It really gets OLD!
By Rickrocks8
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
United States
May 21, 2007 6:56am CST
I'm upset. If you give your opinion about something like going to church or the greatest gifts in life if your beliefs happen to be in Jesus Christ people will give you a bad rating. It's very aggravating. If people have such strong opinions and do not wish to hear other peoples opinion on such matters why even read it to start wuth? Maybe their is a glimmer of hope when the unchurched read such things. I try to hold on to that. But I love my lord and I am filled with him I cant help it that it gushed out from time to time. I guess I should be used to history has a way of repeating its self Christians have been persecuted since the beginning of time!
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26 responses
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
21 May 07
i think anyone challenging anyones beliefs, especially in something so personal as religion, is being extremely rude and not really worth bothering with. Be secure in your own version of truth and let them struggle with thiers, niether you nor they have the right nor reason to declare your version as correct for everyone, just correct for you
blessed be
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
Your right it is very pesonal and as a result hurtful.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 May 07
"I guess I should be used to history has a way of repeating its self Christians have been persecuted since the beginning of time"
ah but no more than any other religious group in all honesty...
as for ppl giving you a bad rating for sayign you enjoy goin to church or love your god etc....If you know for a FACT that you are being unfairly rated then I would complain about it....BUT make sure that is why whoever is doin it is rating you negatively...maybe its not about your personal beliefs but rather how you relay them to others...make sense?
all in all though, if you are being pleasant to others and not being disrespectful when one doenst share your views then I really wouldnt worry about the ratings....ppl who've talked with you in here will KNOW you arent a negative person ya know..
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
I'm not going to rate someone badly because they do not agree with me. YOur right lots of religios groups have been persecuted, but I have only ever been a Christian so that is what I relate to. I cant change who I am if you dont like it then tuff toenails!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 May 07
"I cant change who I am if you dont like it then tuff toenails!"
You shouldnt have to and i hope that wasnt directed at me since I never said you should change who you are...You are right, if ppl dont like, too bad..and no rating someone who isnt in agreement with you isnt the right thing to do..I also dont rate negative just because someone disagrees with me..In fact I very very seldomly rate negative at all come to think of it...
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
I was just stating a fact about how I am. It was in no way an attack on you!
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@recycledgoth (9894)
21 May 07
You are not the only person who feels persecuted hun, just for your beliefs, a while ago I was spat at by a "christian man" because I wear a pentagram. For what it's worth I cannot see the need to negative rate anyone for their personal beliefs, live and let live. :-)
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 May 07
"it's a five pointed star, made up of a single line.
among Pagans it's widely perceived as a symbol of protection, and representing the five elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. "
little off topic here...ya knwo its interesting how the Pentagram is different depending on the person....for me the Pentagram si the 5 pointed star but is in a circle whereas the Pentacle is circle-less....
"a while ago I was spat at by a "christian man" because I wear a pentagram"
Ooooh yea that still burns my bottom! I'm still so totally floored that that even happened to you!
I've never been treated like that in real life but i was told once that the reason nobody has ever confronted me or treated me that way is because of my personality and the energy I give off...I thought that was interesting to hear to be honest with you....
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
OK here I go again whats a pentagram? And not all Christians are like that!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
21 May 07
I understand your frustration and have trouble understanding how explaining your opinions about controversial subjects in a polite and reasonable manner can get anyone negative ratings.
I can't see how people will justify this behavior.
The fact that I agree or disagree with you has nothing to do with the quality of my response which is what can and should be rated.
ON the other hand, and I am not saying that is your case , sometimes controversial subjects are rammed into people's throat's in a rude and improper manner, responses when not in agreement of poster are ridiculed and people try to convince anyone opposing their views that they are wrong.
A discussion is about present a topic to discuss, look at it from all angles, and learn from it, not to force opinions on others.
This kind of thing often bring flames and upsets in both sides and things sometimes get out of hand. In this case it's not the subject of the discussion that is the problem but the way it is handled.
In any case rating negative is not the best option to resolve a problem and I believe it shouldn't even be available. The plus and the exclamation mark to bring mylot administration attention to an inappropriate discussion should be enough just because people misuse the - rating ,often using it for vengeance instead of rating the quality/or lack of a post.

@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
21 May 07
It does help:)
Sometimes just seeing that a big majority of people are with us, and understand what we're going trough.
Just don't get discouraged. There's fair and unfair people everywhere and unfortunately there's even mean people everywhere. But that should never discourage us:)
Have a wonderful day
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
As always it just really helps to vent to people! Thanks guys!
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
21 May 07
Good point jimbo:)
However I have to say that I have seen - and had it done to me - this happening. Getting my points going down not because of inappropriate discussions or answers, but from the only reason that I could see was left .. because my opinions were different from the poster. Thankfully it hasn't happened lately, maybe because I tend to stay away from controversy hehe
I guess I was responding in a general way and I confess I didn't even look at the star . But I stand corrected...there are people that use - rating not because a post has no quality or violates rules but just because they have something against the answer itself or the person who answers it. And that is sad although of course is part of human nature.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
21 May 07
Who are they... where they at.. let me at 'em....
I know sweetie, it can be frustrating, not just with religion, with anything you have a strong opinion on or a different one than say the original poster. I have been very frustrated on here several times, not for that in particular but other things. Let it roll off your back honey. I know I am not an overly religious person, I do believe in God, I may have a different opinion than others do. I have no problems with people stating their opinions. I can see where people would be upset if in a discussion about let's say, dog walking, someone comes in spouting the word of God. They weren't asking an opinion on that at that time. I have no problem with Atheists, Christians, Muslims, anything. Just don't force it down my throat. I know you are not that type of person, I think you have to let it go though. Don't let some of these people get you all worked up. In the end, they are really not worth it.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
21 May 07
no need to feel bad for anyone, you just go about your business !!!
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
What a loyal friend! LOve ya girl! I just feel bad for them makes me sad. But life is about choice.
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
I cant help it i have alot of compassion!
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
21 May 07
Just keep on giving your opinions. I was christened in the local cathedral as a baby - I was baptised in a small community churcg when I was in my 40's - I haven't attended church for quite sometime but I probably will again when I get back home. I feel that it is to each his own. If people don't like my beliefs then so be it. I don't care what religious faith a person has. It is their choice and theirs alone. I got into a rather nasty thing about religion on here one day. I answered a very nasty post from an atheist. This person got nastier and I believe the entire thing was deleted. If one wants to be atheist then let them - I dont care - I know who I am what I am and it is no one elses business but mine. Just be true to yourself.

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
21 May 07
ive found some very nasty people who use their regular visitations to church to justify their behaviour. It is not all that long ago that the people who burned witches found a justification in the bibnle for doing it. Imagine that, burning women alive because someone once said it might be a good idea? No, i think church is irrelivent when it comes to tollerence of others
blessed be
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
Do you find it odd that the atheist get so nasty and full of hate, and people who go to church just tend to let it go? I think the unchurched are more judgmental than the churched. If you think about it and look it is so true. So whats that tell you? Ironic isnt it?
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
21 May 07
Well I for one have no problem with religion being expressed when it is in the right place for it. When I see a discussion about a woman in an abusive relationship and someone posts "Well if you just went to church everything would be all right" then I think they are wrong to do so and I will tell them that but I won't rate them negatively for it. There is one poster on mylot who loves to go into the religious discussion and blast everyone stating basically unless you believe what she does you are going to hell. It could be a question about the bible and as far as she is concerned the bible has to be believed word for word and if not you aren't a Christain so if you say "Well how could this happen in this part but over here it says something else" you are not a good Christian in her mind. She doesn't answer the guestion at hand just demands that you believe without ever thinking about it. Yes ones like that I find irritating but I do not mark negatively.
There is nothing wrong with loving your God or believing your faith. That is fine. It's when some like to try and shove it down another's throat that it becomes intrusive. I know I go into the religious discussions to discuss and to hear other opinions. I want to discuss not to have closed minds in there.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
22 May 07
Life sure would be simpler at times if things were all black and white but they aren't. There are a lot of shades of grey and that is why we often have to think about what we are going to do. If we didn't have those shades of grey then everything would either be do or don't do and not the struggle that is humanity.
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
I happen to think God has great compassion and he loves all of his children. Even if it is not in the bible and my pastor will tell me I am wrong I still do not think it is all black and white because or Gods grace and compassion.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
21 May 07
Don't feel put upon, it happens both ways. I have entered a discussion and asked a question that I guess people didn't want to answer. It was about the bible and while I received no answer my star dropped two points.
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
Yes we're in the same boat! Oh well I guess all we can really do is pray for one more saved soul!
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
Oh eeks I hope I didn't offend you. I really do not know all that much about your religion. But I am glad you follow something. eeks again I'm very sorry if I upset you!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 May 07
Actually I've gotten bad ratings and negative responses for posts on Paganism. *shrugs*
I think there are people who bash anyone of a different religion. I personally love to talk to people of other religions, as long as their responses are respectful. I really don't mind when people tell me about the wonderful things their God has done for them as long as they don't mind if I do the same. =)
As for being persecuted, I've spent my whole life being persecuted for being Pagan. In fact, I've known people who were persecuted for religion, and those people have been Pagan, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, atheist... in fact, I know very few people who haven't at some point in their life had problems because of other people not being accepting of their religious beliefs.
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
People I think do not understand what pagan is or that it is even out there. People will put down what they do not understand.
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@blondbat (503)
• United States
21 May 07
Discussions about religion and politics always stir up the worst in people - across the board. It just seems to hit people in all the wrong places.
There are so many things that religions share, or should share - a belief in treating others the way you would want to be treated, living a "good" and honorable life.
Ant to the person who was spat on by a "Christian" for her pentagram - all that shows to me is that he/she doesn't follow all things in his walk w/God! I have been considered a Christian for a long time, and I feel ashamed for myself and my *religion* when I hear things like that.

@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
Your right I guess if I cant take the heat I should stay out of the kitchen. Thanks hope you have a great day!

@mummymo (23706)
22 May 07
I am a Christian and my faith is strong - I have never had a problem with being given a bad rating because of it! I would add that I do not believe in ramming my opinions down other peoples throats or thinking that they should believe the same as me! I also believe as most of my christian friends do that as Christians we should respect and accept other peoples faith and beliefs! I am not saying that you do push your opinions on anyone or are disrespectful of others religions! I am sorry that you feel persecuted but take yourself back in time sweets and I am sure you would find out what real persecution is e it as a Jew, Muslim, Sikh , Hindhu or any other religion! Remember the Holocaust - that is true persecution! Good Luck and God Bless! xxx
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
I think this whole post pretty much shows that I am a loving kind person to everyone. Thanks for your post!
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
21 May 07
I don't worry about my rating, if someone wants to rate me negative then there is nothing I can do to stop them. I don't go around rating people negatively just because they happen to disagree with me. And you are right, if you know something is going to upset you, why read it anyway?
I love the Lord too, and I am not ashamed to proclaim that Love to others, but I certainly don't push it down their throats either, if someone disagrees with me, then that is their right. I try to be respectful of others viewpoints even if I don't agree.
Hold onto the hope you have, and pray that your words may bring Glory to God.
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
Thanks! And that my friend is what it is all about thanks for your post!
@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
21 May 07
Don't get me wrong, because it might have been lesser before, but a rating of 94/100 as it is for you today (Monday) looks pretty good. I'm seeing Pagans in this thread with an 8 to your 9 and the 9 looks better! Paganism being misunderstood so often might be why they have 8's...I feel it could be, anyway.
As far as I'm concerned there is too much bashing and flying off the handle at a moment's notice at MyLot in general and if everyone would be better at not criticizing so much it would benefit everyone. In my opinion -- I am making MyLot money so I'll say what I think and what I know, regardless of who rates me with a minus.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
22 May 07
Well get used to It!....Everybody is entitled to their Own Beliefs. You have yours and They have theirs and Thats the Way it Should Be.
Why are" Christians" so prone to believe their Faith is the Only One? Nothing could be further from the Truth!
And don't forget that the Christian Church murdered Millions of Witches during the Dark Ages. And it was done in the Name of God and Jesus! This is Fact not Speculation..(sure the church made a mistake didn't it?)
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@Galena (9110)
22 May 07
no, that's not fact.
a few hundred people (most likely normal members of their community, therefore most likely Christian just like the rest of them) were hung for causing harm by Witchcraft. which they most likely didn't do.
Witchcraft itself wasn't a crime. frowned upon, but not considered a criminal act.
causing harm by Witchcraft WAS a crime.
if millions of people had been killed, there would be virtually no people left. population was a lot less then.
historical records show that those executed for Witchcraft (by hanging, burning was for heretics) numbered in hundreds, not by any stretch of the imagination millions.
the victims of this were not Pagan. they were in most cases just neighbours who had fallen out with other neighbours.
and in legal terms it wasn't murder, it was execution.
please don't claim the lives of these unfortunate people as some kind of Pagan martyr. they'd turn in their graves.
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@DiamondWings (176)
• United States
27 May 07
Galena: Thanks for your comment. You are one of the first Pagans who has it right. Most of the time Christians are blamed for murdering millions in the name of Religion. You are right in what you say and also that the Roman Catholic Church was extremely powerful in those days. Even kings were forced to obey the "Church". Greed was a big factor in the deaths of many, especially the Spanish Inquisition. Many Christians who were followers of Jesus but not Roman Catholic were killed along with many others. Jesus did not and does not condone killing for religion's sake or forcing anyone to follow Him. If someone doesn't come willingly in faith, Jesus doesn't want that person. Love can not be coerced. Thanks again for your response.
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
We dont burn people in my church we just dip them in water. Welcome to mylot!

@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
22 May 07
The way I see it...if a person posts something that anyone can respond to then you have to accept the opinions or you shouldn't post at all.
Especially, when it comes to Jesus, people get HOT. If you think that all should be respected for the individual belief great, but not everyone feels that way.
We all have a right to our beliefs and we all have a right to challenge. How are you going to learn without challenges? If you don't want challenges don't post anything. You can't control what we write, even if you throw a fit saying, "It's not nice."
I'm sure-if you can't take what is in here on MYLOT.COM- there is a Christian post that maybe more accepting.
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@swapw07 (247)
• United States
22 May 07
Amen to that brother. Well, again I don't think ratings should be the center of factors that we talk about. I can careless about ratings but the reason that I joined myLot is not to be loved by everyone but to share constructive opinions with one another. I guess some people are more bitter then others perhaps.
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@Fulton (219)
• South Africa
30 May 07
Yes, very aggravating. It's easy to voice a strong opinion on things like politics, inflation, etc. but not so easy when it's your religion. Sometimes we shy away because we are scared what people will say. I say, be BOLD and stand strong in Jesus, and if you reach one person out there, it's one more for the Lord.
Blessings - Ronelle Fulton
@lquiambao (109)
• Philippines
21 May 07
Don't be upset, Rickrocks8. You're right in saying that "Maybe there is a glimmer of hope when the unchurched read such things." Very rightfully said, because I also post things hoping that I might be able to enlighten the mind of a pagan or an atheist, and get them to feel the same burning love that I have for the Lord. This is exactly how the early Christians felt when they were evangelizing people and they were persecuted. But the fact that we still do our own share of taking on the mission of Christ is enough for us to be courageous! It doesn't matter if others here mark us a bad rating. What matters is in the eyes of our Lord, we did not deny him but instead spread the Good News about the Lord!

@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
21 May 07
Welcome to mylot! Your right I cant help myself but to try to share. I have had a true and total life changing experience I cant help but want to share that with my fellow man. But it is important to remember to love them all.