Have you ever had a gang after you?

@mssnow (9484)
United States
May 20, 2007 11:06am CST
You know gangs come in all shapes and forms. When you have friends they can end up being a gang if they get together and try to gang up one person. They can destroy someones life. They can hurt people and they can make someone feel very small. Even on mylot there are gangs. If they don't like you they stick together and make peoples lives miserable. They think they have power and can destroy anyone who gets in their way. I could probably form my own gang of friends if I wanted too. But i choose to do things in a more subtle way. I will watch and wait for the right moment then strike without warning lol Have you ever had someone gang up on you? How did you react and what did you do to stop them?
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18 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
20 May 07
I never 'fitted in' even as a child I was always the 'black sheep' at school, the proverbial loner and thus was bullied more. I was never excepted. There was this gang of fifth formers who used to go around in a gang and were forever finding me and teasing and tormenting me, I was a first former and they would always threaten and intimidate me, as well as push me around. Gangs can be very intimidating to children as well as adults and there is after all safety in numbers and no one wants to be the outsider, or different in any way. Because that's a weakness. Gangs are like pack animals and will pick off the weakling both in animal and human nature.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
Wolfie, Your back aw my poor wolfie. I'll be in your gang and we can fight those ogres together. Hugs :)
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
20 May 07
Not staying just wanted to pop in and say hi and thanks my friend, you're still on notification and besides I've only got $.16 to get so I can cash out and leave.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
Ok wolfie no worries hon. I do understand
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• Singapore
20 May 07
Sure thing. I hate it. I hate gangs. That's gang politics. Either you are tough and you beat them all, or you find a gang and beat them. I would rather just coexist.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
so you dont wanna join my gang Lord?? Come now we could make a good team The princess and the lord lol
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• Singapore
20 May 07
We are already a gang, but we just don't abuse our POWERS. :P
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
good point lol :)
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
20 May 07
I agree that there are gangs here on mylot. I also agree that they can hurt and harm others. We have all seen it done many times over the past several months.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
Yeah, I have seen it a few times myself. thanks :)
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• Belgium
21 May 07
i think i agree with you
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
20 May 07
Well I just caught your discussion and I never got the email as I have them on. Now what's with that!! LOL really I never got the email but I do have the notify on anyway back to your discussion. No I have never anyone ganged up on me and hope that will never happen but if that happens then I'll ask you to help me out and maybe you can help me too :)
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
20 May 07
I never got the email but I went back to check and see if you response back. I try to be sweet :) thanks so now I am going to my friends discussion that has started and know I missed them because of the email notify isn't working. Have a good day. :)
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
I know im not getting emaisl anymore either i dunno whats going on. maybe another glitche. I'm sure with you being as sweet as you are no one will gang up on you. hugs
• Belgium
21 May 07
thank you for the nice comment
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
21 May 07
I have had a group of people gang up on me. My hubby's former friends. They tried to tell me that I wasn't right for him and that when push came to shove, he would choose them over me. Lots of stuff went on wth them trying to get me to break up with him. They even tried to get him to break up with me. I finally told one to the girls that it really didn't matter to me. If he wanted to be with them and not me, I didn't really care, there were other men who wanted me. She got all offended and went and told him (my hubby). Then his gang of friends got tired of it all and basically told him "Us, who you have known for over 10 years or that b1tch you have known 6 weeks." When I heard about it, I laughed. I told that same girl "Honey, I am THAT good. He will so choose me. It will happen so fast that you won't even know what hit you." We will have been married 6 years in September. None of them were invited to the wedding. :)
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
21 May 07
Im glad he chose you over the gang :)
@rakhii (1302)
• India
20 May 07
I dont remember I had any gang after me.....as I never give someone chance to do dat......I dont fight ppl for no reason....neither I interact vid such ppl who r tryin to harm u in one or d oder form......
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
You don't have to fight with someone to have a gang after you. if someone doesn't like you for any reason they can gang up on you.
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@rakhii (1302)
• India
20 May 07
Ya i know.....but as far as i know.....gangs are mostly after d ppl who act smart
• Belgium
21 May 07
thank you for you nice comment
• United States
20 May 07
Actually when I was younger I had 2 older siblings who always caused much trouble and one day ...One of the two siblings and I were walking from School..my older sibling had some words with a group of people and the next thing you know this group ...gang...was after me..My sibling ran home to tell mom while I took on 5 o 6 who were one year older than myself..When My mom arrived I was on the ground receiving kicks and they took off running..so yes..I had a gang after me..but only temporarily .. I had the sad lot of walking in the footsteps of two siblings who were always in trouble!;)+
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
20 May 07
I was the baby in my family so i had big brothers to proetect me from things like that . sorry to hear you got beat up . Thats hard a child.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
20 May 07
I have never been a part of a gang in a negative sense. I don't believe in it and I don't listen to that kind of negative stuff, but as you say gangs are everywhere, all myloters are part of a gang known as myloters. a gang usually bears a negative connotation, but gang is just a group of people with the same interests, |belong to a gang of writers, (real writing groups) etc a group or band: A gang of boys gathered around the winning pitcher. 2. a group of youngsters or adolescents who associate closely, often exclusively, for social reasons, esp. such a group engaging in delinquent behavior. 3. a group of people with compatible tastes or mutual interests who gather together for social reasons: I'm throwing a party for the gang I bowl with. 4. a group of persons working together; squad; shift: a gang of laborers. 5. a group of persons associated for some criminal or other antisocial purpose: a gang of thieves. 6. a set of tools, electronic components or circuits, oars, etc., arranged to work together or simultaneously. 7. a group of identical or related items. –verb (used with object) 8. to arrange in groups or sets; form into a gang: to gang illustrations for more economical printing on one sheet. 9. to attack in a gang. –verb (used without object) 10. to form or act as a gang: Cutthroats who gang together hang together. —Verb phrase 11. gang up on, Informal. (of a number of persons) to unite in opposition to (a person); combine against: The bigger boys ganged up on the smaller ones in the schoolyard.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
21 May 07
wow thats alot of stuff on gangs rose thanks
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
21 May 07
i have had a small gang after me once, over the most stupidest thing ever, actually i cant even remember what it was, i think was istopped being friends with this girl because she was a total user and i couldnt put up with it anymore and her friend decided she wasnt happy with that or something but i do remember her friend pushing me into a slide of the fridge (from behind she thought i didnt know who she was) funny thing is she ran out of the shop (i was working) and i seen her since and she looks the other way so what happened there not sure. but people that try and gang up on you are just losers.. thats my opinion
@lols189 (4742)
1 Aug 07
i have never had gangs after me which i am glad about and i hope never to have them after me
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
21 May 07
I've never thought about a group of 'friends' becoming a gang but you are right. Yes, I did have a gang after me just a few years ago - it was a group of people I won't mention names that wanted my web site shut down. How did I stop them - I and others prayed alot.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
21 May 07
Im glad it worked for you faith. Your such a sweetie I wouldn't think anyone would be after you :)
• Malaysia
21 May 07
haha.. i hate gangs but i do really have some friends. but, i dont think i need a gang to fight, i dont want anyone to get involved in my problems, so i rather fight by myself. so far i think there are 3 to 4 gangs ive beat for the past 5 years.. haha, enjoy kicking their butt in public.. if u really want to hurt them, make sure u hit them hard and hit their boss frst so he cannot resist u anymore. then be cruel and make the boss cry ! how to do that? simple, grab his nuts and knock him in the face with ur elbow and make him fall. dont let go ur hand! haha... big guys, small guys, will fall for this beleive me
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
21 May 07
wow thats kinda harsh dont ya think?? lol
• United States
21 May 07
I have never had a gang after me persay, but i've had a few friends that have come after me. (were friends) I haven't really ever seen a gang, except on television. I guess i've lived a sheltered life, or just haven't lived in gang run areas.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
21 May 07
well anyone can be agang
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
21 May 07
I have been bullied online by a group of people. I have had my photo edited, parodies made about me, things posted about my family. They have created blogs that target me and my family. They have even grouped together, send out emails to my friends and colleges. They have even used my previous webhost's TOSS against me.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
21 May 07
sorry to hear that, I hope thats all in the past
@rudz006 (209)
• Malaysia
21 May 07
I have one experienced in college.There is 5 new student tackle my girlfriend.I scold them at library.At night they come to my room and all of them beat me.I defend my self.Even I got hurt,but they run away from me.I fight back.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
21 May 07
I can say I was lucky never to be prey to such gangs. I once belong to a gang of 8 but it wasn't a naughty gang. We do not go round disturbing people and making people miserable. We do spring surprises with our presence. People may envy us for we are known to be one closely-knit bunch, helping each other with our homework. We eat together, we study together and we travel together. It is sad that the gang is now disbanded after one after another got married.
• Australia
21 May 07
Not as yet, I try to be good and avoid conflict whenever possible to stay in peoples good book. You all should to. But yeah, its your life here, the risk may not worth it.
• China
21 May 07
I have a gang! but just in the game GTA.. :) just a joke.