Does (or did) your child have a "blankie"?
By leeesa
@leeesa (884)
United States
May 19, 2007 8:16pm CST
My daughter is going on 6 and has a special baby blanket that my mom made before she was born. She doesn't carry it everywhere she goes, but she won't go to sleep without it. Should I let her continue this until she decides she doesn't need it anymore? Do you see any harm in this?
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20 responses
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
20 May 07
Two of my four children had favorite blankets. One of my four children had a favorite stuffed animal. The one child who did not have anything....has been the child with the most problems! In mental health (I am a mental health nurse practitioner) we actually assess whether a child had a 'transitional object' or not. Those are quite important in a child's life in terms of emotional security! Don't worry about her blankie!!! She will give it up one day when she is ready! Both my children who had favorite blankets still have keepsakes! The one who had the favorite animal has it up on a shelf too!
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@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
20 May 07
My daugter is almost 4 and has a blankie she rarely takes it with her and if she does she knows it is to stay in the car. At the house it never strays to far from her reach, howver when she gets older i will not allow her to take it out of the house and then eventually out of her bedroom. I really dont see any harm in haveing her favorite blanket to sleep with if that makes her feel secure. to me the only problem would be if she still used it the entire day to pasify herself.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
20 May 07
My oldest (now 23) has Ted (a teddy bear that my sister gave him when he was born). It was always in his crib and later in his bed - still is, I think, I'll have to go look! It's been washed a lot - but not for years since it's old and might fall apart. Ted used to be white, but has been gray for YEARS!
My youngest (21) had two gee-kees (that's how blankie came out and it stuck!). I know he gave them up when he went in the Navy, but I'm pretty sure he still slept with at least one of them until then. He sucked his finger and always rubbed the "nice" (the silky part) on his face or someone elses. We had to take one of his gee-kees everywhere until about school-age.
Whew! Memories!
I wouldn't worry about it, when she's ready - if she is - it will go away. If it's not hurting anything, leave it be.
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@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
20 May 07
I don't have a kid yet, but my neice has a cloth diaper that she will not part with. She fondly calls this her "abu" and she really doesn't feel good when she doesn't have it with her. I know in due time she will outgrow her "abu", so we just let her be. I never had a blankie when I was young, but I always had Joel, my talking baby doll and I still have him. I outgrew Joel when I was introduced to books, so I had shifted my interests back then. I'm sure your daughter will outgrow her blankie, but it will be a very good memory to look back on when she is really grown up. :)
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
20 May 07
My daughter had one that she wouldn't part with for love or money. She eventually (at about age 7) left it in a hotel room and try as we might we were never able to retrieve it. We went through a couple of weepy, sleepless night before she got over it and has never looked back since. I don't think theres any harm and she will most likely give it up on her own.
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@msmonkeyfeet (789)
• United States
20 May 07
My son's about to turn 2 in July and he's got a "blankie", oddly enough one that MY mother made for him before he was born, that he refuses to sleep without. I've even tried making the same exact blanket only bigger but he wanted nothing to do with it. So long as your daughter isn't insisting on carrying it everywhere she goes I don't really see the harm in her sleeping with it. It's a bit inconvenient when my son's blanket needs to be washed and he wants to take a nap or something but overall there's no harm being done. After all, they could have far worse habits!
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
20 May 07
My sister had a blankie until she was 9 years old. Some of our neighbors and other people who knew about it were very upset about it (even though she only used it at home), but my mother was very adamant that it was up to my sister to give it up when she was ready.
People were constantly trying to warn my parents about emotional damage, but my sister's now one of the most well adjusted, successful people I know.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
20 May 07
I have a 4 year old son..he will be 5 in June..he has had his blue soccer ball blankie since mom bought it for was a shower present..he always needs it to sleep with..he never carries it around either,,but some bed time..or if hes so tired and we are out and about he wants it NOWWWWWWWW!! i have it with me if its gonan be a late day/night..when he was 2 he had a hernia operation..and he was in the hospital for a week..and this was 2 hrs away from home.special childrens hospital..and we forgot it there!!! OMG! the world ended!! he cried non stop for 5 days..woke up every hour askin for it..and we just didnt have it..I did tell the nurse we left it there and she looked for 3 days before she found it in the laundry room..she paid shipping anfd everything and sent it to him.,5 long days before he got it..LONGG DAYS..AND was shear hell..but the day he got it..he held it for a week straight..andeverywhere he went he took it lol..but then things went back to normal..i will let him keep and use that for as long as his heart desires..what will it hurt? I have one lol..its a white feather down
@lillake (1630)
• United States
20 May 07
My oldest has a blanket, but my baby so far has not attached to anything. I think it is fine, sooner or later your child will move on on their own. Children develope strong attachments to favorite objects, it could really hurt her to make her stop before she is ready.
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@cyclonewriter (2168)
• United States
20 May 07
Blankies are big in my family. I had one and my brothers had one. Now, each of my nieces and nephews have one. I think it is a security issue. What my brother does with his children after they reach 4 or so is insist their blankies remain in the bedroom. That allows them to have them at night if they need them without allowing them to carry them all over the place. He has found by doing this, that his older boys have stopped using them all together. I think they have found security in other places. It is certainly an individual decision, but you don't want her to carry it so long that others begin to pick on her. Good luck !
@Gabrielle1609 (278)
• Singapore
21 Mar 08
my kid has her blankie, and i still have mine too. no harm letting her have it even till she's in college. she'll grow up just fine.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
20 May 07
I see no harm in letting your daughter still sleep with her blankie. My daughter is 7 and she has been sleeping with her blankie for the past 2 years. It is a blanket that someone made when she was born and I had put it away. When going threw things, she loved it so started to sleep with it. I don't see anything wrong with this.
My sister had a blankie even when she was in high school. She slept with it all those years and still has it today in her cedar chest.
@darshanhi (10)
• Australia
20 May 07
well leeesa its just matter of fact that ur child has the habit of the special baby blanket and at her age she has the attachment towards it. time would come when she would gradually stop using the blanket once the attachment is decremented. according to me habits die with age increase and once a person is mature. so let her use the blanket everytime she sleeps once she realises she would stop it gradually
@jmespinosa82 (498)
• United States
21 May 07
My son has a blankie that he always wants, when he gets in trouble, does something wrong or wants to go to bed he will get it. He is only 2 now but he is getting better and understands if he can't have it when he wants it all the time but it's like a security thing. Plus I don't push it too much because he used to sleep with his daddy all the time with it and now that my husband is deployed I think it reminds him of his dad.
@johnyjames (48)
• India
20 May 07
Dear member. I have watched may of my relative houses. They have seperate blankets for their child. they are mostly used in winter season. Otherwise it is not nice. They used to buy blankets. I didn't see wether they have made it or not. Please rate me thanks in advance.
@amaleigh73 (499)
• United States
20 May 07
My son latched onto some very soft burp clothes with little airplanes on them. He is six now and does not sleep with them. But for awhile he needed to have it in his hand every night. My daughter is 4 and LOVES her blanket. I have had to sew it, cut some off and wash it over and over. Some day it will be nothing more that a pile of dust :-) I don't let her take it anywhere unless she is planning to sleep wherever we are going. I don't think there is any harm in letting her hold onto it.
@misssweetthingg (355)
• United States
20 May 07
My daughter had a special blankey that she got attached to from when she was about 6 months old all the way up until 4 yrs old. I didnt know what I was going to do to try and detach her from it until one day we left it at her grandparents house and werent able to go down there for a while after that she so eventually just forgot about it..these blankies are their security sidekick..its so crazy how they get so attached. I would say in my opinion, when they get older than 5 or 6 then its time to try and take it away.