Have you ever fell like this!

May 18, 2007 12:15pm CST
Do you ever like breaking down or maybe feel out of place, even you had a lot of friends but none could understand what do you want. With big fake smile and and stupid lies while deep inside your bleeding. In your mind u just thinkin' when this is OVER.
2 responses
• United States
18 May 07
Yea I have felt like this before. I forced myself to talk to someone that was caring. Talking about it really helps. If you feel this way, please talk to a family member or a friend. Sometimes we think nobody cares, but in reality there is always at LEAST one person who does. Believe me, you'll be surprised. Best wishes.
@vicvic (12)
• Indonesia
18 Jun 07
yup..you're right.talking to a close friend or a family member is really help.we need someone who cares with us.we can't stand alone,and i hope i can be your friend... :-)
@Phlamingho (7825)
• Denmark
18 May 07
I think everyones has felt like that at some point in their life. Deep down we all know that some persons do care if we really think about it though :-)