Sleeping on my head

@ElicBxn (63798)
United States
May 19, 2007 4:33pm CST
Well mostly. Since I'm feeling poorly with this cold, I was trying to sleep in for a while this morning. First Scamp had to come try & poke me awake since he doesn't understand weekends! Finally he lay down & went back to sleep. Then I felt some cat, REALLY heavy cat come up on me. At first I thought it might be Pong walking up me, he doesn't do it very often, but sometimes does. But NOOOOO. This cat came all the way up and then lay down, with her front feet on my FACE! The roomie has told me that Tuti sleeps on her, but this is the first time she's gotten on me - just when I'm already having trouble breathing!!! And she weighs a TON!!! (Actually we call her 2 ton Tuti she's so over weight!) I finally got her pushed off my face, but she stayed on top until I finally gave up and got up. Even rolling over didn't dislodge her, she just came right back! Scamp, Taj, Timus, Ping & Cookie get on top of me, but NEVER on my face before!
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18 responses
• United States
20 May 07
Awww how sweet of him, he must sense that you are sick and need his tender loving care to get better, I love that about cats, whenever I am sick I don't even have to call my cats to my bed, they are right there on top of me, making me better with every waking breath, feel privileged, it is a sign of love.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 May 07
But she weighs about 18 lbs & I'm having enough trouble breathing as it is!!!! Bad enough when 14 Scamp is doing his thing on me!
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• United States
20 May 07
Yeah I know what you mean, my avatar is my cat, his name is Jackson Browne and he is such a love kitten he does the same thing to me, only he weighs 35 lbs., yep you heard me right, when he lays on you, you don't move, he is constantly laying on me to clean himself in the mornings and I am online trying to type and if I move wrong he will bite me to stop ....
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@santuccie (3384)
• United States
20 May 07
It's stuff like this that makes me a cat lover. I like dogs too, but somewhat less. They're a bit too noisy and sloppy for my taste. I had a friend in Fremont who had cats. At one point in time, I was visiting him regularly. I was working in returns at Fry's Electronics at that point, and went over there one afternoon after a hard day at work. I'd had a couple of particularly irate customers, who seemed to think their problems were my fault. I got to my friend's house, and plopped miserable into a rocking chair. Out of nowhere, a small, fuzzy thing jumped up in my lap, purring. It fluffed my lap up a bit, and laid down. It was just the thing I needed, and I'm convinced the cat knew it.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
20 May 07
Sorry to say that I was having a good laugh at the naughty cats. They are really funny to be your partners. But how come you have so many cats in your dorm? I guess, you must be very fond of cats, huh? Yes, cats are very good companies. But it sounds interesting for the name Scamp given to one of your cats. Cool!
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 May 07
I do post my cat stories for laughs, I have to admit. And I never PLANNED on having this many cats, they just seem to come into my life. I live in a house so its not like they are all trapped forever in one room - sometimes I think I'm about to sleep alone tho! Scamp means: 1 : RASCAL, ROGUE 2 : an impish or playful young person He was quite the handful when my friend found him at 8 weeks, he's still quite a handful now that he's nearly 10! I still have the carrier she used when she first found him & took him to the vet - it has "Meow Meow McKannan" on it because he didn't have a name yet & "Meow Meow" also fit. He's a "black Siamese" a first generation mix of Siamese & regular cat with all the Siamese traits in a black coat.
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• China
20 May 07
Thanks for your response. It must be fun with a lot of kitties in your house. Scamp must be your very close cat friend, I guess. Otherwise he wouldn't have slept on your face. Take care of Scamp.
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@gberlin (3836)
23 May 07
Aren't cats just wonderful! We had our 2 cats fixed yesterday and they are doing fine but walking slowly. I have never had them try and sleep on my face but they have tried to do it to my wife and daughter.
@gberlin (3836)
27 May 07
Barnes and Noble actually belong to my daughter who is 27 and moved back home to go back to school and get another degree. It seem like you can't do much with an English degree. She did have a job for 2 years as a nanny for 3 kids. She liked working with little kids so much that now she is getting a degree in early childhood education. She loves cats and begged dad for a cat. I am a softie and told her to get 2 so they could keep each other company since she was going to be at school and work all day and both my wife and I work all day. Anyway, my daughter just loves Barnes and Noble the store as do my wife and I and also my son. So the obvious choice for the cats names was Barnes and Noble. By the way you mentioned bead stores. Do you make jewelry? I always thought that would be interesting to do.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
23 May 07
Lucky Barnes & Noble - oh, I love the names by the by - my favorite store -well, after the bead stores....
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
23 May 07
Lightning-Momma's lil man - My 10 yr. old bottle baby enjoying the new scratching post she bought the cats.
Awwwwwww Tuti and all the other cats know your sick and are trying to comfort you.:-) My boy, Lightning, is like that. He is momma's boy and HAS to sleep either beside me or on my pillow above my head which is nice cause his loud purring puts me to sleep. But,if I'm sick he insists on laying across my head, covering my eyes but not my nose or mouth with his overly fluffy fur and will stick close to me whereever I go in the house or yard. Right now I'm suffering a badly sprained ankle and when I lay down, he's right there but this time laying on my bad ankle. Makes me wonder if he knows the vibrations from his purring actually feels good on my ankle and is why he is doing that. As for Tigger ahhhhhhh more like Tigger Tornado for now that he's joined us in the domestic world, his true personality is coming out and he LOVES to play and rearrange everything in the house.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
23 May 07
Tuti - A pix of Tuti doing the "Meatloaf"
My "new" roomie has a Lightening, but she's a black & white shy girl. Tuti is coming out of her hiding phase, but both of the "grumpy girls" are always on top of book shelves & stuff.
• United States
24 May 07
Lightning is far from shy. He may have mellowed out with age but he still has alot of spitfire in him. Especially when someone comes around he don't know. He still chases all the stray cats away from our property and gives them a swipe for good measure. Was always wondering why I never seen any stray cats around till I saw him do that one nite to a stray that was just wanting a meal.
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@hookfan (447)
19 May 07
Maybe their trying to dislodge your cold for you! :)
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@santuccie (3384)
• United States
19 May 07
That's cute. My mom has four cats, two of which are really fat. Their names are Togo and Austie. I think Togo is something like 22 pounds, but I don't remember. They're not roly-poly, really, they're long also. But they're still fat. I don't know what I'd do if one of them laid down on my head. :S
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
20 May 07
Awwww....Tuti was showing her concern for you. Ok, she was suffocating you at the same time with her plumpness. But she was showing the love, nevertheless. LOL! Aren't kitties wonderful?
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 May 07
I guess she knows when someone is sick, she's slept on the roomie who isn't feeling good, now that I'm sick she's sleeping on me. Of couse, she did wait until most of the other cats were out of the room, she really hasn't taken to any of these other cats! At least she isn't taking swings at them like some of the others do.
23 May 07
Cats on the Bed - It's always your bed, never any one elses
LOL - cat's do the silliest things sometimes don't they, she obviously decided you were the most comfortable place to sleep. Tuti probably thought that as you were already nice and warm and settled, you would make a good pillow to sleep on, cheeky minx.
• United States
20 May 07
I used to have a cat like orange tabby i had named beesiph.Every tiem i would get comfortable in bed ,he would curl himself up on my face and wouldn't move so I know what you went through,lol.It's no fun is it
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 May 07
Where did you get the name beesiph? from honey? Pong used to lay on my face when he was younger (and much smaller) but after getting pushed all the way off the bed & tossed out of the room for doing it, he finally started laying just beside my face. Ping head butts my nose & the 2 of them try to lay closest to my face, but now they won't actually lay on it!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 May 07
Aww--maybe they're trying to make you feel better--cats are very smart creatures...dogs too..but tey always know when their "mom" doesn't feel good...too bad you can't train pets to bring breakfast in bed when feeling lousy--LOL
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 May 07
LOL, I'm not sure I would want what they might consider a breakfast in bed - mouse on the half shell?
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 May 07
Why you don't like Mouse Florentine? Mouse Benedict?? Mouse omelette? LOL
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
20 May 07
I have a cat that loves to sleep on my pillow with me. I think he is nuts. I move around too much that I don't know how he can remain comfortable for the entire night but somehow he manages. Cats and dogs can tell when we are sad or not feeling good and they do try to confort us when we are feeling down. Maybe that was her way of telling you that she was there for you.
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@molusk (857)
• Philippines
20 May 07
Owwwsss! that could be something you have to scrub your face. Dont let them dothat ever to your face. They might love it and will do it over and over again My tootsie did that to me once. I never minded it for a while but then I begun to observe that tootsie seemed to like it and so, everytime I lie on my back,either on the hammock outside of the house, or in our bed in the living room, she would just as soon get in and lie on her side, with her behind on my face. Sometimes I wake up just to find her unmanicured and uncut nails on my nose.
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 May 07
Well, I do trim nails, and she didn't have them out, but I'd rather not find kitty feets on my face. I had too many other cats in bed today for her to come down and they weren't laying on my face.
• United States
20 May 07
My oldest has been known to do that. She'll climb up me the moment I roll onto my back and sit there with her paws at my chin and her nose almost against mine. It's rather disconcerting if you're not quite awake. Generally she does this to get attention and to say that I'm sleeping in too late and she needs pets. I used to have one cat that was a gorgeous solid white with green eyes that had a habit of sleeping on top of my head and making a nest out of my hair. That went on until one night when I was a child he accidentally hurt me while he was doing that and I sat up so fast he ended up at the foot of my bed with me screaming for my mother because I didn't know what had made my head hurt. After that, he generally just stayed behind my knees.
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@fengbo (731)
• China
20 May 07
I think it's so sick the cat feet on ones face.although cats look like lovely but i cannot accept it feet on i think your can deal with it quickly.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
20 May 07
Oh trust me, I got her feet off my face as quickly as I could! I don't like kitty feet on my face either.
• Canada
20 May 07
I`m sorry your not feeling well , funny that the cat tried to sleep on your head though ... Funny that a cat would sleep on anyones head thats ODD ... In a cute way ...
@fazalbhi (262)
• India
20 May 07
sleeping the thing i like most...................
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
20 May 07
my cats come and cuddle up under my neck but never on my face either. It is just too much. And to be sick with a cold, that is torture lol
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• Kottayam, India
20 May 07
I wish I have this cat.
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