Weird thing happening to me.

@DawGwath (1042)
May 18, 2007 10:32am CST
In the last couple of months, something weird has been happening to me. In various moments of the day, it would come to lay my eyes on a watch (my computer watch or mobile watch), and in that specific moment it would show a specific hour and minutes like 07:07, 14:14, 18:18 (just happened 10 minutes ago...) or other hours like that. At first it was happening about once or twice a day, but for example today it happened to me about 6 times, and the day isn't over yet... I don't know if it's just coincidence, if there's some change in the atmosphere, or if aliens are trying to contact me, lol. Also, my mother said it happens to her too, but not as much as it happens to me. No other members of the family, or friends have confirmed that they experienced this sort of thing. My sister used to joke on this one, as in some superstitions it is said if something like this happens to you, it means 2 persons love you (like the one that if you look at your watch and it's a sharp hour, like 12:00, then somebody loves you). Anyway, did this ever happen to you, or am I going nuts?
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5 responses
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
18 May 07
Hi DawGwath, it did happen to me occassionally. I wont be bother about that if I were you and maybe your sister was right, maybe there are 2 persons who loves you.
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@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
18 May 07
Yeah, but I doubt it there are 2 persons (like girls) who love me for real (like in romantic love). Well... to think of it, yes there may be 2 persons. This may sound really weird, but there's one of my best friends, who is homosexual, and he confessed he loves me. I couldn't do much, just to try to help him. He says that this is the only thing that kept him alive (because he started to take heroin). For me it was one hard part of my life, because I had to help him to fight it, without anyone else finding out. He's still having pains sometimes, but I try to help him as much as I can. The other person could be a girl that has contacted me many times. I try to be as receptive with her as I can, but I'm not a good connection maker (so, not a good socializer), but I'm doing my best.
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
18 May 07
You are such a sweet person. You are a support to your first friend and the second, I hope you will make your first move soon. Good luck.
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@zamm13 (363)
• Philippines
19 May 07
like for example when i respond to this discussion. I see ellie with his/her comment and her number of points and guess what? its 666!
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• United States
23 Jun 07
i can't say i've had the double number time thing..but i have had days where it seemed no time passed whatsoever hardly. you'll be doing some you know took a long time,and it seems like your watch is almost the same as when you looked at it last.maybe it's just because the chore is tedious..i dunno..
@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
23 Jun 07
Hmm, this is new. Well, maybe it happened to me too, but very rarely, as I try not to find my work or whatever I do, to get boring. I try to keep things entertaining :D
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• United States
18 May 07
It happens to me all the "time"! LOL! Love the alien idea! LOL!!! I just recently read that seeing numbers like this is a message from angels, reminding us that we are being watched over and cared for.
@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
18 May 07
Hehe, never heard of that, but it's a nice idea. It will make me feel more secured. Thanks :D
@nancyrowina (3850)
26 May 07
That is strange I didn't know the superstition about people loving you, you must be a very popular person if that's true. This doesn't happen to me very often and hardly ever more than once in a day, Maybe you should call Mulder Sculley...
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@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
26 May 07
Lol, great idea, they would surely solve this case right now ;) Heh, I'm not very popular, as in people always contacting me, and being busy with all of that (like a celebrity), but I've done some stuff in my city, and I'm somehow known, and recognised.
@zamm13 (363)
• Philippines
19 May 07
It happens to me too! I was a rebel before, some kind of rebel to God, an ex anti-christ. I find it weird to see the number 6 in all things that i encounter. Plate numbers with 66 or 666 in it. Composing a txt msg with 66 characters remaining. Etcetera etcetera. Do you think that the devil wont wanna let me go?
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@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
19 May 07
Lol, if the devil exists, I don't think he really has the power to "not let us go", only if you want to. But the fact that this happens to you is much more weirder than the thing with the time. Anyway, as long as nothing bad happens to you, there's nothing wrong with you seeing the number.