If you have only a month to live, what would you do?

May 18, 2007 11:06am CST
Sometimes people take for granted the things that comes along their way. We usually think that there is always tomorrow. That's why some don't live life to the fullest. Maybe it's time for us to realize that we are just temporary beings in this world, so we better make the most out of life. Live life to the fullest. Whenever you reach the point wherein your schedule is so tight that it seems impossible for you to squeeze in other important matters, you suddenly regret the days you felt lazy and did nothing. Now you cram and try to do all the things you need to accomplish before the given deadline. But still, you missed out some things. Things that should have mattered. Do you remember that feeling? What if suddenly you were told that you have a month to live. Either you are terminally ill or diagnosed with cancer. What would you do with your remaining days and how would you spend it?
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5 responses
@steven318 (469)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 07
i will try to tell the lover that i love her so long .. bcoz focus the study i hav wait 2 yrs to keep inside my heart to secret tat i like her... if i just leave so short time i hav to tell it... or mayb hav to secret it coz dun wana make her sad n make her forget me from sad...
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
27 May 07
i will hunt down the doctor who tell me that. only God can determine how long you live no some white gown bad news bearer.
• Canada
18 May 07
I pray this never happens as I believe finding out when you were going to die would have to be one of the hardest things you would ever have to face . Looking at my beautiful children and knowing I would not be there to watch them grow would devestate me and the thought that my younger children would probably never remember me as they are so young , is heartbreaking . I believe I would spend the first little while crying as it would definitley take some time to be able to get in a frame of mind to think of what I needed and wanted to get done . I believe I would spend a lot of time making sure that my children were going to be well taken care of when I was gone and that they knew just how much they were a part of my life and how much I loved them . I would probably write them all a letter that they would have that would tell things to them about the day they were born and all the happy times I had ever since because of them . I would want them to have something to remember me by and to know that I would always be watching over them . I would want my husband to know how much I cared for him and would want him to have a happy life after I was gone , although this would hurt as well to picture him with someone else . I would like to think I would be noble and would be able to accept all this but not sure I would be able to . I don't think I would be able to handle the situation as well as I would hope and give a lot of credit to all the people who have had to and will have to endure this type of situation for their strenght in being able to make it through such a tough time that will surely reusult with such a sad ending .
• United States
19 May 07
It is hockey playoff time so I would watch to see who would hoist the Cup. Then I wouls see all my favorite movies that I have on DVD and VHS.
• Canada
18 May 07
I have three friends right now ready to exit this world, and I am amazed with what they are doing. Some, nothing but enjoying morning coffee on the paris, another, going crazy with everything and everyone, another, just being alive is good enough. What would I do? I would just exsist and wait it is out of my hands anyway. My time to go, is my time to go. I would except it and be very excited about the journey to come....