Dreading tomorrow
By cynddvs
@cynddvs (2948)
United States
May 20, 2007 2:39pm CST
A few weeks ago I posted a discussion about whether to get a root canal or have my tooth extracted. Well my tooth has recently started bothering me really bad causing lots of pain and headaches. So I called around to figure out prices and procedures. We don't have dental insurance but a dental discount plan. I was originally going to have a root canal. But when I start calling trying to find an Endontonist that would take my discount plan I couldn't find any. So I would have to pay for my root canal and crown completely out of pocket. The whole procedure all together would end up costing around $2,000. I just can't afford that right now. So I started calling oral surgeons to see how much it would cost to have the tooth extracted and with my discount plan it will only be $44. So after doing all my research I am having my tooth extracted tomorrow. I'm dreading it really bad but I have to have it done. I know I'll feel much better once I recover. And it's my very back molar so it won't be noticeable. I know my teeth may shift a little but my mouth is too small for my teeth so I'm hoping it won't be a big deal.
So has anyone had a tooth extraction? Any words of advice on dealing with the pain? They are going to give me a perscription for some pain meds but I only want to take them at night after my daughter has gone to bed. I don't want to be doped up on pain killers while I'm taking care of her.
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16 responses
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
20 May 07
I've had all of my wisdom teeth pulled at different times, as they started to bother me. I only had a lot of trouble with one that had a very deep root,and the dentist had a hard time pulling it out. My whole jaw and neck area was swollen , and I couldn't eat solid food for a couple of days. The other teeth were not bad at all, and I recovered in a day or two.
I don't think yours will be that bad, as it's not one of your widsom teeth. It'll be over before you know it. Just make sure you've got something you can sip on for awhile, because you might be too sore to eat. If you can get someone to stay with you, it would be a good idea so you can keep up with the pain meds before the pain gets out of hand.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
21 May 07
I still have to have my wisdom teeth removed eventually but not this time. I'm not in a big hurry for them since they are not bothering me. And they are impacted so they'll have to put me out to get those out. So I'm going to put that one off for a while and just have this one taken care of since it's been hurting pretty bad.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
20 May 07
Good luck to you. I hate having work done on my teeth. If it is any consilation, I had a root canal and they didn't get the entire root so the pain continued. I called the dentist and he said it was normal. Finally I insisted to have him look at it and he said that he couldn't get the whole root at that time, so I had to have this done all over again! It would have been easier to have it extracted.
I feel bad for you not having proper dental insurance for the root canal. We are very blessed as we have great dental insurance.
I would suggest that you get as much rest as possible. If you have someone who can watch your daughter for a couple of days while your recoop, that might help your healing process.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
21 May 07
The more stories I'm hearing about root canals it just confirms that I'm making the right decision having it removed. That's awful that you had to go through that twice. At least you had good insurance to cover it. And luckily my fiance will be here to help with my daughter.
@drumm1n (499)
• India
20 May 07
heyy...dont sweat it!..i had four tooth extractions for fitting my braces!...and one of them..the doc had to break some bone!...il tell u wat helps!...after the extraction have ice cream!...i think u gotta wait..fr an hr..bfr u can eat ne thin..but yeh..dat helps!
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
21 May 07
Oh my, in my experience a root canal was the worst thing in the world, and then I lost the tooth anyway, it just wasn't worth the pain and the expense. You are much better off just having it taken out.
It was less painful than having a root canal.
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@kariliv (16)
• United States
20 May 07
I'm glad you've decided to get the tooth pulled. In the long run, it will be worth it, even if the short term effects are rough. My mother had several teeth extracted a few weeks ago and eating and talking were had for her for a few days. Since you are only losing one tooth it probably won't be as bad, but I would still make sure you have some soup, pudding and ice cream on hand just in case. Straws will help you drink easier since you won't need to open your mouth wide or tilt your head back to drink. You also might need to make up a few ice packs ahead of time to help reduce the swelling on your jaw.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 May 07
Awwww, This gives me the creeps just reading about it. I have a terrible fear of dentists and everything that has to do with teeth, however I have never had a tooth taken out and for them to do that on me they will have to put me to sleep first.
My fear of the dentist is not normal - it is a phobia =)
I hope u do well though, I am sure u will =) Good luck!
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
21 May 07
In my opinion you not only made the cheapest choice but you made the best choice possible. When my daughter was still in grade school she fell on the ice and broke her tooth. One of her not so graceful moves. I paid even at that time big $$$$ to have a root canal and she's had nothing but grief. I would have had the tooth pulled in a heart beat, but as my luck goes this was a front tooth and you just don't do that to a little girl. She was far to young to look after a false tooth and I did what I was told was the best. I would never recommend root canal to anyone. Having this tooth pulled will be good because if your teeth are crowded it is possible that once you heal where the tooth came out your teeth will straighten some what back there. The dentist always hates to pull teeth because you'll never spend another cent on the pulled tooth. You're lucky to have been able to get a deal like 44.00 to pull a tooth. Someone just told me last week he had two teeth pulled and a cleaning and that cost 385.00.
I'm sure once this is done you'll be one happy camper. Take Care and have a great week.
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@MakeItCount (350)
• India
21 May 07
I'm sorry you don't have dental insurance that covers a root canal (and a little concerned about all the horror stories that I've been reading on this post about root canals because I had one a while ago; it's not caused me any problems so far and the procedure was also painless touch wood). But if you're having your tooth extracted then you maybe you could take a mild pain killer that will not leave you drowsy, the painkiller that I took after my root canal didn't. Check with your dentist about that.
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@onecutehoneybear (938)
• United States
21 May 07
My experience with the root canal was that the dentist didn't do it even though he charged my insurance for it! I was sooooooooo mad when I had to go and pay full price for the doctor to pull the same tooth that supposedly had a root canal done on it.
It was also my very back molar so having it pulled wasn't a biggie for me. I didn't even have to take anything besides advil for it. Of course the detist didn't offer me any prescription either, though I wouldn't have had it filled.
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@Manoj_s (939)
• India
21 May 07
Think twice before removing or doing something to your tooth you may not get it back .since medical science is not going to help but only ot remove it why dont you try alternate medicine learn more about naturopathy or orthopathy.try ot learn or meet some orthopathy doctor .listen what he says.if he guarenteest your tooth why dont you sacrifice your taste for somedays and have a fasting or juice fasting may be a sun bath .which is going to help .no expenses at all.a will show you a site which describes about self healing.
learrn more yourself
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@Lifez2short (4962)
• United States
21 May 07
I have never had a tooth pulled. But it sounds really painful. Its smart you will not take the meds when she is up. But you might want to keep a bottle of Tylenol handy to dull the pain. If it gets to be to much during the day.
@fengbo (731)
• China
21 May 07
Don't worry about this anymore.I think it will be well tomottow.I don't get root canal but my tooth has been root.i go visit doctor early and deal with it soonly.I think you will go visit doctor early.this pain is so afflictive.you'd better treat it immediately.
i wish you a speedy recovery.
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@drouplet (5)
• Pakistan
21 May 07
Never ever consider extracting your teeth. You may consider the high cost of a root canal but later with one of your tooth gone, its neighboring teeth is in danger.
I recently had a root canal and its not painful at all, i recommend you to go with that!
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@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
20 May 07
I had one tooth extracted last year. The pain wasn't bad taking the tooth out and sure felt a lot better when my mouth no longer hurt. I have a small mouth and having the tooth removed really made me feel a lot better. The tooth was not in front, so you can't tell its gone.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
21 May 07
I've had four wisdom teeth pulled, it's been awhile but I remember I had "holes" for awhile where they used to be, I had to get a thing to flush the holes with water or they'd get infected. Good luck! If you can give birth, you can manage this pain lol.
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