Intel's new line of processsors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By arpit86
@arpit86 (14)
May 18, 2007 3:45am CST
Hello guys,
Intel is all set to launch its new line of processors. recently intel launched its dual core processor (combining two processors into one). Now intel is all set to launch its quad core processor( combining 4 processors) by year end and will then launch eight core processor after just 1 to 2 years, du you know that intel is working on a prototype 80 core processor. just imagine the speed from such processors. infact just imagine 5 years from now, how our computer will work.
7 responses
@jimbomuso (950)
18 May 07
It's cool ! but intel and most chip manufacturers are trying to slow the development of home computers to make more money out of us. Dual core processors are not a new concept, The Cray super computer uses similar ideas and they were made nearly 40 odd years ago !! I think PC's are getting faster and faster, but programmers are being lazy in how they use that power for example not optimising code and just using brute processing power. I think our computers will be not to different in 5 years, they''ll just probably be a lot smaller(or completely intergrated into a uniform like the police), more intuative and respond to a variety of inputs( speech, Muscular macro's etc ) I just hope they get cheaper and cheaper otherwise well create a technological underclass.
@arpit86 (14)
• India
18 May 07
thanks for ur response.
u r right. multiprocessor acrhitecture was proposed many years ago. infact i am studying about multiprocessor architecture right now. but i dont feel that intel and other chip manufacturers are purposely delaying their introduction in market. its not only the processor speed that counts. its also the ram speed, front system bus, cache memory that determines the speed of the computer. although processors are getting extremely fast with time, ram, fsb, cache etc are developing at a slow rate. therefore implementing multiprocessors in such conditions will not help much as alone ptocessor power cannot boost performnace but sure it will boost the prices.
in quad-core the cache size is 8 mb which is tremendously high and now even ram are available with a frequency of 1066 mhz so implementing multiprocessor makes sense.
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@jimbomuso (950)
18 May 07
Im really interested in the state of technologies but I'm a generalist with only a little tech knowledge to fall back on, but I know there's a limit to processor development. There are other area's that need to be looked at like multi parrallel processing using smaller streamlined chips kind of like the old Mac RISC processors or what about stacking the chips on top of each other but using a large processor to 'manage' them. There's other stuff to like storage devices because as computers get more complicated file's will just get bigger and bigger so eventually the hardware will fall behind, and retrieval and loading times will increase! anyhoo it was just a couple of thoughts!! :-)

@ritwikghoshal (405)
• India
18 May 07
i am using core 2 duo and it's really fabulous..
i think after 5 year a new pc would work in a supersonic speed...

@ritwikghoshal (405)
• India
19 May 07
thanks a lot for the information .. though i am not very interested about gaming ..but still your information was helpful.
@arpit86 (14)
• India
19 May 07
i m really waiting waiting for the quad-core to come out. intel has even developed a game called as anam blake for its quad-core processor in partnership with nvidia. the game has the highest graphical detail till date. dont believe me?? go check in youtube for 'anam blake' or something like that.

@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
21 May 07
That's nice I've been searching for a new processor. See I'm getting a new computer and I want the best processor out there. Seriously the best or a great working and fast one. I play a lot of computer games and I hate lagging and slow loading and when it's freezes. Do you have any suggestions on what do I need to buy or suggestions on what to buy. I want a fast computer, do you know what I need for that? Like memory or ram? Please help me.
@arpit86 (14)
• India
22 May 07
First of all i m extremely sorry for replying u so late. my exams are on so cant take out enuf time for computers. i see that u r primarily looking for a computer to play games. i suggest u to go for a gaming console instead of a computer. today u buy a high end computer and in no time another high end computer will be available. games will increase their requirements. u can go for xbox 360 or ps3 in my opinion
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
22 May 07
I think you're a little behind on your info. Intel released their first dual core processors over 2 years ago, not recently. AMD released their dual cores only a few months later. Quad core processors will be useless for the average home user since Windows can't effectively utilize them. Dual core processors have been out for over two years now and there are hardly any programs that can actually take advantage of their power. The few programs that do, are mostly games. Intel is just trying to impress people, but really, it's like putting a race car's engine on top of a bicycle. Sure that engine is powerful, but the bicycle can't use it.
@Danyhaddad (122)
• Lebanon
22 May 07
Wow thats really fast!!! but i think that it wil get to a point that if we use those proceccers on our comps now then eventually there wont be a difference. I mean like i dont think there is a difference between 8 core and 80 unless ur running like supper applications
@oliverdt (1958)
• Philippines
21 May 07
Wow, I think intel just want our precious money. Its like cellphone, every month or year they make a new model. So what people do? they buy it becuase its the new trend. How many computer do you have in your house if you buy every new model of Intel Processor. In 5 years from now I think you'll get 6 to 10 high end Pc. But I assure you that it will not break the speed of light. cuz if it happen computer can telleport us from country to country.. hehehe weird lol.
@omboi_ecarma (12)
23 May 07
How does the dual core processor works? What's the difference with its predecessor?