Need Information.....Please Help.....Elevated Hemoglobins

United States
May 21, 2007 11:50pm CST
My husband has been feeling very tired. He is sleepy all the time decided to see the doc. The first time he had his blood checked he was told that his Hemoglobins were very high and that he needed to see a hemotologist. Well, the day later the same doc called him and told him that the Lab made a mistake. He was fine. Nothing was wrong. Again, two weeks after, another blood test, same results. The doc is now refering him to a hemotologist, but they are not telling us what can result from elevated hemoglobins. I have researched, but am not satisfied with any of my search results. Can you help? Do you understand this? Please share with me.
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2 responses
@rb200406 (1824)
• India
22 May 07
Actually i have read somewhere in a book that excessive haemoglobin means that your husbands body has too much iron deposits.Too much iron can lead to damage of kidney & brains.I have read it in a book so i am not sure about your husbands condition.Hope there is nothing serious & he gets well soon.
• United States
28 May 07
Ok. Well, I hope this isn't the case. But I am interested in knowing where you read this....if you remember. I would like to buy or borrow the book to read up on it. Thanks for responding. Your info is much appreciated. God Bless.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
22 May 07
I'm sorry, I don't know anything at all about elevated hemoglobins but will certainly keep your husband in my prayers that he find out what the problem is and that God will put His hand on the situation and heal your husband.
• United States
28 May 07
Thanks!! Your prayers mean the world to me. He is being very stubborn and dosn't want to see a doctor anymore. I guess maybe he is scared of what they will tell him. Again, THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!!