger and stronger like my previous pregnancy and the cramps went away when I sat in the bath tub so I wasnt sure. After about 4 hrs I left to go to the hospital at 11:30PM 7/16/06 I waiting in the waiting room for about an hour or 2 I waiting in the triage for about an hour to 2 hours they put me on monitors the nurse said based on the monitor it does not appear that I am in labor (not alot of contractions) I will probably be going home soon, she offered me ginger ale I accepted and drank both small cans of ginger ale. The doctor had to examine me to release me the doctor examine me and said I was 7 centimeters dialated I nearly fell off the bed because I was in shock. They then rushed me to the delivery room broke my water I started to vomit the ginger ale, and I got to 10 in almost no time and my baby was born at 4:29am on July 17, 2006. I did not take any pain relievers with the 2nd labor not even motrim I was laying on my stomach that night and boy did it feel good to finally be able to lye on my stomach.
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@rapolu_cs (1184)
• India
18 May 07
Great,iam very curious about these labor stories as i got section for my 1st issue and i feel great to them who expierences thes labor pains in giving birth to the youngones. Thanks for sharing.
@tictactams (135)
• Australia
18 May 07
kid number 5 comes along i had trouble thru my pregancy with the placenta being low lying i suffered bad back ache bad hicks and bracks all the way thru one day i was bleedin so bad that they put me in hospital for few days then they decided to bring me on cause my placenta wouldnt hold out long enough and bubs would dye they put me on the stuff to bring me on and within 15 min i was in labour took me a hour and half and he was born def no more cause when i carry boys i have hassles my girl no problems plus 5 is enough to make the population bigger :)
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@tictactams (135)
• Australia
18 May 07
kid number 4 i went for a walk to the shops one day and on the way home i was in alot of pain when got home i went for a shower to ease the pain and i had blood pouring out so i went to the hospital and my placenta had givin away so they brought bubs on they made he was head down ready but he ended up moving he ended up coming out feet first took me four hours thought thats it def no more til.....
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@tictactams (135)
• Australia
18 May 07
kid number 3 my ex took me for a drive on a rough road to make me hurry up and have bubs that night when he dropped me off i was in alot of pain bleeding i went straight to hospital twenty min later my daughter was born quickiest yet
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@tictactams (135)
• Australia
18 May 07
kid number two some pain killers four hour labour all went so sweet
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