celebrating while there are people that are killed near by..what do you think..
By liranlgo
@liranlgo (5752)
May 21, 2007 3:20pm CST
About it?
I have to tell you my story.
I live in israel. which is a wonderful country, and i can't imagine a situation that i will ever leave my country.
All Israeli's that were born here, learned how to cope with war and security situations like a second nature.
And i do have to say, that we do know how to enjoy ourselves.
We all go to the army when we are 18 years old, we all know that there is a greater risk that we will be killed here, then in other countries, but we did learn how to cope with it.
I think that every one year old that is born here, is toughed how to enjoy life and live with death.
Yes. a strange combination, but it does exists.
And we are aware of the fact that life is the greatest present that was ever given to a human being.
Israel is a very small country, i can tell you that new jersey in the u.s. is two times or more bigger then israel, just to give you a perspective of how small is my country.
And right now we have an emergency security situation in the in the south part of israel, which is about 1.5 hour drive from where i live.
There were 17 kasam missiles that were dropped there in the last 5 hours, there is one women killed, and alote of people mentally and physically hurt.
We all hear about it, we all worry about it, and we all open our houses for the people that live there.
But we also keep on with our life, going out, to shows, bars and alote of things.
This is how we deal with those difficult situations.
What do you think about that?
How do we look to you? Israel and the things that are going on here?
How do people that do know how to cope and keep on with their life, look to you, when you know that on the other side there are people that are being killed?
Do you understand us?
Would you as a human being act any differently?
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16 responses
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
21 May 07
I wish top thank you fully for your perspective on this situation. I've always wondered what it's like living there. Now I know. It must be really rough though for the young children knowing that any minute could be their last. It's a shame actually. When you go out is there certain cities/areas that you definitely won't go to at all due to the violance etc? Is there a constant fear when you are out? I'm really amazed at you and all Isrrealis attitude of this. But then if I lived there I would be the same I'd assume as it is my home land and all. Thanks for this info and inciteful look into your life in a war torn area. It's heartfelt and warming to hear that you do enjoy yourselve through times like this.

@webeishere (36313)
• United States
21 May 07
Oh you knw me, if I have a question I WILL ask it.
Thanks again for a great discussion again.
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@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
22 May 07
Did I write that correctly? I absolutely love Israel and the Israeli people. You have no idea.
I respect the nation of Israel so much. And if the United States doesn't stand with you (she'd better) you'll still be ok. Because NEVER AGAIN and you guys a f****** tough.
When one thing goes in Israel I feel hurt for you. I love it that you don't take crap off anyone.
You know how to enjoy life when it's right to enjoy. Sometimes the times is right to get down and serious..Shalom
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 May 07
Shalom. I think it is great that life goes on even through there are people being killed. It shows a real strong will to have and enjoy a "normal" life.Here in the States the last real war we had on our soil was in 1865.Even though we have fought wars and are fighting one now , most of us are not emotionally or physically touched by it.I don't know how we would react if a real war was fought hear.If our phones, computers, and t.v.s were taken away we would probably crumble.Take care. Be Safe. Shalom.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 May 07
Thank you. Yes all great strong Jewish women.Sarah is my favorite girl name.Shalom.
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
21 May 07
I give you props for caring on with your life and not living in constant fear. It's the best thing for you. It's like during the wars that the US was a part of. Lots of people went to the movies because it was a way to escape life and the real world for a while. I can't imagine being in your shoes. But I suspect if I was, I would do the same as you. No one will scare me into staying in my house 24-7. It's my life and I will live it. Bravo to you for doing the same!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
22 May 07
I really appreciate the country I am in. It is a very peaceful and politically stable country. I have seen news on TV about your country and wouldn't understand how you can live the life there, I mean anytime a bomb will goes off and the picture I have is Israel is always fighting. Correct me if I'm wrong. Being born not having experienced war is a great blessing to me. I think with that kind of situation in your country people mature faster and more alert than people in a war free country. Surprisingly you still have the fun of going out to shows and bars. What is it like to be always on your heel? Interesting to know more and am glad to have an Isreali friend in you. Probably you will be able to tell more on your country to erase the negative thoughts in me about your country.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
2 Jun 07
Zandi i just saw your response now..so sorry for the delay.
Israel is safe in most of her parts.
I can tell you that if you will come to israel, there would be alote of parts that you can stay in and enjoy without being scared that somthing will happen to you on a daily basis. That means when we are not in war with another country.
Most of the fighting is focusing now in the south side of israel, which is called sderot and negev.
The Gaza people are throwing missiles at us.
And at the gaza territory where we fight back.
I did witness once a shooting on the street but it was because of criminal reasons and not security ones, and it happens at every country.
I did witness a few terrorist attacks, that a bomb killed people, but now days it usually do not happen.
Yes we do have many talented people in all fields,
especially in the field of science, army professions and sales. It is nice to know that your husband is aware of what is going on in israel. :)
We do have the best pilots and army that there is, i only wished that we were able not to have them..lol
But life has directed us in that direction because of our location and religion.
Well about 70% here are Jewish and the rest are Muslims and christian.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
26 May 07
You have open up my backward mentality on the reality of your country. There are indeed lots of fabrication on news report that makes me think that Isreal is not safe. In actual fact where are the fighting going on in your country? Is it in the bornder? Have you ever witness shooting on the street? My husband told me that your countrymen produces top genius people in most field like scientists, pilots, engineers and shrewd businessmen, would you comment on this? What religion do most people profess there?
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@vikimishra (628)
• New Zealand
21 May 07
Thats really sad this thing is happening . Its not only happening in Israel but all over the world. I will say be courageous and i will pray to go that evrything should back to normal.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
22 May 07
I see Israel as a place lost in differences that could be solved but nobody is willing to admit they are doing wrong and until both sides can say sorry and let the past things lie in the past and move forward with a new life and love for human life and Gods will and a joint agreement to share what is there then the fighting will continue. Fighting over land is not the real fight it is a battle of wills and the land is the prize to hold up. As far as the people of Israel living life, could you do anything other then that. You are alive and although you are afraid some days if not every day you still have to continue to live. I don't think I can understand your nation as a whole as I am Canadian and have never had to live that terror and until someone does they can't understand it and how people deal with it. The act of terror that North Americans lived is so small in the grand picture of what Eastern Countries live that I don't think we could ever fully understand that daily aspect. I am so sorry for every person that has to live with that kind of turmoil in their lives. I pray for you and those around you may Gods hand hold you close. Someday I see a World of peace and love, one where everyone helps others and every nation is still, I hope we see it in our life time.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
22 May 07
I'll start with thanking you for this response.
Everyone wants to see a world of peace and love, but the big question is, is it really possible.
I wish you would know how many israeli's wants the piece agreements signed, but it is not only up to us.
We try. But yet, we do not see any result.
Each time we try, we get a clear message from the other side: we will never give up, till we will conquare all of israel, and everything blows up.
This is a very complicated situation, and i do not see any solution coming up soon.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
22 May 07
I would say that this was a very informational post and it gives us all some perspective.
I live in a country (sweden) that has not been involved in war for hundreds of years. We even manage to avoid both world wars..
I do not know how it would be to live in this situation, but i do admire the people that manage coz I can understand that it is not easy and that it is sure to change your life forever.
In this way I am spoiled I guess, coz I never had to feel unsafe and neither has my family..
My heart goes out to you, and the people that are living in the middle of it =)
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@urbandekay (18278)
26 May 07
Well, personally I think wars go on till men refuse to fight and I am appalled as anyone by the deaths of civilians when Israel responded to Arab aggression from Lebanon but it is hard to see what else Israel could do. Really this shouldn't be Israel's problem alone; what is needed as a UN with its own military might to police international disputes.
all the best urban
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@lebgirl90 (181)
• Lebanon
4 Jul 07
well i know how u feel am lebanese!! :P but all the bombs couldnt frighten us cz despite wha
t we hear on the news, the restaurants and night clubs are fully booked and tourists are still comin to lebanon (weird i know) yesterday was this huge concert for Dj tiesto (a famous dj donno i know him) and 18000 ppl showed up to see him!!!!! even during the war last summer beaches were full and restaurants also!! i knoda felt bad partying while ppl were dyin but what was i supposed to do? sitting at home wasnt gonna help these poor ppl in the south and the southern suburb from being killed
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@lebgirl90 (181)
• Lebanon
5 Jul 07
yeah i wish i could visit israel too, would love to go to jerusale hope peace between our countries happens in ehis lifetime :P and when u do visit lebanon ur welcome to stay with me :D maybe we'll go to tiesto concert together since i didnt go to this one :S
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
23 Jul 07
Thank you lebgirl, you are most welcome to stay at my house also. Look how pathetic is this situation we are so close geographically and yet we can not visit each other.
One thing i am sure of, if there were more people that see things as you and me, peace could have happened.

@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
25 May 07
You are absolutly right liranlgo!
I'm an Israeli too and every body in Israel aware to the situation and know that someone has to do something in order to stop the launching of rockets from Gaza to Sderot!
I think that the world most help Israel against the terror.
Israel stands alone in the middle east against many countries which support and use terror that could hurt someday other countries.
It's nice to see that there are people hear who understand our situation in Israel and help us from their locations... But unfortunately most people and medias don't care of Israel and focus on the suffer of the Palestinians.
I think Israel is in danger and it sems like no one cares...
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
26 May 07
It is always good knowing another israeli, thank you shay.
Well israel ha always been in danger, and will always be in danger, we can not do nothing about that, it i the location that was picked for us, maybe someone thaught that we would be bored in another quiet location. LOl.
I do think that there are people that do care, and i do think that the u.s. will do alote in order to help us here, especially when it comes to the iran situation.
But you have to look at it, with a different prespective.
It is like a women that has a good friend and her own child.
The logic says that she will take care of her child first, and only then will go and help her friend. That's life.
And with our problematic situation, i do not think that any country can help us enough, this is an endless situation.
Yes we are in danger. I really think that the sderot situation can be locally partly solved, but the big issue that we should all be concerned about is iran.
A few fjar-3 missles that can be easily launcehd at us, and we can eaily go back to the shelters, and you do know that it will be only the start..
It is very clear that many countries won't ever help us, althugh they are pretending to care. Go and see what happened on jerusalem day, their reactions..
But i do hope for the best, maybe because it is the only sentence that i can say right now. LOl.
Good to hear from you:)

@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
22 May 07
I think that people from Israel have learned something that many others from other countries should. That life is short and we should enjoy every moment we are alive. We never know when life will end for us, look at what happened here on 9/11, all those people didn't expect to die, and the US was considered safe at that time.
Yes, we all should enjoy life and celebrate.
I think I understand your perspective, I used to volunteer for an ambulance company years ago, and after we would have a particular horrible trip where we lost someone, we would often joke afterwards. I think it's a defense mechanism to keep your sanity.
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@Karpov (68)
• Australia
23 May 07
It is really quite a long time I don't come to read and reply your discussion. And I am sorry I forget that you are an Isreali.
To do something celebrating while there are people that are killed near by...really unimaginable....but this just remind me of Exodus of the Old Testment of the BIble. When it was the first Passsover in your history all your ancestors were eating roasted lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs that night, while the LORD was passing through to strike down every firstborn of the Egyptians. I wonder whether I have understood your feeling. It sounds that the whole history of Isreal went along with wars and conflict, from the age of King David until now. I suppose that's why your nation is so vigorous, even the population there are that small.
Anyway, life always need someone to push it forward.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
23 May 07
It is very hard for me to respond to the example that you gave here. Maybe because i do know the bible story and other stories, but i really focus on the present living in israel. and i adjust myself to what is going on in israel now.
I do know that all we try to do is keep on living and enjoying. When you live in a country that is so problematic because she is surrounded by Arab countries that wants her erased, and you witness terror attacks and other painful things, and know at least one friend that has been killed here, the pain is never erased.
There are thinks that i will never forget here, but i do know that i can not and won't live in pain all of my life, because anger and pain leads to revenge and other stupid things that will not help this country, i see it every day.
so i just live day by day trying to see the beauty of live, to forgive certain people and events that happened, and to see how i can improve things toward peace for my country, and peace of mind for me.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
28 May 07
It's really strange for me!
Israelites mind has been adjusted to live there... And sorry for you situations.
I'm a Muslim, I don't have anything wrong with Jews, For the sake of knowing I'm asking something...
Are there native Muslims in Israel ? Are you mingling and living in peace each other there ? .. Just explain about it.
What is your view and the facts you understood regarding the fights between Israel & Palestine ?
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
28 May 07
Yes there are native israeli muslims that are living in israel. It is not an answer of yes or no, it is more problematic.
There are muslims that we live in peace with us, and there are muslims that do not agree with the fact that we live in the same land.
I do have muslim friends. And we get along wonderful, because we want the same thing: peace.
So we just know each other as human being.
That is the best way to start peace.
To know that we are all human and all have the right to live a joyful life.
I would enjoy answering any of your questions harley at any time.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
29 May 07
Thanks for a nice response !
There are people living in Peace and also in other way.
I think you try to live in peace.. thanks,
If one fail to understand all are humans, he go nuts.
By the way, you didn't say anything about the fights between Israel & Palestine. Israelites say We respond to the attack Palestine made, and Palestine started. Palestine people says we respond to Israel for their attacks and they started it.
Do you support these fightings each other, what reason you find it for ?
In My understanding Israel Govt takes some more bad actions than Palestine govt takes, what do you say?
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
11 Jun 07
you know, I do not think we are all that different really. I mean, we have many soldiers who are family and loved ones, neighbors and friends - across the world from us in danger's way... for a war that does not really make sense to most of us - though we honor the soldiers. we miss them, we fear for them and yes we mourn them.
But still, life goes on. We still have parties, we still marry and birth babies and celebrate life all around - as it still happens. That does not negate our sympathies and concerns for those in dire situations.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
22 May 07
I do not know much about Israel but from your description, I feel that the residents there are all tough and love life as much as those out of Israel.
Personally, I would think that what is happening there are also happening somewhere else. There is similar risk in other countries. The only difference is the probability of it happening and how ready is the country to combat it. Some might act differently while some might appear nonchalant but I am of the opinion that we all feel sad when when a disaster strikes somewhere, but at the same time, we continue to look forward to brighter days ahead. The earth will not stop moving when there are people being killed. Life still goes on. I am sure that is also the mentality of Israel.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
22 May 07
yes it is also israel's mentality,
and we do know how to enjoy life because there are tragic things happening here almost every day in one part or another of israel.
The part that i live in were in the shelters for a month and a half, a month after we got out of the shelters, the trouble began on the other part of israel.