Attn: All Mylottians... Re: Racial Prejudice against Filipino?Do you have it?

Prejudice - Pre judge us? Or not?
May 21, 2007 9:31am CST
Racial prejudice affects everyone. Inasmuch as racial prejudice manifest itself in that people are "pre-judged" based superficial characteristics. Sometimes, some people consciously or unconsciously characterized him or her based on what we see... This due to the ignorance of the person's real character and personality... And that's what i want to know... Does anyone here have any bad comments against Filipino?Just be honest.. We will take your critism as good ways to improve ourselves..^.^
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5 responses
@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
21 May 07
I have nothing against Filipinos,i have some Filipino friends here ,you are one of them.I don't have nothing against to any nation country,religion...... All we are same and here is the best place you see these.I know they are some exceptions ,but they exist anywhere. I can't find any reason some one did bad comments againd Filipinos. Did you notice anything like these here?
• Philippines
21 May 07
I didnt see any comments here i Mylot yet but i have learned lots of stories outside my country stating some Racial Prujudice against us.. That's why i want to know what they think about Filipino or do they have anything against Filipino.. Anyways, i thanks you for being so kind and very much glad to be your friend thru this thread.. ^.^
• United States
1 Jun 07
I have no pre-justices against Filipino's. I honestly don't know too much about the country or the people. I figure people are pretty much the same every where though :)
@nvtellan (1907)
• Philippines
28 May 07
Well, I am a Filipino and as one, I know better why I should love/hate being a Filipino. Of course, no race is superior to other. We have vast diversity that sometimes we could call each race unique from the other.
@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
21 May 07
We have many Filipino working in my country.The most of them they work at rich peoples houses but as I know they don't face any problem.They prefer them becouse they are very kind,organizing ,clean people.They know how they handle a house.
• India
22 May 07
Well I have nothing against Filipinos. Infact I have nothing against anyone, cause I belive that we are all one of a kind. We are all human beings before we are Filipino,Indian,African or anything. I belive humanity comes first and evrything else comes next. Besides I do have some good friends in mylot who are Filipino and I have never had anything against anyone.