what sort of person do you think a Pagan is?
By Galena
@Galena (9110)
May 19, 2007 1:08pm CST
regardless of what you think of their religious beliefs.
what sort of person are they? what sort of things do they do? how do they behave? what sort of issues do you think they care about? what do they eat, or wear? what sort of morals do they have?
a lot of people seem to have a lot of unfounded ideas of how Pagans live their lives. curious to see what people really do think, right or wrong.
I don't want to see any shouting or abuse. just an honest opinion of what you think their lives are like. ignore the religious practices and beleifs. what sort of person is a Pagan.
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29 responses
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 May 07
Oh, who thinks of them as people?
*grins to show I'm joking*
They're unique, average people just like everyone else. Right now, they seem to have a tendency to be good people (But that might not last too long, unfortunately..I hope it does last a good long time. Nooo to the faith being filled by the loadful with jerks thing..noo lol). They make mistakes like everyone does but they're usually pretty smart folks.
Now just don't ask me my opinion on myself lol. I'll go on too much trying to find the words.
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@hezoid (2144)
19 May 07
I would assume that just like members of any religion that pagans would differ in the sort of person they are, the things they do, how they behave etc. I doubt that everyone who is a Pagan is identical to the next one! They are no doubt all individuals, doing individual things. I don't think you could generalise to be honest.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
19 May 07
They're the same sort of person as anyone else. There are nice ones, mean ones, short ones, tall ones. There are people who have always been Pagan and people who have just become Pagan. Any type of person you could think of, there are probably some of that are Pagan.
Of course, as a Pagan, I would like to think that we tend to be honest, caring people who genuinely want to work positive change in ourselves and the world aruond us.
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@APMorison (424)
• United States
19 May 07
Pagans, hmmmm, pretty standard go to work, pay the bills, normal people - at least I know I am ;)
I've run into all sorts though - some that think that Pagan means poor and ragged - ah well
Some that think if you buy enough beads and crystals you are a Witch Queen - always entertaining
then the rest of us in the middle, walking the path, praying our prayers and doing the average person 'do'
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@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
19 May 07
I think pagans are just like other people with the same hopes & dreams as other people, they just don't go to "church" on sunday or other religious temples or mosques on those holy days.
Or, at least that's how I've found them to be - I do think a few more of them are vegetarian than I've met in some other walks of life.
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@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
20 May 07
A Pagan is a hardworking individual with strong beliefs. As with any other other type of person, some may be devout and others may be disinterested. A pagan lives for the best of the Earth and the best of each other. He or she may be dark haired or light, a red head or bald. The children may be clad in cotton and bare feet or jeans and sandles or the best designer apparel afforded. A Pagan may eat meat or may not, some may be vegetarian, some vegan. Some may brew there own cures for illnesses and some may drink tea everyday or not. Many try to teach their beliefs to others so as to hand down the journey. A Pagan may be black or white, yellow or tan. From high society or the poor class. A Pagan may be the Mayor of a town, the policeman on the beat, or your childs teacher. There is no difference in a Pagan or a Protestant, a doctor or a lawyer, a waitress or a chef.
A Pagan is simply put, a human being!!
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@rainbow (6761)
19 May 07
I'm pretty sure they're just lke everyone else. regard their rituals and ideals as normal and probably live more natural and blamelessly than most of us.
Their beliefs and way of life is no stranger than any other.
I am not religious and we all live our lives the best way we can, I'm a bit of a tree hugging old hippy if I'm honest although not technically old enough.
People are just people, what they bleieve in amy make them a better person but also open to others judging them.
It is unfair to judge a religion without a lot of knowledge of it and also unfair to judge a person by their religion, so I hope you do not have an explosion of angry people here.
I'm not being nasty at all and it could be a fantastic discussin as indeed I feel it is but you could be in for the trouble makers jumping you honey.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
19 May 07
I think pagans, like any people, with any religious beliefs,(or even lack of beliefs), want good lives, and to love their families, and be gainfully employed, and to go to bed at night with a clear conscience and wake up to a good day. I may not agree with, or understand their religious beliefs, but I certainly agree with their humanity.
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@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
19 May 07
Well, let me see, I am a pagan, and I would hope that I come accross as any other human being out there. No matter what my beliefs, I still have morals, as any other person, I still live my life to the fullest, like I would think many others, my religion or not, also do.
I still lead a normal life, I have children to take care of, money to make, groceries to shop for, even responsibilities.
I live my Pagan life just as others my live their lives.
Although, we may have some different religions beliefs, such as the Gods and Goddesses are not worshipped by everyone, along with magick and such. Magick is not practiced by many not involved with my religion.
But my religious beliefs DO NOT make me who I am. I am just a regular person who leads a regular person's life, but just follows a different path of religious beliefs.
I am not an outsider, and I am sort of offended when you say, " What kind of person are they,what they care about, how they behave, what do they eat, wear, or what morals do we have? "
Well, I guess I eat what appeals to me, nothing to do with religion though. I just have my preferences in food, and I don't use my religion to decide.
I wear also what appeals to me, I let personality and preference to decide,not religion.
My morals consist of honesty, faithfullness, and just being yourself.
I try to be who I am no matter whom I am talking to. I do not bring the subject of religion about most of the time, because I realize many people follow different paths.
It is unfair to judge due to religion.
Religion DOES NOT make you who you are.It is just a part of you, a belief of yours.
If you are a true believer, the religion prefrence of others doesn't bother you. (At least it doesn't bother me. If it did, I would have NO friends. I rarelly find a pagan in my home town).
I guess I would have to say I behave just as others do, I react to sadness by feeling sad myself, I react to anger by feeling angry myself, same for happiness or any other emotion. For example, if a stranger came up to me and downgraded my outfit and told me how awful I looked, I would be angry and I would feel insecure, just as anyone else probably would. I have the same feelings as any other normal human being.
My morals are just as any other moral person. I would never steal, rape, murder,commit any sort of illegal or immoral act.
I am kind of offended that you would speak of pagans as though we follow an odd religion or odd people. That statement is very untrue.
As a matter of fact, Paganism is growing in numbers day by day. Many people are converting to this very old religion, which dates back thousands of years before Christianity.
It is in the top 5 list of most popular religions.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
20 May 07
I don't think Galena meant to offend, Jennifer. From what I've read of her discussions, she has some nontraditional notions of her own, and an open mind. She also has a knack for putting up discussions that are sometimes out of the ordinary, but spark good dialogue.
Your comment was very well thought out and written. Great job!
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@Galena (9110)
20 May 07
you do realise I'm asking these questions as an insider, right?
I'm curious as to thr outsiders perspective, as there seems to be loads of different misconceptions.
I was born and raised in a Pagan family. I don't have the same outsider perspective most people do, and a lot of people seem to think I'm not what they'd expect a Pagan to be like (while at the same time saying that they just knew I was)
the stereotypes seem to veer from baby eaters, to promiscuous, hard drinking hard smoking benefit frauds, to airy fairy hippies.
none of which is what I'm like.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
20 May 07
I think a pagan is just like me. They have jobs, pay taxes, get old. They go to school. They fall in love, get married, have kids, even get divorces. They worry about the same things I do: will I have enough money to pay my bills, is my car going to last another year, how am I going pay for my medicine if my insurance won't cover it. I think that they worry about their children's futures and their own retirement. I they dress like everyone else. They wear jeans and t-shirts or dresses or whatever they have that they like (i like my pajamas and slippers). They have library cards and credit cards and lots of debt just like me. Maybe they have a few dogs like I do or even a cat or two.
I personally think that pagan are just like everyone else. Some are bums and othes aren't. Some are law abiding and some aren't. Some have children, some dont. Some own houses while others rent. Some have very strict morals and other are more free love, just like everyone else. Being pagan doesnt make you somehow different from everyone else in the world. It just means that you have different spiritual beliefs, but everything else is the same. Heck, you could be my bank teller or my doctor or even my next door neighbor.
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@beccacoward (525)
30 May 07
I apologise if I seem uneducated in this, but thats because I am...
I always saw Pagans as very spiritual people that are well-grounded and involved with their environment. Obviously, I think Pagans do what all normal people do, they have jobs and they go shopping, but I think they also practise Magick (is it with a K?) for good, bad, and inbetween. I think if you are going to get involved with Magic(k?) you should be a good moraled person, but I don't know if this is true in Pagan society. To rip off Alan Partridge, "every religion has its sh*ts."
I'd be interested to know more about Paganism, to be honest, as I feel like a bit of a nonce having no idea about it whatsoever. x
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@Galena (9110)
30 May 07
sounds like you've got it about right.
although not all Pagans practice Magic (I don't tend to use the K, as I think it makes it look like trying to be mystical and interesting, hehe. but some do to distinguish between it and illusion)
good old Alan hit the nail on the head there.
there's quite a few Pagans on here, and lots of threads to be found.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
20 May 07
I'm an atheist, not a pagan, although my personal beliefs are informed by a deep love and respect for Gaia (the modern concept, not the mother of the Titans.)
I would think that a pagan might have a questioning mind, some curiosity that caused them to seek out an alternative to modern religions. Perharp something of an individual streak, whether it shows through rugged mountaineering, marathoning, or being THE trend-setting clotheshorse in their part of the world.
If I understand paganism correctly, they are certainly aware of the world around them. They surely feel the effects of being discriminated against or judged by others at least occasionally. I know from other forums that some can be as harsh and judgemental as any Bible-thumper. I'm sure some are quite mild.
I would think that personal freedom would be an issue most pagan people share. I can't even guess if a lot of pagan people vote regularly or are active in civic life. I would hope so.
I don't have a lot of stereotypes about pagans, because, well, anybody can be anything. This is all I could thing of as far as what they might have in common.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 May 07
I don't know why people assume that anyone who follows the wicca/pagan path of life is any different from anyone else...we're not from another planet or different species -- we eat, we sleep, we breathe, we exist like everyone else...I may wear jewelry that reflects my beliefs, like my pentagram...but why shouldn't I ...if Christians can wear crosses? I wear ordinary kind of clothing..nothing that shouts...HEY WITCH here...And yes, I do cast spells and light candles to say and represent my spells but that's no different from someone of the Christian faith from lighting a votive candle for a prayer But people will be people and will think the worse of us who do follow this path in life...so be it--they are the un-enlightened ones
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
20 May 07
Pagans? Don't beleive they are any different from any other person, They are human like any other so their behavior and everything else about them is human. The thing that comes to most peoples minds is the religious aspects, this is wher contraversy comes in to play. They are at their core though no different from anyone else on this planet
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
19 May 07
I think Pagans believe in a lot of Gods, now whether or not they believe in sacrifices or anything like that, I am not so sure. Because some do and some do not.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
20 May 07
I really cant tell on what kind of people are the pagans since i havent known one yet in my entire life..what i see only are those seen on documentaries in cable tvs..and the way i look at it ..they are just simple person and live on what they believe in ,who live in the remote land who dont know God at all where in no missionaries have ever reached to their place..Pagans who live in the city, of which i havent meet yet..do you? and i think they are all the same like ours its just that they dont belive in God i guess..
@Galena (9110)
20 May 07
you may well have known them and not known.
one of my very good friends who is Pagan lives in London. couldn't do it myself, not close enough to nature for me, but she loves it there. there are quite a lot of Pagans in cities, but most of them would rather be in the country. although some like my friend wouldn't want to live outside of a busy city.
a lot of Pagans do beleive in Gods.
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@ZaffireWolf (480)
• United States
20 May 07
Whatever the heck a Pagan is, is probably just as weird as every other person on this planet, in a modern "Unsolved Mysteries subject matter" sort of way. So long as they don't prosyletize.
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@6in12years (305)
• United States
24 May 07
Um, just a person? Perhaps slightly more likely than most to be environmentally conscious and live a natural lifestyle. I would expect that there are very loving and kind pagans and evil, hateful ones. (actually, I've met both types, but more of the former).
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@hussasad (57)
• India
20 May 07
Well i dont know much about Pagans... i thought that 'pagan' was just a loose term attached to people with certain beliefs, but i never thot that a group existed that identified themselves explicitly as 'Pagans'... I think the real definition of Pagan is someone who worships nature.. i dont know if im right......
but in the context of christianity, pagan seems to signify a non-believer, that is a non-christian... i have come across this word used by christians to describe muslims, even though we do not worship nature....
and in the context of islam, we use the word pagan to describe someone who worships idols and statues. the pre-islamic arabs were called pagans as they worshipped idols, but as far as i know , christians and jews were never refered to as pagans in islamic literature, as they were not considered to worship idols. they were only called as 'kafirs' which means the non-believers.
Whatever the word might mean... the idea of worshipping nature or idols is something i strongly feel against... i worship only the one true God, and not his creations..
As for my opinion about what kind of a person a pagan is... i have never come across a person who identified himself as a pagan, so i wouldnt know
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@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Originally the Christian was the pagan. They were the outsider in the Roman world. They also were the heathens, worshipping in the heaths. A pagan was just someone who worshipped outside of the standard religions of the day. That was until they had grown enough to be a majority with both religious and political power.
Although I do agree that many groups do take the name pagan. Wiccans, Druids, some indiginous people. It is not a slur to call someone a pagan, but is an honor to be known as an individual who will stand on different beliefs.
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@gitsoms (2)
• Bahamas
20 May 07
Hi Galena, firstly, i dont see how one can address this topic without sounding "religious", since the very definition of paganism is the worship of multipal false Gods. A pagan is a normal person in most cases, just like you and i, with views, and opinions that vary, they dress normal, and for the most part, blend in with a modern society, one would hardly notice a difference, until the subject of religion arises. If we are to deny the big bang theory and accept the Bible as the basis of creation, then this makes the topic a simple one, however i must emphasis that this whole discussion hinges on this one element, DO WE ACCEPT THE BIBLE AS THE ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY OF MAN?. If we do, then we understand that in the bible, in Romans 1, God makes a profound statement, he says that he gave every living thing a relevation of the fact that he is God, even plants and animals, so that no one has an excuse to deny his existence, but he says that those who deny him, choose to exchange his truth for a lie, and as a result he gave them over to their own passions, lusts, and desires. I believe the Bible, and as such, i believe that a pagan is a person that has made a concious decision to deny the existence of the God of the Bible, and has chosen to satisfy his own spiritual desires of worshipping false God/s. If one does not accept the bible as the only source of the real truth, then this discussion could go on forever, and we can agree that every person has a right to do whatever they feel is appropriate as it relates to spiritual worship.
@Galena (9110)
20 May 07
no conscious descision. no, oh well that's true, but I think I'll beleive something else.
beleif isn't something a person chooses, it's a conclusion they come to based on their own experience.
I don't beleive I do worship false Gods, anymore than you beleive that you worship a false God.
even though I don't beleive in the literal existance of your God I wouldn't call them a false God, as they are clearly very real to you, and your understanding of that driving force of nature.
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@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Jehovah is the god of israel, I am not of israel, so he is not my god.
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