Would you call the authorities?
By mememama
@mememama (3076)
United States
May 22, 2007 8:48am CST
I'm not sure what to do, the girl across the street lets her one year old run around in just a diaper and he doesn't wear shoes, lastnight he was dancing in the freaking street! She watches him, but people speed in this subdivision and I'm so afraid that he'll get hit by a car. We have had words with them about other things (her boyfriend is a huge idiot that likes to run his mouth), so I know I can't talk to her. I don't know if I'm overreacting or what, my husband told me it's none of our business but I just don't feel right about this. What would you do?
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49 responses
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
22 May 07
Call the authorities. The only wearing a diaper isn't so bad if it is warm enough but the dancing in the street ... well you know.
Only thing is if they are anything like they are in this state you won't get far. They waste time on people who don't need intervention and ignore those who do. I have reported two people in my life and they did nothing. They came and talked once and never came back. Someone called on us (it was a mistake but that is a long story I would rather forget) and it took me over a year to get rid of them. I even had to call the governor's office more than once.
Still maybe the best thing to do is call the cops (yes the POLICE) when the child is outside. Then maybe they can 'catch' the kid in the act and they will take the proper steps.
Good luck and bless you for caring about a child that isn't yours.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 May 07
I doubt that the authorities would be interested if the child hasn't come to any harm. It's fine to let a toddler play freely on the lawn, but in the street is a different matter.
If there's no way you can talk to her about keeping him off the road, make up some signs saying something like:
"SLOW! - A$$holes allowing baby to play in street"
Post them up at either end of your street (secretly at night if need be), and wait for the reaction. It may embarrass them into caring better for their child.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
22 May 07
Perhaps it's just that the authorities in the UK are over-stretched, but if the parents are out watching the child, nothing would be done (I think) unless the child came to some harm.
Perhaps this is why the UK is circling the toilet-bowl of civilised humanity?
I still like the idea of making signs!
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@Karmalina (647)
• Australia
22 May 07
LOL! The signs are a nice idea. Sounds like something I'd do =P
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@coconutpatty (834)
• United States
22 May 07
I don't agree with you. Allowing the baby to play in the street is allowing the baby to be in harm's way. That is neglect and endangering the welfare of a child. A baby of that age does not know enough to get out of the way if a car is coming. The mother will now have a hard time explaining to the baby that the road is not a safe place to play...when she has allowed it to do it for so long. The authorities have very little tolerance for matter like this.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
22 May 07
If this child gets hurt or killed, will you be able to live with yourself? There is nothing wrong with the child being in only a diaper and with no shoes (on a warm day) in the eyes of the law. However, playing in the street, unattended at the age of one year, is neglect. We just had a lady arrested in our town for letting a two-year-old play in the street unattended. (the mother was in the house asleep when the authorities arrived). You can place an annonomous call to child protective services, you are not required to give your name or anything.
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@coconutpatty (834)
• United States
22 May 07
I completely disagree with your husband. You should definitely report her to the authorities. You not reporting her makes you as guilty as her letting her child run around like that. I'm not trying to disrespect you but I don't think you should have to ask us what we think you should do. You shouldn't even have to question that matter at all. You may say to yourself, next time I'll call. The time comes and you say, okay next time. What if the next time the poor child gets hit by a car? Then what. This mother obviously does not care for her child in a proper way, and that is neglect. If you have already spoke with her about it and she continues to allow it to happen, then she is obviously an idiot and should not have children she cannot properly care for. It is your business if she is doing this and you know about it. You need to call the authorities!
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@coconutpatty (834)
• United States
22 May 07
Never second guess yourself on a matter like this. I don't care what your hubbby says, you know this is going on and not reporting it is just wrong. Ignore hubby on this one. It's a man for ya. haha They never want to get involved in stuff.
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@kara5287 (299)
• United States
22 May 07
well if you did nothing and something happened to the little boy you would feel so guilty. well i know i would. try calling children youth services if you have that there. if not contact the police they will do something about it or find an organization that will. but i would definately not keep quit. it might not be any of your bussiness but it's not like you are just tryin to get the woman in trouble. you are just looking out for what's best for the child.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
22 May 07
I would call CPS. I can't imagine letting my child play in the streets, even here in base housing, where you literally get a ticket for going 16 mph.
I do let him play outside without shoes on sometimes, but our yard is always clean and safe. I don't let him out without any clothes on, though, because of sunburn. I don't have any problems with parents that do let their kids out in just diapers, though, as long as they are taking care of them.
The rain thing...I guess it depends on whether it was a HOT rain or a cold one. If it was really warm out, I might consider letting my son play in the rain as long as it was a gentle rain. It would be kind of like the kids who are out playing in the sprinkler right?
But the baby playing in the street is enough reason to call the authorities. That's just too dangerous. Especially if she isn't doing anything at all to stop it. I understand that babies sometimes go out to the street. But the mom should be right there bringing the baby back into the yard, and telling him why it's not allowed.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
22 May 07
Like you said, people go speeding there, so it really isn't safe for a 1 year old to be playing on the road. Also I think the baby should be dressed a lot more when it is getting colder. It's ok to dress your baby in those clothes when it warm, but not when it is starting to get cold. I would ring the authorities, even if they do nothing about it, at least you know you have done the best you can.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
26 May 07
That is what I would do, that way if something did happen, which I hope it doesn't, I won't think that I just sat back and let it happen. I know it hard to ring authorities on someone, but if you have to, then do it. It might mean saving a child's life.
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@luintaurien (972)
• United States
23 May 07
Actually the way I look at it is, if something happens to this child will you be able to live with yourself if you did nothing to help him. I work with teenage boys in a group home setting. Most of these boys have been abused in some form. Anyone can report someone for child abuse or neglect and you have the right to do so for the welfare of that child. The parents maybe very angry with you, but it doesn't seem like you have a real good relationship with them now so I don't think it will matter a whole lot. In the end it is up to you to do what you feel is right for you.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
22 May 07
I don't see anything wrong with letting a little one go bare foot. If this was the case, I would have had all of my kids taken away from me.
Next time you see the child in the street, why don't you go and tell him to get out of the street. If the mother is there watchin, she should get the hint that it is a dangerous thing she is letting her son do.
It is up to you, but if she is watching him, there would be no reason for DSS to take the child.

@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
22 May 07
We actually live in the country. My kids would never make it to the street without me catching them first. Our house is about 300 ft from the road.
I would be very concerned if there were broken glass ect where this child is. This might be a different situation if the child could get hurt in his yard.
I would suggest follow your gut. If you call and turn her in, it is all anonomous anyways so it won't come back to haunt you.
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
22 May 07
If it warm outside then there is nothing rong with just a diaper. I go barefooted all the time never hurt me or my kids. If she is out watching him then I doubt calling authorities would do any good at all. Are you maybe critical of her parenting because you already dont like her? It sounds like the baby is having fun. Hopefully she moved him from the street. The kids in our neighborhood play in the street all the time.If she leaves the baby outside unattended then I think you should call.
@coconutpatty (834)
• United States
22 May 07
I remember playing in the street with my friends. But I also was not a one year old baby. How do you get your one year to understand that the road isn't safe place all the time when you just let them play in it. they don't know to get out of the way if they see a car. Even if she is outside with the baby does not necessarily mean she is watching the baby. It would be neglect if she is allowing this child to play in the road, alone.
If she has already spoke to the girl about the matters and the girl does not change anything, then I think it is a problem. I don't have as much of a problem with the diaper and barefoot thing if it's warm. But at the same time, the child could get sunburned if she is not taking proper precautions. Which doesn't seem like she would if she lets the baby run around in the street.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
22 May 07
It is usually warm here, but lastnight it wasn't. Actually there was a little bit of rain. I'm not critical of her parenting, when I had words with them before it was because of her boyfriend yelling and screaming in the middle of the night while partying, waking us up.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
23 May 07
You are right, I would call the authorities the next time I saw him in the street. That is 'endangerment to a child'. And she's just lucky he hasn't been hit by a car up til now! But, I can guarantee you, in today's society, if he did get hit, it would not be her fault, it would be the driver's. Wouldn't even cross her mind that she was at fault, and that the driver would have to deal with that incident the rest of their life.
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@nica269 (1395)
• United States
23 May 07
I don't think I would call the authorities because she doesn't put shoes on her baby, but that's just me. The only thing that would concern me is that he's in the street and she or her boyfriend aren't taking him out of there. That would be a good cause for concern, but maybe you could try to talk to her alone and just let her know that the streets aren't the safest because of the speeding cars. And is is your concern because there's a child's safety involved.
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@latsmom (824)
23 May 07
YOu obviously feel there is an issue here and that the child is in danger as do I. Fair enough she watches him but then if that is from the house or front garden it would only take a split second for a car to mount the sidewalk and kill or highly injure him. there is also the danger of him being abducted which can also happen so quick. i would personally call the authorities as although I let my daughter run in the back garden in just a t shirt and pants she is not in any danger and is within my peoperty which is barbed wired at the top of my 7 foot fence. I woudl call the authorities tell them your concerns and also request that you remain anonamous. A child of that age shoudl not be out the front anyway he shoudl be in the house, taken to the park accompanied by a responsible adult or playing in the back garden. I don't even let my four year old in the front garden unless she is with me and then she does so fully clothed.
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
22 May 07
I would feel the same way you do. A youngster that age running around the streets is an accident waiting to happen. I think that you should contact someone...however I just hope that they don't suspect you...because then you could be opening a whole new can of worms....it is such a hard thing....I know I have been in the same situation...just do what you feel is right...
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@calvin222 (1606)
• India
22 May 07
frankly i would like to raise my kids in just the way i want, and whereever i want, without any intereference from strangers, whether it may be in diapers or a thermal suit.
on the other hand you must always do what your heart says.. a sure way of complicating life, yours and others.. so go ahead and report it.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
22 May 07
I think that if she is letting the child play in the street without watching him then yes, I would call the police. If she is outside watching him, then I don't think that the authorities will do much about it. She may just be a young mom who doesn't see these things as a big issue. I see the neighbor kid here in his diaper and no shoes and I don't think anything about it. Just be sure you know what you are doing when you report her as she might know you done it and she may retaliate if she is not doing anything wrong.
@babygurl850406 (1322)
• United States
22 May 07
I would call the authorities right away! Allowing a one year baby out in the street alone that is very dangerous. I have a one year old and a 2 1/2 year old, I taught my 2 year old never go in the street alone she knows looking both ways and all but I tell her over and over never go in the street by yourself and we live on a fairly quiet street.
A one year old does not know any better, it only takes a second for a speeding car to come at night and the mom would have no time to react. Dont worry about your husband or the parents of this child, you need to call child services and report this. Could you imagine if something did happen, you would feel guiolty about not taking action.
I hope everything works out good :)
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
22 May 07
It's neglect, pure and simple. I don't care if the mother is outside, that baby should not be playing in the street.
I don't understand how a parent can be like that.
The safety of the child comes first and foremost.
If I was you, I would call.
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