What has your child shoved up their nose?
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
May 20, 2007 8:02pm CST
When I was 4 my cousins told me that if I put beans in my nose they would grow, pretty cool idea to a 4 year old, so I did. I shoved them bad boys up so far my mom had to take me to the hospital! My hubby also did the same thing with M7M's when he was about that age, and from mwhat I hear kids putting things in their nose is pretty common. Anyway I was eating peanuts tonite and my 4 year old starts yelling that her 18 month old brother shoved one up her nose. I told her no way because he was already in bed and that she shouldn't lie. She started freaking out and I told her to let me look, I didn't see or feel anything. My hubby looked and said "She has a peanut way up her nose." I plugged her other nostril and told her to blow hard, she did and sure enough the peanut came flying out, which she thought was hysterically funny. So we had to have a talk with her about putting things in her nose. WHy do kids do this? Any stories you can share?
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23 responses
@mama4kids (690)
• United States
21 May 07
my 4 yr old did something similiar, but it didnt have anything to do with his nose.
when he was only 3, actually, he just turned 3 a few weeks earlier, he thought it would be a good idea to put a dime into his mouth. the problem here is that he bit down on it and it was stuck between two back teeth on the top. it was wedged in there so hard that his gum was bleeding and i couldnt just pull it out. the big problem was that i was up all night throwing up, i had a stomach virus that was going thru my house. i was so weak and could barely move from puking for like 5 hours non stop. in between puking i had to nurse the baby so i didnt get any sleep. then when i got up in the morning, i went outside to walk my daughter to her friends car to go to school and found that a bear ripped the garbage bag open and dragged it across my driveway, one end to the other. so with the little energy that i had, i picked up the garbage. i came in the house and told my sons, jd, who was 3 and ryder who was like 17 or 18 months old at the time to watch a movie i put on and i went into the other room to put my newborn down for a nap. i was out of the room for maybe 5 mins, only one room over from them. jd came running into my room screaming, with his mouth wide open. i saw the dime and tried to pull it out thinking it was just wedged between two teeth. well i couldnt. i started to panic because he was screaming, more in fear than pain, and he was bleeding. i did the only thing i could think of at the time, i called 911. that was quite a funny call i must say. the operator was laughing a little, and at that point, i was too. it was either laugh or cry. then while i was waiting for the ambulance to arrive, my husband storms into the house and runs to the bathroom. he was the virus's next victim. what timing. when the paramedics finally got there, they tried to get the dime out and couldnt. they suggested that they take him to the nearest hospital and let the drs deal with it. my husband had to go with him in the amublance since i had the baby with me and he was nursing quite frequently, i couldnt leave him. so my poor sick husband went with him and i followed with my other 2 boys in the minivan. when i got there, they were already to go home. the dr pulled it right out with no problem. they even gave him back his dime..lol.
i have to say that if you even mention the incident, he says he will never put money in his mouth again..lol. he still remembers it very clearly. he did not damage but he did manage to really get it in there. it was scary but now, a year later, i can laugh about it.
it will make for one great story when he gets older!!!
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
21 May 07
Murphys LAw says that whenever both parents are sick something crazy will happen with one of the kids! We were both sick over the weekend and I know it's rotten to say, but thankfully all three kids got it at the same time too, so we all laid in bed sick together and nobody caused any trouble. I bet your child never puts money in their mouth again!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
21 May 07
My son shoved a dime up his nose! lol I don't know how he got that in there and I don't remember how I got it out. He was a toddler at the time and now he's 11. What I remember most is panicking and having to pull over. This happend in the car and he was in his car seat. (not sure where he got the coin)I had to pull over at the nearest gas station and try to get it out. I was prepared to take him to his doctor, but somehow I got it out.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
21 May 07
How on earth does a dime fit in a childs nose?! LOL Thank goodness you got it out!
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@ecogal (522)
• United States
21 May 07
Very funny topic. Thanks for posting. My oldest stuck a crayon up her nose...so far so good with my second. I'm crossing my fingers she wont do anything of the sort. My mother in law has a very nasty story about my brother stciking a green pea up his nose. Its not a story I like to hear over and over but she likes to tell it over and over and now I can never eat peas at her house.
@happymommy3 (2012)
• United States
21 May 07
HA! Oh my, that's not really funny but made me think about my kids and I guess it is normal for kids to do that than. My youngest daughter when she was 3 years old stuck a sticker up her nose. My oldest daughter told me because she saw her do it so I looked in her nose and tried to get her to blow it out even tried getting it out with a tweezers but couldn't. At that time she still couldn't figure out how to blow her nose right so instead she inhaled and the sticker went in farther. I could barley see it but couldn't get it out. So I took her to the doctor's the and they used a camera and couldn't find anything. They said she probably just swallowed it so she was fine after that. A year later she was playing with her oldest sister who had some money and ended up swallowing a penny. I totally freaked out and called the nurse hotline. She told me not to worry so much if she was breathing she was fine. Just to make sure and watch when she went bathroom to make sure it came out. So, it did thank goodness. Funny, the things kids do, but they are pretty scary for us at the time!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
21 May 07
My daughter was between 2 and 3, she shoved a pez candy up her nose. She just calmly looked at me and said "mommy" and her dad saw it and freaked out lol. To make matters worse it was a red one, so when her boogies started running they were red, so her dad freaked out even more thinking she was bleeding. Which then had her freaking out. lol. I got them both calmed and did the same thing you did, I held one side of her nose and had her blow. The candy came right out, slightly smaller and soggy lol.
@Caila611 (992)
• United States
21 May 07
Fortunally for me my two oldest have not stuck little things u there noses. However, my two year old likes to stick pens in his nose. ( i have a picture on my profile). Not sure what his facination with that is. If you figure that out let me know.
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
21 May 07
I have three children and although it is hard to believe, I don't think any of them have shoved anything up their noses. However, my youngest one loves to do those little perler beads (the ones you place on a pegboard and then iron to melt them together) and those little things fit perfectly in her ears. I don't know why it is so fun for her to jam her ears full of beads but she does it even if she knows she is going to be in trouble.
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
21 May 07
That's so funny! My niece when she was 2 also stuck a peanut up her nose. It wasn't shoved in there like your daughter but at first it's a very scary thing. If my daughter ever sticks something up her nose hopefully it won't be so far up there I can't get it out! Thanks For sharing your story!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
21 May 07
I have got a son, who is 21 years now! Luckily he never gave any trouble by shoving anything into his nose or ears when he was a kid1
But I would like to narrate a incident where I myself was a son and introduced a small ball bearing of Cycle into one of my ears, thus making my father crazy! Reason? God knows 1 I used to get enjoyment by retrieving the small things introduced in the ear by a match stick1 Yes though I am grown up now , I still feel it requires lot of imagination and patience and at the same dexterity, as the ear shouldn't get damaged. Normally I used to introduced small pieces of papers made into tiny balls and used to retrieve them back with the help of match stick and some times I used to use safety pin also ! I was too imaginative and I used to make the pointed end just like a small hook to trap the paper ball! I used to get a thrill in doing it!
Once in school I found a small ball bearing of Bicycle and I must be some 10 or 11 years old then! Having played with it for some time I involuntarily put it in one of my ears, thinking that it would give me a nice time pass and i will have a challenge! But lo! after introducing the ball into the ear , it was impossible for me to get it out as every time I used to manipulate the ball it would slip out ! This went on for few hours and then I realised that the things are going far beyond my reach!
After the school , then it struck me that the ball can be removed with a magnet, so I went to my friend and I think he had a magnet, a big bar magnet with him . I requested for it and initially he thought that i will be using his magnet for some project or what, so he denied. I was in dilemma whether to tell him or not about my problem! Then I had to tell him about my problem and listening to it he gave the magnet. Since the magnet was too big there was no question it could anyway go near the ball bearing and having tried for few minutes I gave up the idea and now I realised that the situation has become serious and I will have to tell about this to my father!
Actually I might have hidden this fact from my father , but my friend has incorporated fear in me that the ball bearing is made up of iron and it may find its way inside my head, which really made me frightened!
Some how when my father returned from the Office in the evening I told him about t! When asked how the thing went inside the ear, I fabricated a story that the ball was thrown in the air and while trying to catch it , it enter my ear accidentally! I know my father might have thought , it was better to stop there only before I come up with more lies! I also knew that he understood my lie!
He took me to the Medical college which was near by my place . In the OPD department the In charge first tried to remove it with ordinary forceps, as the ball, was visible from out side , but every time it used to get slipped out! Then he called for ENT specialist , he also tried with some instruments which didn't work. Finally he decided to flush my ear with water and for me the department of ENT which is closed during late evenings at that time was opened and he has flushed out the ball bearing from my ear!
Having removed the ball, he requested my father if he can keep that ball with him, as if it is a treasure he retrieved from my ear! My father readily accepted for it, but he too was curious like me, what he would do with it! Then he told that this ball will be displayed in the Lab amongst the objects which were retreived from patients ear!
So, the ball if I am not wrong must be still lying in the medical college ENT lab as one of the specimen even after some 35 years now!
Ha Ha Ha ...Is n't it a interesting story ? Thanks for initiating such a nice topic of discussion! It made me nostalgic! May God bless you!
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
21 May 07
Oh my—that was funny- thanks for the laugh. I don’t think I ever stuck anything up my nose- Neither did my daughter- she is 10 so I’m sure she would have experimented by now. : ) I’m glad that your daughter got the nut out of her nose- Poor thing! : )
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
24 May 07
I'll never forget it. Whenm my two older sons were 5 and 6, you could hear my one son breathing ALL OVER THE HOUSE at night. I mean he sounded like a freight train breathing. I just knew it sounded wrong. We took him to the doctor. He had shoved a piece of foam rubber WAY up his nose and it had been there for quite a while and had gotten all gunky and swollen and was blocking one side of his nose!! The doctor had to spray some anesthetic in there and remove it with very long forceps that had a little cutter on the side. Then he had to scrape around to get rid of any remnents and of course put him on antibiotics! I was so wicked embarrassed. I was afraid the doctor would think less of me as a nurse (I knew him from the hospital) and as a mother, but he understood! Later I asked my son to show me where he got the foam rubber and it was from a stuffed animal!
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
21 May 07
My eldest put some toliet tissue up her nose at age 2; I could have seen it and all but couldn't do nothing; finally, her grandfather and aunt took her to the doctor and the doctors there removed it and to hear tell it she had some of everything on that paper; it smelled foul, had mucus, blood and all. My ex sister in law threw up. I can only imagine. She's 17 now.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
21 May 07
When my god daughter was two she shoved a piece of rolled up paper up her nose. We were all going out to dinner, but had to make a pit stop at the emergency room to have it extracted before she inhaled it into her lungs. I thought it was strange, until my own daughter shoved a piece of play dough up her nose. Back to the emergency room we went where she thankfully sneezed it out before the doctor even looked at her.
@amaleigh73 (499)
• United States
24 May 07
Fortunately, only their fingers! lol
My daughter has swallowed some interesting things but no nose stories. :-)
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
21 May 07
When my son was 3 years old he put a purple plastic flower up his nose and I did not know it. His nose kept running so I took him to the doctor and they realized he had an obstruction in it and scheduled him for outpatient surgery. When the surgery was over the surgeon brought out in a clear jar the purple flower and asked both my daughter and myself if we had ever seen it, both of us recognized it right off the bat.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
21 May 07
My neice did this not once but twice. She shoved a french fry up her nose. The first time we managed to get it out but the second time she shoved it so far up we had to take her to the emergency room. It didn't phase her at all it being there but we knew it couldn't stay. They had to vacuum it out. Thankfully it didn't hurt but that's how far up she'd shoved it. Got to wonder about kids.
@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
21 May 07
I am lucky enough that my little guy is too little to have thought to do this yet, but I know my time is coming. My mom told me that when I was about 4 I shoved a pea so far up my nose they couldnt get it out though. Then on the way to the emergency room I sneezed and it flew out. I guess that is just one of those things most kids are going to experiment with
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
21 May 07
That is hilarious!! My daughter is famous for the "my brother did it" as well even though he is too little do to the things she says!! I don't have any stories about my kids but when I was little I put a skittle up my nose. I don't know why...maybe I wanted to see if it would fit. But I couldn't tell my parents because I didn't want to get in trouble so I remember going into the bathroom and trying to blow it out =) I remember being so scared because it took forever, I told my mom about it last year (I am 25 now) and she thought it was so funny!!
@nicmichiole (151)
• Philippines
21 May 07
cool! now there's something i had never did. i did a bunch of stuffs when i was a kid, like eat candle wax, shampoo, soap, lipstick, clay (ew), etc.. i think kids act this way because it's something possible to do. kids' actions are limited and shoving something up their nose is easy, since they also don't know what they're doing, they don't have that sense of telling what right and wrong yet or what hurts and what doesn't. :P that would just be a hypothetical opinion, i'm not a psychologist! lol
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