do you think pokemon are only for kids?

May 20, 2007 12:52am CST
i am 17 years old and i love pokemon. i dont know if ill still love pokemon when i reach 30.
16 responses
21 May 07
no, i rele dont think so, i mean im 20 now and ive been playing diamond solidly for the past few weeks. my fiancee is 18 and i just get her into it. i think it just depends on ur mentality, do you take life to seriously?
• Philippines
22 May 07
YEAH.. i guess so. how did u get your diamond?? is there any for GBA?? i only have GBA..
• United States
30 Oct 08
For me its only for 3 - 13 years old
• Brazil
1 Sep 07
I'm almost 18 and also love Pokemon, and I'm sure I'll always like it.
@magna86 (1786)
• India
29 Sep 08
hello buddy, no o no no.... i am 21 years old and i still love watching pokemon series!!! you know each and every person has some child hidden within them.. even if they are tooo old. have a nice day.
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
I don't think so im 19 n0w and i'm still playing pokemon emerald to be exact and diam0nd and pearl are n0t that famous yet in our c0untry, maybe if i have my ds i'll still play pokemon even if i'm 20+ by that time, i enj0y playing it, the game has a unique battle strategies and with wi fi i think it will be c0oler th0ugh i d0n't have wifi. I personally like a sn0rlax d0ll t0o a huge one
• Philippines
29 Sep 08
I don't think so im 19 n0w and i'm still playing pokemon emerald to be exact and diam0nd and pearl are n0t that famous yet in our c0untry, maybe if i have my ds i'll still play pokemon even if i'm 20+ by that time, i enj0y playing it, the game has a unique battle strategies and with wi fi i think it will be c0oler th0ugh i d0n't have wifi.
• United States
7 Jun 07
I do not think it is only for kids. It really depends on the person. I am 19 and I still enjoy the games and I think I will for a long time. Rented Pearl last week and really enjoyed it. Will probably buy my own copy.
@xenpen (90)
• United States
26 Jul 07
I turn 24 in two days, and I think Pokemon is still awesome. The game series anyway, not the anime. The anime began going down the toilet when I was in high school. Good thing 4Kids* doesn't produce the American dubbed version anymore. I have Pokemon Pearl, and I love the fact that we can all go online and battle each other now. I don't have any friends besides my own little brother to trade with and battle against, so the inclusion of WIFI works for me. I don't think I'll join a clan. It looks like fun, but I won't have time to congregate with other people when I start my new job.
26 Jun 07
I think all ages should play it, I mean, I met one guy who has EVERY card and he's 30 years old or OLDER! I know some people who still play it including me mwahahahaha Nah we all love it, it isn't just for kids.
• United States
27 Jun 07
I always like pokemon even as an adult. I defeintaly like the new generations.
• United States
21 Jul 07
its rated E for Everyone for something. i love pokemon and i think i'll be a pokefan forever. its just so addicting and so much fun.
• United States
31 Jul 07
I can picture myself as an old man, and adult talking about Pokemon around my kids friends Man Ima love embarassing them. XD
@ChaozTLG (14)
• Netherlands
14 Aug 07
I think playing games cant be related to age, but to interests. Because of the fact your interests may change over the years, people label it as losing interest due to aging. Though i'm just 16 years of age, i am confident that i will continue to play pokemon for many years to come. In fact,i'm even making an online fangame :P
• United States
20 Aug 07
I personally think that pokemon is a game that either you'll like or you'll hate it. If you liked it then I don't think you'll grow out of it, its addicting. If you don't like those type of games then you'll grow out of it quickly.
@lhon04 (14)
• Philippines
25 May 07
diamond and pearl version is for ds only, in my opinion, pokemon games were not only for kids, its your choice so it means no one can blame you if you're addicted to this game. just love what you want, you have all the freedom.....
• United States
29 May 07
I don't think pokemon are only for kids at all. I'm 20 and my boyfriend is 21 and we both still love pokemon. He got pearl and I got diamond so we could catch them all!