Some questions about cashcrate and treasuretrooper

May 20, 2007 11:58pm CST
I have heard a lot abt these two sites. I cam to know that we can easily make a few hundred dollars pm, from both of them, if we can use them properly. I am a mmebr of both, but I have not done anything on them as yet. I have some basic question reg both of them. 1. I am an Indian, so I dont qualitfy for most of the offers - which includes surveys and free trails. I get msg like ' Sorry, this is not for u, and u will be redirected shortly'. Now what I want to know is that, does that redirected links is of same preice as the origoinal offer or what? I eman if i clciked on a $10 offer, so would that link that redirected me to some other site, is of $10 aslo, ie if i complete that offer will i my a/c will be credited by $10. Anone can pls explain this...? 2. Some offers, for which i qualify say that i have to complete a $10 free trail , and get $25 for it. So, what I want to know that is that 10$ (which is a free trail), will be back in my account, if i cancel it before the trail peroioid expires, or do i have to actually pay $10 to make $20? 3. What is the best way to make money here. Do u ppl do free things, or even give trails offers a try, r u fine with giving ur credit card no? HOw has been ur expeirence? For eg, if u sign up for a one month trail offer by giving ur credit card no, and cancel it after 25 days, would that be good enouhg - won they kind of trcik u or something ...? I want to know ur personal expreince. Thanks.
3 responses
@zodiac73 (119)
22 May 07
I have joined treasuretrooper and find that the daily survey thing is not available to the UK and no doubt a lot of stuff on there isn't either. I will stick with it and see how it goes. I keep hearing a lot about cashcrate, hope that applies to the Uk also!
• India
22 May 07
cashcrate is for uk, but most offer r for US ppl only :(
@federickp (607)
• India
21 May 07
Those things are really not useful for indians.. try to earn inn programs like hits4pay and if you have $10 in paypal join Clixsense and upgrade, you can earn upto $30 per months after upgrade: Here is link: JOIN HERE:
• India
21 May 07
I do have 10 $ in paypal, n also i m a mmeber of clixsense, but the problem is it can not give returns in 400-500 $ like CC or TT :)
• Canada
22 May 07
I'm not idian but I found out about cashcrate and I'm making lots of money sign up for things really fast by putting in phony info :D