What is your View on Divorce?

@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
October 22, 2006 4:53pm CST
When are some times you feel a Divorce is OK? Do you believe in divorce, or do you think it is an easy way out? Curious to see some opinions
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20 responses
• United States
8 Jan 07
Nothing about divorce is easy, especially if the re are children involved. Making the choice is the hardest part. Communication is important in any relationship. Openness and honesty go a long way toward opening up a relationship and cleaning out those skeletons. Love, forgiveness, and hope have to be present as well in order for a relationship to continue growing and be healthy. Without all of that, a relationship will have the yucky parts fester and take over either the relationship or one of the individuals within it. Also some relationships are beyond repair. The hurt is too deep, the trust or love is completely gone. At that point staying together is harmful for the individuals involved and ESPECIALLY for any children who are effected. The whole idea of staying together "for the children" bugs me too but that's a totally different subject (I mean, why would you WANT your children to see you constantly arguing and being miserable?).
• Bangladesh
10 Jan 07
Thanks for your reply.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Apr 07
:-) I'm just glad it can help someone.
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
28 Apr 07
Well, this is choice what depends of many factors. And the broken feelings are just one of them. Children - what is the best for them? To keep the marriage just because they need 2 parents or to divorce and to prevent them to live in a false or disharmonical family atmosphere? Money.Many women live with their husbands just because this marriage allows them to have a normal economical conditions for their child and for themselves.
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
28 Apr 07
And what about theese terrifying situation when one woman is maltreated systematicaly but she is afraid to divorce and the reason is FEAR? Or she feels the Stockholm syndrom to his aggressor-husband? Or the culture and religious predjuces of the society where she lives about the divorced and single woman?
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
There are times when separation, which generally leads to divorce, are inevitable. The reasons can include infidelity, mental or physical abuse and it is only the people concerned who can decide whether these things are forgiveable or not. There are certainly some instances where divorce is seen as an easy option by some couples. In Australia a couple intending to marry have to give 28 days notice, i.e. get the licence, see the priest or whoever, before they can marry. Even with this delay, it still doesn't stop the divorces. I personally do not believe in divorce, but have never been in a position where it became necessary either, but we do have some friends who have been divorced and it hasn't affected our relationship with them at all.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
My husband and I have been married for 36 years now and of course had bad times as well as the good ones. However we do work at our marriage and believe it is important to do so. If you think about, we spring clean our house, repair the car or whatever else is not running well, so why not our marriage. :)
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Divorce is something people take too lightly today. They marry without real commitment knowing they can get out of the marriage any time they want. They don't go into a marriage committed to making it last a lifetime, so it won't. Marriage is hard work. You spend all your life with your spouse working at building a stronger and stronger relationship. You ignore a lot of things that drive you crazy. You listen to them whine, pick up their dirty socks, and fuss over them when they're sick. Too many people think that the romantic love they feel at the beginning will last forever and don't realize that the love will change. People shouldn't just get out when the going gets a little tougher. So they divorce too often and too quickly. Celebrities lead the way. I think they marry and divorce just for the publicity. When Tom and Katie were planning to marry, they were on TV every day. Since the marriage, we haven't seen as much of them. Then we'll see them again when they bring a baby into their farce of a marriage. And finally we'll see a lot about them when they divorce and immediately start the process over again with someone else. What kind of role models are these people for our children? Divorce is okay in some cases. Abusive relationships are a main reason for a divorce. No one should have to put up with being beaten and terrorized. My stepdaughter recently divorced because she found out her husband of 10 years had been molesting her 12-year-old daughter. I consider that justified.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
14 May 07
Excellent thoughts here my friend. Yes, it is a shame so many people choose to play with Marriage, and take it so lightly. But in the case of Abuse, it is still a shame so many are afraid to leave, and there is not more protection and financial assistance for them when they do leave.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Abuse and endangerment are good reasons for divorce, as well as neglect. "Falling out of love" is not, because that is a choice, really. Whatever you focus on, your happiness, or unhappiness is what you see evidenced in your life. If you say "I am bored" then you choose to be bored. If you want someone else, it is because you are flirting with the flame of disloyalty and infidelity, It is exciting, it is stimulating, it is forbidden. I do not think it is really easy, but people do tend to prefer to do that instead of trying to nurture the marriage they are in.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Yes, Abuse is the number one reason a person should leave a marriage especially if you have kids as well. Who wants to go on living life wondering if you are going to live or die, and how will everything effect your kids in the long run as well?
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• Egypt
5 Jan 07
It is the solution when there is no other solution for continuing the marriage relationship.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Jan 07
But do you agree too many give in too easily without trying to work something out first?
• United Arab Emirates
23 Oct 06
well if it doesnt work ... nothin much can be done right .. you cant stay with someone you hate rite
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Oct 06
Thanks for your comments
• United States
10 Mar 07
I think that people need to concentrate on what brought them together, and the positives, not the negatives. Divorce is difficult and painful. People need to take their marriage voews more serious. They seem to quit, when problems arise.
• United States
11 May 07
I think that people get married too soon these days and like everything else in this modern world they consider marriage to be disposable. People aren't responsible for committments that they make. I think divorce could be avoided if things were planned out a little better. In some cases I think divorce is necessary in cases of abuse... or like in my parents case - they don't get a divorce for religious purposes but their arguing, fighting, violence, etc made the home life for me and my brothers hell. And I think we'd all be alot more well adjusted if they just would have split.
@mnflower (1299)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I think nowdays it is just a easy way out and that people really don't put forth the effort in a marriage that they should anymore, they don't try to work it out they just run from it and alot of them end up regretting there choices down the road when they find out it is not greener on the other side..I am against it unless counseling has been gone through and it is just impossible to work out the differences..but it should also cost more to get divorce and I don't believe in the 50/50 deal anymore either where the wife gets half cause too many are getting married getting what they want then divorcing and leaving the men with nothing but paying out there butts still for child support and this and that. It is not fair at all.
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
Divorce is not allowed in our country. So far I would be for divorce if the marriage involves physical and emotional abuse. If it does not then I guess the married couples should try to make it would since they made a vow before God.
@nigtvamp (102)
• United States
11 May 07
It really depends on the situation. If a couple gets married then within a few months realises that marriage is actually work, isn't as easy as they thought it would be and wants a divorce then, then no, divorce is not okay. That's taking the easy way out. This goes to another pet peeve of mine, which is I think people jump into marriage way too soon without thinking of what it is going to entail. It takes work to make a marriage last, it's not like in fairy tales where the couple rides off into the sunset and lives happily ever after. Which is why I think counseling for couple BEFORE they get married is a good idea. Now, on the other hand, if there is abuse and/or infedility within the marriage, or if the couple simply can't stand each other any more and fight all the time, then it is better to part ways and get a clean start. If you stay with someone who abuses you, you are just hurting yourself more and more. If your partner cheats, there is no point in staying because the sancitity of marriage has already been violated and, chances are, it's never going to stop. If you can't stand the person anymore, well, let's face it, people change over the years and not always for the better. There is no point in staying with someone you can't stand because they are probably not going to change back.
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
Hello KrauseHome. I firmly believe that once you make your vows it is forever. But then some things are just not meant to be. I've seen so many people separating and filing for divorce and I wonder, why in the first place they got married. Divorce is ok to me if both parties cannot reconcile their differences or if there is domestic violence involved. Some people maybe see it as an easy way put. It does look that way to me sometimes. Thanks and have a nice day.
• United States
25 Apr 07
While I was growing up my mother divorced my natural father when I was 6 years of age. I never forgave her for it. I do feel that couples should try to work out their differences, however there are just some things during a marriage that happen that are unforgivable. I find myself in the same predictament and divorcing my wife. I have been physically beaten on, mentally abused, used, and emotionally scarred. She left me only 2yrs 3mnths 14days of marriage, she left me for another man who now beats the tar out of her. I have tried to get her to leave him and to come back home, but, if I take her back I would never be able to have custody of my son. My son out weighs the marriage to my wife, and in order for me to be able to be happy and to go on with my own life I have to have this divorce, am I happy that I have to do this? NO, Do I agree to my own decision? Not Really, but it has to be done. That will be the only way that I will be free once again and be able to take custody of my son in a couple of years. Did I learn from this experience? YES, I now know that I need to find a person that will love me the same way that I love them and will have respect for me the same way that I respect them.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
6 Jan 07
Many divorces could be avoided if people were more serious about marriage in the first place. it is not a decision that should be taken lightly, and nobody should even consider marriage unless they were certain in their own mind that they wished to spend the rest of their life with their partner. I accept that things change, and even with a marriage that started well there could be insurmountable problems, in which case divorce would be the only logical course to take.
@killailla (1301)
• Canada
11 Jan 07
I believe that divorce is such a cope out for a lot of people, i think it is a shame that the marriage system has gone down the drains like this, now half of divorces now end up in divorce, because some people cant be bothered to get to know the person they are marrying prior to marrying them
• United States
10 Jan 07
I think that divorce should try to be avoided but I'm not opposed to it. I think that there are just some times when it should be done. I once dated a guy with the intent of marriage - and he swore he would never get divorced because of what it did to him and his sister when his parents were divorced. I on the other hand said that if things were bad - I would insist on a divorce because of the damage my parents have done by staying together all this time while they hate each other. They made me and my brothers miserable growing up. Oh this is a step-parent by the way - so we know what it feels like when our real dad leaves. My parents tay together because it's against their religion to divorce unless one of them cheats... but boy do they have some terribly violent fights and other times they don't speak for months...
@sagarbhai (104)
• Bangladesh
10 Jan 07
I don't support on divorce for life.
• India
9 Jan 07
Devorce is not best solution in our life.
• United States
11 Jan 07
If it didn't cost so much I would have done so a long time ago. When you can't trust the person. Being treated like you are a object that they own and not as a equal.