New Moon

United States
May 20, 2007 12:44pm CST
The album is finally out and is #1 on the indie billboard charts, and #24 on the regular album charts! I'm really happy to hear this news. When I first got the double disc set last weekend, I was pleasantly surprised (I pre-ordered), and I listened to it from beginning to end... I love all of the tracks. I especially love hearing old versions of songs that I've become familiar with like "Some Enchanted Night" which became "Miss Misery", and cleaned up versions of songs I downloaded last year when the so-called "Basement II" leaks came out. What are some of your favorite tracks, and more importantly, are you happy with the way New Moon turned out? I think it is perfect!
2 responses
• Finland
7 Jun 07
I haven't listened to the album enough to pick out my favourite songs, but on the whole I'd say the album is pretty strong, and better than I thought it would be. When I first heard they were releasing a double album I thought they would just pump it full of every little scrap of a song they could find, but luckily they didn't do that. Like I said, I think the album is pretty good, though none of the songs are really great (well if they were, they would've been on the Elliott Smith and Either/Or albums right?).
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Sep 07
I think the album is some of his best work! I think there are a few great songs - some standouts - like "go by" or "going nowhere" or "looking over my shoulder". These songs are near and dear to my heart!
• United States
2 Feb 08
I'm pretty happy with it. I enjoy the cleaned-up versions of songs that were on Basement II demos, but also love the low-fi, unfinished, unmixed versions. It's sort of like a metaphor for the way things seem to be with Elliott. I can't possibly pick a favorite, but ones that stick out are "First Timer" and "Seen How Things Are Hard". for some reason I love the false start on "Riot Coming" also known as "Sons into daughters" and it's weird not hearing it on New Moon.