Too much stress with mother in law
By thekiwi
@thekiwi (588)
United States
May 20, 2007 11:04pm CST
Well Okay heres my story:
I am engaged to a man i have been with since i was 16 years old. I am now 20. We have been living with parents, grand parents, back and forth and really havent had a chance to live by ourselves. I we had our first child together last year. And since we are about to have another we decided to move to florida, where we could get out on our own, be away from family members. Well My dear mother in law, helped us move down here and has been living off of us since february. I am close to my due date, i am due the 26th. So we got our apartment picked out and going to pay rent and deposit this week on weds and move in it by friday. We gave the mother in law a three week notice prior to this.
Today she freaked. She yelled and screamed at me cause we were moving, she blamed me for moving, and taking her son and grandchild away from her. She called me a B*** and a Crack wh** and everything else. Well you know how people are and when you get them mad they say things they dont mean to say?
I tried to ignore this but couldnt she kept hammering on me with words, so i called my fiance' and made him get off of work 30 minutes earlier to get me. He did, mean while, he told her current boyfriend how she was cheating on him with our neighbor, which was totally true, but we have been trying to keep our noses out of it.
So to make a long story short. She wants 250, which is what she gave us to help move down here. We told her, three weeks ago, since she didnt put the deposit down on the current apartment she is at, that she can keep the 500 deoposit and use that toward another place, to call it all even.
Now shes screaming and acting like a child. In front of my year old son. We had no choice but to call my friend breanna and pack all of our stuff, well most of it. We left most of it in the closet, which is just clothes in bags and boxes, and put some on johns, our neighbors, porch. We are going to come back and get it tomorrow of course. When i just got a phone call saying that shes on johns porch getting all of my sons toys!!!
So now shes stealing toys from our son! Her grandson...
I am very pissed...forgive me for the language. I am over stressed, and really dont want to fight with her, she is my babys dads mother. But we did tell her we are leaving in three weeks...
She brought up the fact that she will have a minor surgery, removal of a thist on her ovalries, on the fourth. But she gets paid a huge amount cause of her insurance. They are going to pay her for her loss at work straight up, so she will get that by the 6th. She will be out of work for atleast two weeks, so thats two checks shes going to pick up on.
I dont feel sorry for her. To me, shes done this to herself, she cant live off of me and her son for long. She knew when we moved down here we wanted to live on our own, thats why we moved down here in the first place!
I dont know how i can make things better. It seems everytime i try to talk to her she calls me names. Apparently this all has been building up inside of her and today when it finally hit home that we are going to move, she decided to wait until my fiance' went to work to take it out on me.
I honestly dont know what i should do, i mean i know i have no choice but to move to the new apartment but, how can i make things better between us? It seems impossible. Now my fiance' hates her even more for calling me names, which she even did infront of her! So now he hates her, and shes blamming me for it... I am at a loss..
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2 responses
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
21 May 07
I don't get along with my future mother-in-law, either. The really best you can do at this point is to get as much stuff out of her place as possible and just cut contact altogether until she grows up. She probably won't stop and probbaly won't get better until she realizes that there are consequences to acting like a childish moron.
In my situation, I've been with my fiance since I was 16 and am now 20 as well. However, he has a younger brother who got his arrogant b*tch of a girlfriend pregnant when they were only 16 and 17 years old. At the time, my fiance was living with his parents to go to university and when she came out as pregnant, they kicked him out with no money, no notice and nowhere to go. They don't respect or care about us. They don't even care that we're getting married. I refuse to interact with them anymore.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
21 May 07
I know her mother-in-law personally and she's ALWAYS been like this and I swear I don't foresee her changing. Kiwi has just gotten extremely lucky up until now.
Sorry about your situation though!! WOW! That's got to suck for your finance! I would never kick my child out for something like that. The house would just be a little more crowded! I hope things improve for you :)
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
21 May 07
Oh've entered her crazy messed up world. There was only time before something like this was bound to happen. That's just her. You've got to let it go the best you can. Even if that means losing everything you own. This is why no one wanted you three to move. They didn't want this drama for you.
I know it's really tough. I've been around when things were bad's stressful and you certainly don't need that. I'm so glad that you got that apartment and are moving out. She should have NEVER been living off you all anyway!!! You guys are trying to build a life down there - not take care of her!
If you need anything please let me know. I will do what I can.
Oh - I do have both babies something. I just haven't sent them. Can you send me your new address and I forgot what the family said you are going to name the baby too. Congrats sweetie :)
Hang in there...but as a warning this probably won't be the only time this happens. Just do your best to ignore her. She's got serious issues...
Love you all!
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@thekiwi (588)
• United States
21 May 07
Well we didnt get the apartment, they never said why, and said the only way we would learn the reason why is if we go in there and pick up our 100 deposit or wait until it comes in the mail.
So now we are over at my friends house and probably going to live off her for some time. Which i really dont want to, we could always go inland and live where ann is, but thats the ghetto, but its better than nothing right?She called to day and told me she was just "confused" and thats why she tried to come after us with the baseball bat, and thats why she screamed at me, cause her and her boyfriend wasnt getting along. I told her thats no excuse that i am due this saturday and thats too much stress on me. Its bull crap!!!Honesly, i really want to move back, but tj loves it here, theres no talking him into moving back, unless i can get terry to say that he will make tj drive the race car, lol, thats the only thing i can think that would make tj want to move back to kentucky.
But it isnt going to happen. I am soo tired of stress and yelling. I honestly just want to get a home loan in kentucky, get my acs job in lexington and be content. Plus tj could do all the dry walling and crap he can that would help out wonderfully, but he wont move back to kentucky. But i can try to talk him into it, try,:( As for you sending the babies something, just wait, tonya and terry are taking a mini vacation down here in june, I hope we can get our crap squared away by then.
The new babies name is Lucas, btw:) Havent had him yet.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
22 May 07
OH MY! I can't believe you didn't get the apartment!! That sucks! I hope you guys can find something soon. The ghetto doesn't sound like a good idea :(
I wish you guys would move back too but I can understand how T.J. feels too. I imagine he thinks this is the only way to start a new life without prejudices attached. ?? But I hate thinking you all are around her and are subject to her abuse.
I wish you luck...maybe Tonya & Terry will be able to talk him into coming back when they come down for a visit.
I just got Sheridan & you and Lucas gift cards though in case you want them sooner. Plus I'm not sure when we'll be back in Richmond again. It might not be before they come. Just let me know :) I just wanted to let you know I didn't forget about Sheridan and I only just found out you were pregnant missy!
Good luck with apartment hunting and giving birth LOL :)