do you think your figure is perfect for you?

figure - do you think your figureis perfect?
May 22, 2007 1:01am CST
do you feel satisfied with your own figure? do you think you are a little bit too fat or slim?If you think you have problems with your figure,do you plan to make a little change?
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6 responses
@baolihua (114)
• China
26 May 07
no.i don't.i hope i can think that i am a little bit of too slim,but i never thought that.i am not fat,or maybe a little of. i am going to take some exercise after exams,and i have nearly two months to do that,i am looking forward to it.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
25 May 07
No, I'm not satisfied with my body. I may not be considered fat, but I do have fat on me. Most of the fat is spread out, but there is one problem area I stomach. I had started to work out back in December, so I could tone up. I haven't worked out in a few years. My husband had gotten me to work out in the past with an old home gym that we had so it's not like I was a beginner. But after getting sick in February I was told to stop until I recovered. The problem is, I can't seem to get back into the workout schedule I had, which was every two days for 20 minutes or so. And here I had just started to see results right before I stopped. Hopefully with a little encouragement from DH I can start to get back into it again as I know it is good for me.
@yanstill (1490)
• China
22 May 07
is there anybody who don't want to be slim?well,i think girls like to be slim,and no matter how thin they are,it's just not can we go any far?as slim as those fim stars?i don't think so. i always said that i want to lose some weight,or i want to wear that clothes i bought years ago,but i never take the action,i just say it,and it's easier to say.i think for any person,the bottom line is to be fit,and if you feel good,then why bother yourself to do some terrible things?like refusing to eat some delicious food.
@joice86 (1078)
• Philippines
22 May 07
I am contented already! - Body figure
I am already contented with my figure now. I am not that celebrity anyway, LOL...just kidding... I am not sexy but it's ok for me. This is what I have so I have to be contented with it. I am not doing anything to make my body sexy but I am not also letting it to get fat...
• Philippines
22 May 07
Im not satisfied with my figure, im too slim and my weight is not right form my height and age. Im doing proper health measures right now to gain weight before I start working.I definitely want to gain more more weight.
• China
22 May 07
I am so happy that I am thin, I am not fat .