how do you like your burger

Burger - Many recipes and one delicious dish
@lucgeta (924)
May 20, 2007 12:34pm CST
Folks, vote on that. I prefer medium-rare burgers, with a little juice to make more tasty and to preserve the meat. Many people say that well-doen is destroying the proteins and the flavors, other contest that rare might be un-healthy and transmit diseases. Medium is banged from both sides lol Tell me how you like your burger and why.
1 response
@takkea (393)
• United States
20 May 07
I love mine well done because I know that it is properly cooked. I need to have lettuce, cucumbers and onions on it.
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@lucgeta (924)
• France
21 May 07
Concerns over diseases might be the most common reason for well-done burgers. Unfortunately for me it takes away the savour. If the meat has a good procedence you shouldn't need to worry that much.