What is your earliest memory as a child
By kayrod2
@kayrod2 (1304)
May 21, 2007 4:55am CST
I was just reminded of an early childhood memory when i answered another discussion, and i was wondering what others earliest memory of when you were a child? The one that got me thinking was treading on chewing gum when i was little and hopping in a hot car, standing on the seat then sitting down and chewy getting on my favourite dress. It got wrecked and i was really upset.I can even remember the dress, it was white with pink dots and ducks on it. It is funny how these little memories pop into our head. Can also remember standing on the front steps in the same dress waiting for my brothers to get home from school. Just thought of that one. It was many years ago, and there isnt that much i remember.
So, what do you remember?
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17 responses
@wolves69 (755)
• United States
21 May 07
I was two years old. My parents were remodeling the kitchen and as a 2 year old, I was running around in the other room. They had the kitchen blocked off with plastic. After a while, I wanted to see what was going on in the kitchen, so I peeked in by lifting the bottom of the plastic. I remember the worker with a big bucket painting the ground and was wondering what he was doing? About that time, my Mom yelled for me to get away from there...I turned and something landed in my eye. If felt like an electric shock.
My Dad comes running, looks in the eyes and can't find anything. I'm still in pain and crying at the top of my lungs. My Mom, was scolding me and yelling at my Dad to do something. I must have been more scared when my Mom was scolding me, I just couldn't stop crying. Since it was around lunch time, Dad decided to treat me to Burger King but only if I stopped crying. Of course I managed to shut up....I even remember what I got (there were no Happy Meals or Kids meals), but I got a cheeseburger and a small coke. Somehow, I convinced my Dad to pick up some pop sickles on the way home.
Before my Mom passed, she was curious what my earliest memory was and relayed the same information. She was amazed I remembered so much of the details.
There was one other memory but I can't confirm if I actually remembered the events, or if I heard the stories and just concocted my own version of what happened. I was 1 year old and was just put in the crib for a nap after my "birthday" party. Nothing fancy, just my Mom, and an Aunt. My Dad was supposed to be coming home from Vietnam. After about 15 min of sleep, I stood up and was yelling at the top of my lungs, when a "stranger" entered the room. I shut up quickly, more confused then anything since I had never seen my Dad. I remember my Dad picking me up and hugging me. According to my Mom, I said my first words later that day, but I can't remember anything else. Dad confirms the events, but he too thinks I may have heard the story enough times to "fabricate" the memory....
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
21 May 07
You got a good deal. Get yelled at, then taken to burger king. I would of stopped crying for that as well. And then popsickles, lucky you. I think your dad doted on you, and loved making you happy. It would of been really scary waking up to a stranger in the room. Hard to say if it is a memory or not, as you said. But i have heard of other people remembering things from a very young age, so maybe it was. I cant remember anything from that young, though.
Best wishes and thanks for your response
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@wolves69 (755)
• United States
24 May 07
I don't think it was to make me happy...that was more of a side respect. My Dad recalls the day as being very frustrating. Nothing was going right and that made Mom very testy. So, it was probably to calm my Mom down and get out of the house for a little bit.
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@toplen (335)
• Philippines
22 May 07
I was 4 then, mom and dad took me to Baguio City ( a province up north of Luzon, Philippines). We went with one of my dad's colleagues, he was cute. I was staring at him the whole time. Even when we were up the Mines View Park. I was scared because the place was too high and the view deck is surrounded only by a wooden fence, I felt like i could fall down because I fit into this space of the fence. I was holding my dad's pants really tight...but I was more concerned of my crush...he was really cute...lolz..i find this funny coz at 4 i already have a crush! I have lots of memories in my mind right now..memories with my dad when he was still alive. WE had great times together. He used to always bring me to their Xmas parties, and to Chinatown where we eat foods, and to the movies. I still remember the time when I was sick and I was craving for a Big Mac, I found it an interesting moment to ask for one coz I know he will give in lolz..and as expected, I got my Big Mac when he came home. The weekly delivery of bottles of Magnolia MIlk and Chocolaits, and weekly rations of Yakult...I could go back anytime :)
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@toplen (335)
• Philippines
23 May 07
Yup, i definitely have lots of great memories with my dad. He was a very kind man and a responsible father and husband :) I guess that is why my mom never remarried, she could not find a man like my dad :) We told her that she needs a partner though :) Thanks btw
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
22 May 07
How cute, your first crush. I bet you look back and laugh now. It is amazing when you start thinking about memories, little snippets go through your head of different things. It is great you have good memories with your father. Make sure you treasure them.
Thanks for your response and best wishes
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
22 May 07
I remember I was at kindy in my favourite dress and they had buckets and paintbrushes there. They put water in the buckets so the kids could pretend to paint the play equipment. One kid was on the top of the play equipment and I was on the ground. The kid decided to pour the bucket of water on me. I was devasted because my favourite dress was soaked.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
22 May 07
Well with the way I reacted to this, you would have thought it was really paint. lol!
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@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
22 May 07
the earliest childhood memory i can recall is when i was in my 1st grade. i was about 6 year old and my teacher was asking me of my name. it was a morning class and i was wearing a white shirt and a short pants colored blue. i couldn't forget what she said to me after i told my name, "you can now take your seat william."
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@tengsheila (60)
• Philippines
22 May 07
NICE QUESTION... ITS REMIND ME OF MANY THINGS, remind of my dad, when i was only 6 years old back then when my dad didnt ask any permision from my mom and took me away out of town for 2 days! they are seperated since born, to cut story short... my mom asked assistant from police, TV station etc! for my where abouts which bring my PHOBIA and up to this moment of time... i still remembered how they actually argue about my custody.. how sad, huhuhuhuhuhu
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
22 May 07
Thanks for your response, tengsheila. How sad your parents always arguing over custody. And your mother must of been beside herself with worry when you were taken. My first daughter was from a different marriage, and when we split up, I made sure we never argued in front of her. We have always stayed on talking terms for her sake. I suppose i was lucky there.
Best wishes to you
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
21 May 07
whe I was like 3 or 4 my mom left me with a baby sitter and I was in my room and I guess I decided to to hang out the window 3 stories above the nice concrete. Anyways my mom came home to seeing my hanging out of my window while my baby sitter was watching mtv and talking to her b/f ont he phone. I think this is the earliest memory.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 May 07
I wrote a whole book on my life stories, you can purchase the book from amazon, or the publisher. I have since written a second book as well.
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@praveen_17 (137)
• India
22 May 07
seriously there are many things which i wish to share with all but i feel its not possible in one stroke so ....
the earliest memory i remember is me getting bangged with my dad for the reason which i really not did...that to very badly
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@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
22 May 07
I would safely say the earliest memory I had was being carried in mother's arms, probably less than a year old. Also I thought the world around me was very strange. I wonder sometimes if one has any memory of how life is like in our mothers' womb or the very moment when we see when we were born.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
22 May 07
My earliest memory is my 3rd birthday. I remember waking up and going across the hall to my sisters' room and having them tell me it was my birthday. They were older and at an age that they were constantly playing tricks on me so I didn't believe them at first. It took a lot of convincing and me asking our mom before I finally got excited about it being my birthday. I remember my party a little bit. I know my grandmothers were there and I got a rubber ducky and a swing set.
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@aniez0906 (263)
• Indonesia
22 May 07
my earliest memory when i was child is... when i took some corn to my nose. at that time, in the morning, i give corn to my chickens... i look so seriously when they eat that corn. why don't they use their hands to eat... so..., i want to eat like them, i took that corn in to my nose... my mom is so panic and take me to the hospital
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
22 May 07
Children can be very inquisitive. My eldest daughter decided to put a pebble in her ear when she was little. Of course she had a big story to tell and it wasnt her it just fell out of the sky and into her ear. The doctor had to get it out as i paniced like your mum. You probably kept her on her toes when you were young.
Thanks for your response and best wishes
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
22 May 07
I remember when I was 4 years old and my grandfather bought me my first tricycle. Being the first grandchild I hear I was very spoiled and have a lot of great memories of him. Unfortunately I also remember his passing away when I was just 7.
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@Vizeroh (32)
• United States
22 May 07
My earilest childhood memory would have to be pre-school. The early years of 3 years old or so. They expect you to follow all those rules on the board, but I didn't. One of the rules was don't paint on yourself. Well, kids will be kids as my parents said when the teacher complained. I painted like my entire face, hands, and any visable part of myself with blue and blank paint. It was so hilarious. I was put in time out for it.. I just laughed through the entire time, playing with the paint on myself.
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
22 May 07
That is so funny. Your parents are right. Kids will be kids. And time out wasnt that bad cause you still played! I would of loved to see the teachers face. That would of been a classic. Hope she had to clean you up.
Thanks for your response and for the laugh. Best wishes
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@Darkwing (21583)
21 May 07
One of my earliest memories is my first big doll. It was a china doll, called Mary. lol.
I was the eldest of four children and I was given this doll for Christmas... Santa brought it and I was soooo pleased with her. My Mum knitted and crocheted her a wardrobe of clothes and made little panties and socks for her, and I used to play for hours dressing and changing her. I had a little pram as well and used to take her for walks.
Well, one day, for some reason which I can remember because the trauma sent it out of my head, my little sister was upset. I think she had been told off for something. She was really upset, and she knew how much I loved my doll. I was playing in the garden, and she stomped off upstairs in a sulk, grabbed my doll from my bed, and threw it, full force onto the concrete path below, where it shattered into irrepairable pieces. I couldn't believe it... I cried for hours and was almost unconsolable but my Mum came up trumps. She left my sister with my Dad, and took me to town, where she bought me a new doll. My sister got no pocket money until the new doll was paid for, as punishment.
The doll never ever replaced my Mary though. She was like my first love in teenage years. Never forgotten.
@shijjukhan (207)
• India
22 May 07
even i remember many of such things which i have done in my childhood...it was many years ago...i still remember that thing...when i was in school before going to prayer in the morning i have written some unknown notes writing the name of my friends and at the bottom of slip i have written guess who..i have changed my writing...then after coming from
prayer all my friends have seen that slip...i have written one slip for me too so that they should not get any doubt upon me...they have complained about it for lecturers and later to principal too...till 4th hour i have continued the story and later agreed that it has done by me...as i was the brilliant student of my class...and favourite to lecturers no one has said anything to me and enjoyed that a lot... now i think how childish i was..now i just don't even think about such things...its nice to share all these things with others...
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@flicknz2000 (16)
• New Zealand
22 May 07
I think my earliest memory is about 4yrs old. I had been dropped outside the kindy gate and the adult must not have come inside with me. I had money in my pocket to 'hand in' and I decided I wanted to go home.
Home was about 5 miles away...a very long way for a little person...lol. Anyway I headed off needing to cross state highway 1 and got to the corner store. This was about 1/2 way. I decided to spend my money on an ice cream, which when I finally got home, was still eating. For memory the ice cream and I parted company and I was made to go to my room!!
I spent my school banking money on bubble gum which my Mum threw in the fire, remember pokin the same fire with a stick and still have ember marks on my legs...more than one I was obviously a slow learner. I also dragged a cat home from school, about 5, sayin it was mine...nope it wasn't.
Before 4 it's memories that I have been reminded of.
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