Now That Tony Blair Is Retiring, What Job Would You Like To See Him Do?
By OhMyDayz
@OhMyDayz (157)
May 18, 2007 6:49pm CST
Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister is retiring in July.
I was just wondering what job do you think he should do.
I have a few suggestions:
A Road Sweeper, so he can clean all the shite from the streets he has made.
A Social Security worker, so he can see how many unemployed there are in this country.
A Job Centre worker, so he can see what shite wages most jobs offer.
So what job would you have lined up for him.
I would love to hear your views.
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4 responses
@jakester519 (355)
19 May 07
I would have to say troop commander in Afghanistan or Iraq. The troops he would command would be members of his family and cabinet, that way he would see the stress and strain placed upon us UK forces when out of area in these places. Perhaps he would also have the anguish of losing friends and family in a combat situation where we have no real need to be.
Sorry if that sounds bitter.....just the way I feel, and feel strongly about.
@OhMyDayz (157)
19 May 07
I agree with every word you say jakester, he has put the lifes of so many soldiers in danger and has caused heartache for many who will never see their loved ones again. If this had been a just war, then maybe alot more would have stood with him, but this is a war based on lies and greed.
He thinks he is going to go down in history as a great leader, my eye, he will be one of the most hated PM's the UK has ever had and sadly under the name of Labour, what shite. Brown and him have turned this country into a mess and now we are left with Brown, please, do any of us want that low life as our PM, well I certainly don't.
If I had my way I would have Mr Blair cleaning the shite off the shoes of the soldiers who are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I thank you for your comments.
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@jakester519 (355)
19 May 07
It's good to see support for our guys out there. Too many people treat us with disdain, like we have a choice in where we go. We do what we are told and just hope that at the end of our tour we all come back in one piece, Politicians need to take more responsibility for the crap that is going down out there, they also need to know when to say enough is enough, but I guess that is just a dream I have. I'm never going to see it.
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@OhMyDayz (157)
19 May 07
Isn't it always the same in every war. The rich sit back and do nothing while the soldiers go out and fight for their country. I do not think anything has changed throughout history.
I am disgusted by the way this government has treated all those who have gone into the army with the belief to defend the country they love and want to serve and that very country has turned their backs on them.
There was a demonstration in London a while back by the soldiers who wanted to make a point at how they had been forgotten, but did it make an impact, did it heck. Ken Livingston did not even have the decency to come out and talk to the forgotten soldiers who have served their country and have been wounded and then had to then fight for a decent pension. This country makes me sick and I just hope any person thinking of joining the Queens Army should think again. You will be treated like fodder, while the likes of people like Prince Harry can sit back in the comfort of their homes and not experience what a real soldier has to endure.
I for one would never fight for this country after seeing the way our soldiers are treated.
Its all completely disgusting and it should be exposed alot more.
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
19 May 07
Well, perhaps he can aspire a job in the entertainment industry like one of Holland's former politicians :P
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@jimbomuso (950)
23 May 07
There are sooooooooooo many sh#t or extremely difficult jobs I'd have lined up for him. As an example I'd have him working as a physio for battlefield amputees so he can see first hand the consequences of his and Bush's actions. Or working with the elederly to see how he's killing offf half the pensioner population through the messed up pension system(which brown helped screw up). Or make him a support worker for all the young people I have to see who are being screwed up by poverty, poor health and dissafteced politicians!! I agree with the suggestion of making him either a commander in afghanistan or Iraq! I support our boys over there, but not the reason they were sent! They are incredible brave and couragoues men and woman who have been so carelesly treated by our own government(shoddy supplies, low ammo, few amoured vehicle's) I mean giving someone a job then denying them the tools to do the job is just pathetic!! I'll be back when I've thought of some more interesting and 'just' Sh#te jobs!!
• United States
23 May 07
Personally I think they should send him along with Mr Bushie poo over to IRAQ since they seem to think it was such a great idea to begin with - you hear me - or they should atleast be told they have to clean an Elephants Dumping area for 8 years - either one will work best for me to see - and they should tape it and make it into a reality show I say