moving from home!

United States
May 18, 2007 10:43pm CST
I have to say that God blessed me with some very awsome friends. I dont know if you know how it feels to leave behind friends that you grew up with. Things are so different now. Its been 6 years since I moved from my home town and I still talk to every single one of my childhood friends! Althought things are slighty complicated, we still keep in touch. I think that its very important to do that. I guess thats when you know who your friends really are. I wish that things could be different. I wish I had met the love of my life John in my home town. Dont get me wrong I would not change anything for all the friends in the world. My husband and my daughter are the most important thing in the world. But I love my dear friends alot because they were my family when I was growing up? Contradicting myself? Yeah its pretty complicated!
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