Disproving the existence of God
By sigma77
@sigma77 (5383)
United States
May 22, 2007 12:33pm CST
In the years ahead, science may eventually completely explain the existence of the universe. If we were to explain everything scientifically, could we disprove the existence of God? You can easily assume that God exists because there is no way to disprove his or hers existence. I am not talking about religion, only God. In my view, he/she exists because it is impossible to prove otherwise. Explaining man's or the universe's existence scientifically does not prove that there is not a God.
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18 responses
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
22 May 07
The problem with that is in a standpoint of science something does not exist till it has been proven, not the other way around.
You can in example also not disprove that this all like your being, the existence of others, the entire earth, etcetera is just the imagination of a single alien living on Mars dreaming of a better place.
Yet would you say that that is true since you can't prove otherwise?
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
22 May 07
Science has two ways of demonstration: deductive and inductive. Sometimes you have to use one, sometimes the other one, but althought you seem to preffer the deductive, the inductive is also right and useful in science, since you can never actually prove all the premises with deductive methods. For example, when in biology you say "ravens are black", you are using the inductive method, since you can't check all the ravens of the universe and they could also be albino ravens. But in orther to science evolute, you have to start stating that "all ravens are black" since almost all of them are, at least the ones you have checked.
So according to your post, God could be sceintifically proven by induction.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
22 May 07
Both of you make good points. I suppose I was thinking in terms of someone who doesn't believe in God and how I would rationalize that to myself. I couldn't come up with a way to prove that a God does not exist any more than the proof that one does. I think that God exists, but I was thinking about how I would reason in my mind that God didn't exist.
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@Rohit20 (327)
• India
22 May 07
You are correct if even science toils hard in research of disproving God,then also till the whole time of existence of this heavenly planet ,no one can disapprove that.God is Omnipresent,Omniscient,Omnipotent and the one who denies or doesn't accept his existence or tries to disapprove him,is like a living object with life in the dark room where he is unable to see his own hand.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
23 May 07
God certainly exists and He has revealed Himself to us in the Holy Bible. God has existed from eternity past and will always exist. True scientific advancement does not eliminate God, rather it proves that there is a God. The more we understand about DNA, the more obvious it becomes that there is God, and that He created all that exists.
Through God's word, the Bible, we can learn about creation, sin, wrath, judgment, love and forgiveness. Most importantly we learn that God had a plan to redeem fallen man, and the redeemer is Jesus Christ.
@skbadhan (879)
• India
23 May 07
Ya I am aggree to you .You are very right its easy to belive about the existance of god and you will find most of people supporting you. but if its the case of disproving the existance of god no one have any solid scientific reason to support.
@priyeshpc (18)
23 May 07
I think that god existance will need to describe god give the certificate of it existance & about science nothing in science is perfectly explain would any scientist could say why we say carbon as carbon WHY?
@0Impact0 (69)
• United States
23 May 07
Science and faith are on two entirely different plains of existence, at least in my opinion, and therefore will never reach an agreement on an issue as fundamental and controversial as this. I believe evolution happened because it's blatantly obvious from fossil records, yet I believe that God created the Earth as described in Genesis. Why? Because they are two entirely different things. Could the big bang have happened; Sure, but the where did the stuff to bang come from. I refuse to believe that simply survival of the fittest--luck basically--was the only factor in evolution there was a helping hand per say. But back to the point, religion and science will never agree on an issue like this regardless what method of proving they go about formulating a hypothesis around.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
22 May 07
God can not be subject to a test. You can't put Him on a scale. You can't measure Him, and you can't evaluate Him. You can't see Him, and you can't touch Him. You can't smell Him, but for anybody to say that there is not a god makes them a god. God is infinate, no matter what god you serve that particular god is infinate. So to say that there is no god is like saying you are infinate. Can anybody tell me that God isn't in your closet right now? Can anyone say that God isn't in your car right now? Can anyone say that God isn't in your bathroom right now? The question that I am asking you can anybody prove that He doesn't exist without making yourself a god? Because to disprove God you would have to be in every location known to mankind at the exact same time. Atheism is a religion in itself. People that fight religiion have created their own religion and their own gods. Some of them worship themselves. Some of them worship other man. Some of them worship their job. Some of them worship their car. Some of them worship their home. But they are all gods to these people. Because whatever you put most important in your life has become your god. So therefore, there is no such thing as an atheist and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
22 May 07
You make some really interesting points. In a way, if I am manifested from God (spirit or with a soul), then I am infinite since I would be part of God. I see your point about how man worships material things instead of God. But, I don't think religion is required in order to recognize God in your life. Thanks for a great response.
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@Phlamingho (7823)
• Denmark
22 May 07
As far as I know we are miles away from understanding what happened right before big bang. As long as we don't know what happened before big bang, this can actually be used (and is used) by the church as proof of God. But you are right, if one day science do prove this, then we will have a problem :-)
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
22 May 07
The big bang, I am not sure has even been proven. It just happens to explain much of the possibilites of the creation of the universe. I am thinking that we could have a scientific based explanation for the universe and also that God does exist.
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@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
23 May 07
oh, if scientist can comprehensively and logically explain the existence of the universe through mathematical calculations then i would say that they can prove that there is no GOD at all which is logical because they believe that there is none.they can easily do that but disproving the existence of god to the believers ,i do not think they can.it is all about what we believe in, we create our own reality for our existence.the scientist has to believe in something to survive as well as most people has to believe in a GOD in order to have faith and would have the power to live with hope.
@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
22 May 07
I am not sure what you are saying but in my opinion there is no need to prove that there is not a God for the simple reason is you can feel the breezes that blow you can see the leaves move if there was no God how are all these things possiable
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@im_anna (717)
• Philippines
26 May 07
believing in the existence of God and science is of two different aspects of a spectrum, different purposes. In my opinion, science helps us understand to answer the questions of "what" & "how", what things are, how things happen, how it was created like in the form of a baby, how it has happened from being an egg to fetus-to baby-to child-to adulthood. But science cannot answer the "why" questions, the soul of human that makes it "alive". Science will not be able to answer all the questions of humans as we only have certain capacity to understand, only up to a certain extent. Humans are humans, we are not limitless to understand all the vastness of the universe.
I refuse to believe that there is no God or a higher being, that we just exist, meaningless, in limbo. I refuse to believe that there is no order in the universe, that there is no higher being that puts balance into everything. Believing that there is God puts meaning in our life, a purpose of existence.
Miracles happen because of man's faith, belief in a higher power, hope & love. God is the source of unconditional love. A person who has great faith, exercising his/her will for the good, hope & love, then great things happen. You can't just say that there is no God to the people who are struggling and suffering physically, mentally, emotionally or psychologically because it is the only thing that they/we cling on, to hope to have faith that it would be better.
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
23 May 07
Have you ever read Mark Twain? He stated, "If God didn't exist, man would have to invent Him."
While this doesn't exactly answer your question, I believe if religion and science could merge, they might come up with a possible 'scientific' reason or proof that God does exist. While their is a large majority that would believe this is impossible, even if there was proof, I wonder if it would be 'scientifically' excepted by the masses.
For those who don't need the proof but beleive God does exist there is no real reason that exists for the proof. For those same people, if science was to come up with what they consider proof He doesn't exist, I doubt strongly that it would be reason enough to stop believing He does exist.
Sometimes scientific proof is unwarranted, unneeded, and in some cases unnecessary. Some people don't need the proof.
While science might eventually, completely explain the existence of things, there will always be those who don't believe science has it all together, proof or not.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
23 May 07
I don't think science could ever prove without a doubt that God does not exist. In a way, God might be beyond anything man could invent as disproof. I like that quote from Mr Twain. Religion ans science merging? Yikes, that would almost spell tranquilty...and we can't be having to much of that can we?....lol
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
23 May 07
I agree with you sigma.
Tranquility...a novel concept don't you think?
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
22 May 07
Yes friend. That is in regards to science. Most of the advanced scientists in world today believe there is no God, but they're only decieving themselves. God exist and will always exist. Thanks and have a nice day.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
22 May 07
Good discussion. Perhaps somehow related to the discussion I started entitled "science is wrong". I don't mean really science is wrong, but sometimes some things on it are not as exact or clear as we suppose, and we still follow it since it works, so in some way it is a little like religion.
Returning to your point, I think that there are rather some scientific researchs that rather targets us to God, or at least could be coherent with the idea of a superior force that makes life move on and things exist. So there is no matematical disproving, but instead there are some points that could be considered as a prove.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
22 May 07
I was thinking that if science came up with a totally valid expanation for the universe and its existance, that is does not mean that God does not exist. I was thinking in terms of either or. Some might assume that with a scientific explanation, that means that there is nothing else beyond that.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
23 May 07
What I don't understand is how a scientist can look at the different part of the human body with all it's complexities from the nimbleness of the fingers to the intricate part of the eye and say there is no creator it just grew that way. you have to have a plan for a car. You can't just put some of the part on the floor and go away for a couple of years and come back and have a running car. There has to be a plan. Science can explained How the eye works but not how it got all those working parts to work together. The same for the universe. The more they learn the more there is to learn. So I don't believe they will ever be able to explain away God.
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@LadyMooreSabb (335)
• United States
23 May 07
I agree, mans unending search to disprove the existence of God is proof enough for me. Besides there is a spirit in man that bonds with a like spirit in the universe somewhere that gives us peace in times of turmoil and this same spirit is answering prayers and creating miracles. you don't know how many times I've heard men of medicine say they can't explain it when all evidence points to certain results and yet the outcome is different. With all the science geniuses the best cures for many ailments are still found in nature which was created by whom?
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@ewels04 (26)
• Philippines
23 May 07
I agree with you my friend. The Scriptures say that only a fool will say that there is no God. When we talk about God we are talking of the Supreme Source and creator of all things that exist. Whatever or however scientists will explain our existence you will still go back to the Basic or The Source of that ball of mass that explode. Where it came and how it explode. We are not a product of an accident in the space. Somebody purposely designed everything according to the Plan.
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