do u know how to make a data entry job from home, work??

@henazea (313)
May 22, 2007 6:43am CST
I am a member of one of the work at home data entry job and its stagnant..they ask for advertising and I am tired of advertising with no results excep junk..does anyone of you know how to make it work..
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2 responses
23 May 07
I think this kind of stuff can be tedious and if it seems like work and pays very little then you shouldn't be doing it. One of my friends told me to day they wrote na article on somethign and it took them 20 minutes and they got $7. I also have another thing that is a sign up bonus of $3,50 if you are interested. I really don't know how to make the things you are doing work but I owuld say it is not worth the effort.
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@henazea (313)
• Kuwait
23 May 07
I am interested..please let me know the details..
2 people like this
23 May 07
well the 3.50 sign up bonus is on my profile page. you sign up to the pay loads one and register and then add some file or picture or something to sell and once it is authorised you receive your 3,50; you can just put on anything as you dont have any intention of selling it and you can put a ridiculous price on it to ensure no one does. if you need any further help then let me know. and this is the link for AC for writing articles. i dont make any money out of this as they can only pay US citizen but you should have a look at it. I will add you as a friend in case you need help/.
@wasim989 (2298)
• India
29 May 07
I hate typing stuff on my pc therefore I try to stay away from data entry job.