Are you the recepticle of all specialized knowledge in your home?
By Woodpigeon
@Woodpigeon (3710)
May 20, 2007 11:35am CST
Apparently, I am, or so my family would have me believe, and from this point forward you can call me Gadget.
You know what I mean, don't you? The, "The printer is out of ink!", "I can't find my shoes!", "I am NOT going coat shopping with HIM!", "How do I get my email again?", "What do you mean by CPU and anti virus software?", "How do I make my hair stand up in liberty spikes?", "Who am I supposed to call about THAT?", "Didn't you get directions?", "Can't you pick it up?", "How does this oven knob work again?", "I'm no good a getting the barbecue started!", "Hey, you know where the drill bits are, right?" and on and on and on they go.
Am I the only one who faces a family on a daily basis and points out, "You cannot be as helpless as you pretend to be! How do you people get from A to B?"
Personally, I think it is all a big scam. Do you also have a bunch of people in your life who are happy to pretend they don't know how to do anything and let you deal with it instead? What do you suggest I do with mine? All reasonable options will be considered.
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16 responses
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
20 May 07
I am definately a memeber of this group. My family are useless when it comes to finding things, making the important phone calls, paying the bills, dealing with all the crappy things in life.
Jack of all trades is my name and I know they wallow in it. LOL
I went away for a week and they all survived so I cottoned on to this and now I just become deaf, dumb and blind when I hear those 3 little words, "I can't do...." or "I can't find.....".
I am enrolling for sign language lessons, so if they need my help in future I am going to sign everything, if they can't understand, well tough!!
Good luck my friend.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
22 May 07
What can one say but "Men!!!" What would they do without us, oh yer
I hope your mum is doing well.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
22 May 07
That is so sweet of you. She went through hell but she has been three years in remission now so we think after another two she is out of the woods. At her age, just feeling good is the main thing!
@mummymo (23706)
20 May 07
Ah the infamous " but you do it better" or the "but you know where to find everything" shout - yes I do know it well! My way of teaching my lot how to do things for themselves was to get a really bad back problem! Even this didn't work too well so I went and had back surgry which has left me unable to do much! Of course I didn't really do this to sort out those helpless souls in my house but to be honest it has been so much fun watching them trying to do things! Hopefully ny the time I have recovered they will be far more independant and I will not let things slide back to the way it was before my illness! As to what you should do , have you ever considered going on strike? lol xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
21 May 07
Methinks I would be plotting revenge in a major way! lol I wouldn't blame you for going on strike! Have you thought of going on a short holiday without them? Then they would have no choice but to sort things out for themselves! One little thought on the grease, my other half does this in our house - melt the grease ,tear up bits of bread and place in empty egg carton (or something similar) and pour the melted grease over, Allow the whole thing to set and it is a fantastic way of disposing of the grease and giving the bird some food at the same time! We do this all year round and the birds love it - it also saves clogging up the drains! I was going to suggest that you let the menfolk do this but on reflection that might not be such a good idea! lol xxx
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
21 May 07
I love the egg carton for the birds idea and will pass it on. I actually got the grease out of there easier than I thought I would but I just took the grill pan and stuck it back in grill and they can deal with it themselves!
A holiday sounds very nice indeed! Actually, I take the kids away a lot and I find they do so much less of tis without their great manly example to lead the way ;-)
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
21 May 07
I've striked a couple of times and am getting ready to do it again. For instance, the bacon incident is definate stike mterial. I don't eat bacon. I am having bad allergy problems and any strong smell sets me off. They decided to cook themselves some bacon in the grill yesterday, and hey great, look at how independent they are, woohoo, right?
Well, next thing I know we have a grease fire. Smoke everywhere. No one thinks to open the velux and let it out. It all goes upstairs. By this point I am couging like a horse and they are standing around like the don't have a clue what to do. I point out the grill is full of grease and has to be cleaned, and not by the horse cougher. I think it gets sorted and well and good, then along comes dinner time and they decide to cook the rest of the bacon and do the SAME THING!!
To top it off, this morning I see 'cleaning the grill' to the menfolk meant putting it in the sink and hiding it under 2 inches of water. The grease is now cold, hard, and stuck to everything. I don't even eat bacon, yet if I want to use that sink (and god knows what it did to the pipes because I suspect they poured it right down the drain!), there I am scraping and scrubbing and coughing.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
3 Jun 07
Hey I'm the one who does that in my family. I love that job, because it's easy and it makes me look smarter than the rest, and it can get me out of doing the other chores as well. Whenever my mom complains that I don't do the same chores as my sister, I tell her that I do the other stuff around here, that no one else can, it's good leverage...
I'm always the one changing the lightbulbs, if there's a new gadget in the house, I usually set it up, and put it together, and figure out how it works. Anything wrong with the PC and I'm the girl! At least until further help arrives.
I set all the channels on the TV, fix the faulty plugs, you name it... I love doing it too!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
4 Jun 07
Ah, and I bet your family loves you for it, too. We can both use the name Gadget!
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
20 May 07
My husband must think I have some sort of special detectors that can pinpoint where certain object are. Most of the time it's something like one of his tools, that I don't even know what it looks like, I ask him to describe it, and then I'll go and find it right where he left it. I also have to tell him where things are when he's looking right at them, and he's supposed to have better than 20/20 vision.
Last week, I fixed my brother in law's printer. All it was was a paper jam that took me 30 seconds to find. He was worried he was going to have to take it in for servicing.
I don't know how many in my family and friends call me to ask me what to do when they get sick. If I could charge consultation fees, I'd be rich by now.
Usually, whenever someone asks me for advice,or help doing or finding something, I'll do it without thinking, because it's easier than watching them flounder around trying to find a solution.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
21 May 07
I'm not the only one by a long shot, then, am I? I find it pretty odd not only do we know where our stuff is, and communal stuff, but also their own stuff.
I think that's how the situaion's just easier than teaching them or telling them and having them say they have looked and it isn't there and then in the end seeing it is exactly where you suggested.
What about talking people through computer problems over the phone? That's a fun one too, isn't it?
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
20 May 07
Well, it really depends. My fiancee always comes to me when something happens to her computer. When I try to show her how to solve the problem herself. She looks at me and saids " If I have to learn how to fix it myself then I no longer need you" . I fix the typical guy things in the house. If the dryer isn't drying she lets me know. If a pipe is leaking, my name gets hollared.
There are things that only she does as well. If the kids need a haircut, they go to mom. If they want to know if something matches they ask mom. If they get a tain in their clothing , mom to the rescue.
We both have things that we are better at. The children know who to come to to get their problems solved.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
21 May 07
Equality and fairness, what a wonderful thing. I think I got into the habit of being both mom and pop. Stupid me.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
22 May 07
But waaaah, I don't wannnaaaa be special:-) I want to be ordinary.
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
21 May 07
Naw, it means that your spcial. Not everyone is capable of doing such a thing. You should be proud of yourself. You are doing a wonderful services for your family.
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@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
20 May 07
If you're Gadget I'm Where Is. How would I know Where Is his sneakers? I didn't take them off his feet and put them anywhere!
There seems to be a limit of 30 seconds to search and then it's yell for the Where Is woman.
I'm not yet fifty and half my hair is gray. I'm the only woman in a home of hubby and sons and now you know why I'm going white haired.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
21 May 07
We are in the same boat. The really irriating bit is whaever they are looking for is always right in front of their noses. I can tell them mwhere it is, they say it isn't there, and then I show them it is in fact there. I don't know what is wrong with them! I haveheard on of my kids is the sme atschool, he can't find anything in his pack, and is forever borowing off his neighbours even though he has all the supplies, he just can't be bothered to find them!
@courtlynne77 (4839)
• United States
10 Jun 07
My favorite is "babe, where's the remote?". I am usually as far from the tv as possible when I am being asked that question. Another favorite tactic that often gets pulled on me is questions when I am sleeping, "Hey! Where are YOUR car keys?" note that he is not asking where his are because they are lost and I will be responsible for this later. I have no idea what you should do with your people, I have my hands full with mine!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
10 Jun 07
The funny thing about sking for the remote is that they are usually practically sitting on it!
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
21 May 07
I am not in this situation myself, but I grew up watching my mother go through it. ALthough my hubby does occasionally ask me where his cell phone is that he put down, and I respond every time with " I have no Idea where you put it" (although i just passed it sitting on the microwave cart). My mother is still catering to my little brother and my father. This year is the first year, ever, that my father has helped clean the house. I'm not quite sure how she got him to do it, I think she just stopped doing it herself. He had invited one of his friends over, and the house was a mess, he looked at her and said "so and so will be here in a few hours." she said "that's nice" He didn't know what to do with himself! I think he was so surprised, he didn't really say anything, but he started to clean up. After my mom saw how desperate he was, she pitched in too. It's amazing, because I still don't believe her, she said he even used the VACUUM! this is the man that would never step foot in the kitchen, ever. he would even send one of us girls in there after his soda. I think it's horrible that she does everything for my little brother too, (he's now 21, not so little anymore!) but she's beginning to do less. The other day, he needed his clothes washed, before he went to his girlfriends, she told him "i'll be busy, if you want clean clothes, you'll have to wash them yourself." He figured out how to do it on his own. I didn't know he even knew where the washer was! I think she's finally beginning to realize, that she doesn't have to do everything for them. When my sister and I lived there, we picked up the slack, but we've been on our own for a few years, and I think my mom is finally getting sick of it all. If only she had learned it years earlier, she'd have less grey hairs I think! (:
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
21 May 07
I realized that I rambled on so much, that I didn't really address your question the way I had intended. (sorry) (:
If it were my kids, I would just cut them off cold turkey for a couple of weeks. If they don't show any iniative they don't recieve any help. They need clean clothes for soccer practice, well, they can be taught how to use the washer/dryer. They are hungry and would like a snack, they know where the cupboards are. Just stop for a couple of weeks, and see what they figure out on their own. ALso, it would problably encourage the hubby to become more involved, after realizing that his dirty clothes from work are still on the floor after a week, he may decide to put them in the hamper to see if that helps them make thier way to the washer. (;
You could also make them try to find the answer for thier question before they come to you. FOr instance, they ask you, mom, where is my cell phone? you say "how long have you looked for it?" Make them look for it for 20 minutes before they ask you again. Hope some of this helps, Good luck with your needy family. (;
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
21 May 07
oh,yea.My dad's like that with me. He's going senile now but even before that,he was like I can't find my shoes,How do you work this computer,etc.The only thing I can suggest is do what I do,put your foot down.Ihad to cause he was driving me nuts til I couldn't take it anymore. If he says he can't find his shoes,I'll tell him to look for them then he'll find them.Of course now that he's going senile,I'm a little more lenient but that's what I used to do.I don't know why he thought I knew the answer to everything,lol
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
22 May 07
I guess now that he is getting genuinely forgetful he has an excuse, but as you say, the boot must be put on and the foot must come down. I have decided to go on strike. Thursday is my usual shopping day and informed La Familia that since we are going on holiday next month we will clear the larder between now and then so once what is there is gone, or what from there appears unappetising, they may have sandwiches or cup of soup or spaghetti hoops, and mama would like some help with some of the other chores.
Sheesh, my oldest asked why he hasn't been getting his allowance, so maybe hitting him in the wallet will help, too.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
29 May 07
oh boy do I know what you are talking about!!! is this a universal affliction of wives/mothers? yes, okay, I understand that we are the best at finding a bandaide - kissing the boo boo and making it all better....but come on!
"I can't do it because I can't this, or that"
"I can't do it because first such and such has to be done....(so do such and such you so and so!)"
"Where's my......! How do you.....? " then all the heavy sighs that go along with the incapabilities.
I wish I had an answer, if you find one let me know. When one of the kids says "Where's my shoes" I usually say "Well, let's see, the last time I wore them I . . . . . "
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
29 May 07
"the last time I wore them...." Lol! Now my oldest takes mine and loses them, too, since we wear the same size!
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
21 May 07
I would not say I am a gadget. However, I do handle most of the technical things at home, short of being called the Handyman. When any machine or device is not working, I would be the first to have a look at it before I write it off, and I am one to source for a replacement. However, if it is replacing of water pipes, clearing the choke, that's out for me. I cannot take the stench. If there is any decision making to be made, it seems that I have the final say even though I dread it. Perhaps it is because I have been through more hardship than my siblings.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
9 Jun 07
I hate getting called in for the stench jobs, too. Yesterday it was, "Mam, how do we get the dog **** off the featerbed?" That was fun!
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
21 May 07
I think when we are in the role of mother/wife we have a tendency to want to everyone to need us, but it ends up getting out of control.
I am always telling my hubby that I am not Superwoman and can't possibly do everything that is expected of me, especially when I have worked that day! But it goes in one deaf ear and out the other.
My husband and daughter expect me to drop everything and do for them. And fix everything, they think that I know how to fix everything from a leaky faucett to broken cell phones. Of course, I have had to learn how to do a lot, but out of necessity not desire to learn these things, otherwise nothing would get done.
I think it's just easier for them to let me deal with things.
I have started to step back and tell them they will have to start doing some things around here, and my daughter actually figured out how to turn the dishwasher on!
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
21 May 07
ROTF, that is soooo funny! My daughter asked me this morning if she had any clean jeans, I said, 'I don't know, do you?'
I then told her that I am not the only one capable of doing laundry. I am NOT doing it, nope, nope, nope, if she wants clean clothes, she knows how to use the washer.
Thanks for best response!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
21 May 07
It seems like a lot of wmen re in this situation. I suppose it makes sense with the children because they start out helpless and needing to be cared for. I know when I was little a more independence was expected of me and I often chafe under that idea. It isn't that they are incapable, they are just veryu resistant.
One of my kids has NO socks to wear. According to him, they are not balled up under his bed or put in some crazy place. I really don't know what he plans on doing for school the rest of the week, but I expect he thinks he is going to'borrow' mine (yuck! they would eed boiling after that!). I just thought of a lovely little project for him this afternoon. I will send him under his bed with a mask and snorkel and see what he can fish out in the way of items that need laundering.

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
22 May 07
yup,that's me.
oh,it's totally a scam in most cases here LOL
they just don't want to fix/look for something.
however when i was asked "how do i shut off the water to the toilet?" i RAN. :)
i almost didn't want to know why they were asking.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
22 May 07
oh,i love febreeze:)
my all time favorite had to be "i think a pipe broke in the basement.i hear water (this was in winter)"
did they check it out? call a plumber? turn off the main water valve?...nope.
sat down and ate a sandwich,while waiting for me to get up.
can't say they chucked a whole roll of paper in the toilet yet,but i wouldn't put it past them LOL
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
22 May 07
Holy you know what! I WOULD have run! I have so many toilet issues here, and have only recently conquered the mistaken concept that you can't dump a whole roll of paper in the toilet and expect it not to clog! Seriously, it really, really doesn't work. Especially if you have also dumped in half a pack of diaper wipes, too.
You'll like this: last night I asked my husband to pick up some Febreze and he just couldn't manage to walk the five minutes to the shop. He got the, "After everything I do for you and you can't even wah wah wah wah they aren't listening anyway...." speech. Well, this morning he went to the shop before he went to work and picked it up and left it on the counter.
Nice, right? No. It could have been 'nice', but instead there was a half empty bottle of Febreze sitting beside it that he had pulled out from beneath the sink.
That's just so nice, except I actully do know where everything in this house is, and the same way I know the 'Windowlene' is really bleach and water, that 'Febreze' is really wood cleaner bought in dilute and hand mixed. Shame. What could have beeen a nice gesture had to be more of the reason why this post was started in the first place.
Ah. That felt good. Now, I am going to go use that Febreze and anhalate a whole warren of dust bunnies in my quest to get rid of this cough!
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@recycledgoth (9894)
21 May 07
In my household I tend to be the finder.
*Where are my keys?* - on the table
*Where is my hair brush?* - by your left hand
*Have you seen my jacket?* - hanging on the hanger
I used to simply find things and hand them over, now I tend to respond with
*Where did you put them/it etc*
I am not the font of all knowledge or the container of all wisdom, but it seems to be expected anyway.
@maribea (2366)
• Italy
21 May 07
my friend, I am still here smiling after reading your discussion...I think we all know what you mean...I think that there are people who like pretending to be the Bible on earth and like having the first and above all the last word on everything...but there are also people who like asking others more than taking themselves the trouble of either looking for a thing or trying to make a thing work...for my family my mother is the person to whom all the male members of the family go when they cannnot find their stuff...of course they simply didn't bore looking for them...I am the person who they are used to asking literary things and so on..but this is only a matter of habit, I think and of laziness even though it is clear that we can all have some peculiar ability and then be the one addressed on a specific problem...but I don't think that there could be one and only person specialised in solving all the problems..maybe I am wrong..well if you are out there...please let me know you!!!
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
21 May 07
I totally agree with you, we should all have our niches, rather than be expected to know how to do all the jobs no one else wants to do. There are two things I am able to get out of: mowing the lawn because I cannot get the mower started, and cutting up the firewood with the big electric saw because I am too afraid to attempt the operation of it. All other things I have foolishly taken a wack at and now they know I know how to do them. Oops!