What is it asbout some people?

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
May 22, 2007 4:36am CST
This struck me quite hard today browsing through mylot, why are people generally much happier complaining, pointing out problems or failings in others, telling others why they are wrong, than actually celebrating life and the world and praising others, what prevents us doing it more often?
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15 responses
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
22 May 07
It is human nature, I suppose. I think after so much time spending on mylot, members get very tired and the mood is very unpredictable. So, when bad mood set in, we become sensitive and any discussions that sensitive in nature will become the target of bad rating or abuse report. And there are also counter attack. A member who is not satisfied with the content of one member's discussion, will start another discussion which maybe a complain or pointing problems. There are also members who failed to find discussion that really attract their interest and they get really frustrated. Either they stop responding or bad rating others. I might be wrong in my views but I do hope we all can get along and stop being mean to others.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
i do think its such a big waste of all our time to be so negative about everything. If people cant find what they want here wouldnt they be better off looking for something else to do?
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@joice86 (1078)
• Philippines
22 May 07
Yes, you are right. We should not be mean with other people. We can never ever control one's ways of thinking so we should respect them, what their opinions are and what they are feeling. If we feel that what they are doing is not right already, then we can tell them in a nice way that they did is not good.
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• United States
22 May 07
I try not to complain because people really don't like to hear complaints. But you are right it seems that instead of counting their blessings they would rather complain and as you say point out why someone else is wrong. I couldn't even say why people do this. It is so much more pleasant to say nice things to people and praise them for what they do.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
it certainly is much more pleasant just to be complimentary or quiet blessed be
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@feliniti (875)
22 May 07
yes I agree with you. I don't think people really like to hear too many complaints, it does not reflect well on a person if they always do that.
• Philippines
22 May 07
I don't really think they are happy with complaining. Maybe its just that they are too preoccupied with things that's been bothering them which brings them here in mylot and so they discuss with the people all of their qualms and complaints in life. I sometimes do it too;to actually get others' view of the matter and that really helps me as a person alot. And besides, I don't think Mylot would be as great if every discussion posted are all positive,don't you think so?
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
oh of course i agree, but this isnt really what i meant. More i was meaning about the way people are quick to judge and jump on things that they see as inexactitude. How many times have you seen the hard of thinking amongst our community proclame something as 'wrong !!!!!!!!!'? where what they actually mean is that they disagree with it. This is really what i mean. It is not enough for them to say they disagree, their hugely inflated ego does not allow such doubt. No, they have to declare opposition as wrong sorry for the confusion blessed be
• Philippines
22 May 07
i knew it. I'am confused. lol, sorry but thanks for reading through =)
@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
22 May 07
I agree with you eskarena. I found it very hard to respond to many discussions yesterday with lot of what you said here going on. I am hoping today will be a better day here on mylot.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
i do hope it calms down soon, i really do blessed be
@derek_a (10874)
22 May 07
I notice this in life also and come to the conclusion that the entire world works on error. The negative side: Our senses are bombarded with examples of criticism. The media only writes what sells, and what is it that sells? War, broken promises, destruction, no integrity whatsoever. Has there ever been a successful newspaper that doesn't have a word of criticism in it? Has there ever been a politician that keeps his promises? That is truly committed? To me commitment means to keep your word, for if you persistently do not do this, the mind begins to function on a contradictive lie. The lie being - "I'll do that, but not really!" This then produces small stresses at a subconscious level and soon life becomes a conflict. There are millions of these subconscious conflicts that we have picked up as we have grown up. And then we wonder why the human race is as it is! The positive side: The more people that can become "honest" and keep promises as if their very life depends on it, the more of a Utopia we will experience on this planet of ours. It is possible, and it starts with each individual practising integrity and what will happen then? What will the example of each of use provide for the rest of us? Would you say that truth and integrity is a celebration of who we really are? I think so. But what we have done is swallow propaganda and bull***t in the belief that we will become happier. Wait a minute.. It sounds as if I have got on to a soapbox here and that was not my intention. It's just that when I look, this is what I'm seeing. I'm not feeling particularly negative, I am looking at what isn't happening, so that I can see what needs to.:-) For anyone who is interested, I have an article on my website on commitment - http://ayrehypnotherapy.com/CommitPower
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
derek, dont you think it odd that we share so much of our interests and, although im still struggling for understanding i gain so much from your responses blessed be my friend
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@derek_a (10874)
22 May 07
I get the feeling that we are both committed to spiritual development and realisation - where we are each situated on the path isn't important. Getting to see that all is one, does away with any sort of hierarchy. It's just a matter of awareness. And as that awarenesss expands through thinking the "unthinkable" it can be very profound. :-)
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@joice86 (1078)
• Philippines
22 May 07
People - Why people are like that?
I think people can easily relate on the bad things that are happening than those good ones. People will talk much about they have been through badly but I guess that is just how people try to feel good when they are able to express themselves, how they are feeling badly. Just like me, I often tell stories about those things that happened to me badly than telling those happy ones. I just don't know but I guess that's how I deal with my problems. I often forget my happy memories...
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
i think this is so sad, surely we should all try to focus on the things that make us smile rather than things that make us angry
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 May 07
I really don't know and I am just giving up trying to wonder about it to be honest EsKaren there is just to many nasty People about so personally I am just going to keep out of it all now
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
good move, my friend i wish you and gissy all the best blessed be
• United States
23 May 07
I think some people are just born complainers. Oddly enough my ex-husband was one. He would complain that he won the lotto and was handed all big bills as opposed to be gloriously happy that he won! LOL I think it's a matter of make-up and personality. To be honest, I think people online tend to be a bit more "snitty" with others because they don't have to face the person. It's much easier to type your over-boisterous opinion then to have to speak it to someone directly.
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@haqueen (236)
• United States
23 May 07
human is born crying and live complaining and will die unsartisfied and angry .. i hope it does make sence ...it means as human being lives in problems ,compaining angry ,unsatisfied and we will ave to put all this blame on some one ..i gues the reason for ever day pointing at each other is justified ... we all ave to blame someone 4 our problems .. that why we are human.. i gues this the best response so far, rite yeah mmmh .
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
23 May 07
Too true eskarena. human nature, but not the best feature :) That got to me a few times, but I really am trying hard not to let it bother me. I can't change people and there will always be people that feel better doing that. SO I am just doing my thing and not even pay attention to that kind of stuff - or at least trying hehe Hugs to you
@arcadian (930)
• United States
24 May 07
I think it is the drama. Anger makes good theater, and comedy makes better entertainment- my personal theory of life-LOL- and both touch on the irritating details right up to the outrageious issues- but sweetness and light are at hand in the every day and so don't warrant the proscenium arch we all put a personal spotlight on.
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
22 May 07
Your right people are very negative. I guess that's all they know. Me I'm happy glass half full type of person. I do vent about things on here because it helps me from time to time! Not all people are negative nelly's.
@feliniti (875)
22 May 07
I have a theory that in general some people are missing something in their own life so they run others down. I think in the short term it makes them feel better about themselves. In the long run I honestly believe it does them more harm than good because they will lose friends. The only friends they will have left are other bitter people who like running people down. This of course will include their friends. It is better to celebrate the good in people, than to consistently find bad things to say. I suppose the human spirit is flawed in this way, but I believe in the long run it is better to look for the good in people. That is my theory anyway.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 May 07
i agree, I have seen quite a few discussions here that just draw responses from people with nothing positive to say but filed with bile directed to the poster almost as though they are looking for things to get angry about. Maybe that is it, a chance to justify bitterness and anger
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• United States
24 May 07
I think the reason is because it makes them feel better about themselves....seems when all is good with you ...you find the "good" in people..
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@rb200406 (1824)
• India
22 May 07
Most of the people do see the negatives in others.This is true rather than appreciating the qualities of others we often want to see what is wrong with others forgetting completely what is bad in us.actually it is human tendency to always complain & remain negative.