Does being together means total honesty?Can some secrets improve relationships?

@daryljane (3406)
May 22, 2007 2:38pm CST
Do you tell everything about you, even the darkest secrets that youre keeping eversince to the person you are with right now..or you just keep it on your own...or maybe spill out little information about it. Do you think telling everything can improve the relationship? My partner right now knows me too well..and i told him all the things about me...and its great that he took all the things into him without judging me and forgetting all of it after..he told me that whatever happened to me before are things in the past and that he is going to take care of me so that i wont have to go through it again..and he stick to his promise... Do you tell your partner eveyrthing...thanks for sharing!
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4 responses
• Philippines
23 May 07
I think thats the things we always do. I mean we always shared everything. Specially our secrets in order to build TRUST for the both of us and I do believe that honesty lead to a better foundation. But sometimes I felt to sad of the things I know about her past. And her past is always the reason of our argument. One time I ask her how many boyfriend she had before? and she told me that she had 24 boyfriend. and I am the last she had. I was shock and I told her " Oh! its really unfair on my side coz I only have her. She's my first and the last girl I have. I always get irratated everytime she will count her boyfriend, coz I don't have somebody to count for. If your in my shoes how would you feel? hahahaha this thing is very funny....right
@daryljane (3406)
• Philippines
23 May 07
Oh really?...i guess the best thing to do there is tell her to stop counting...its like she counting and wanted to add more after you..i dont mean to pry, but maybe it will help if ou guys talk about...tell her that you get hurt if she does that and with that there will be less arguments...i do have lots of boyfriend before but we dont talk about it with my partner..there are things that we tend not to talk about so that there will be no arguments. and its for the better.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
22 May 07
I don't think it hurt to keep some things to yourself, like certain things about past relationships and such, I have things that I have spoken to anyone about, I say they go with me, its nice just keeping some things within...
@daryljane (3406)
• Philippines
22 May 07
i know there are things too that you need to keep for yourself..sometimes it does good to the relationship too..i agree with that...
@msmamaof2 (367)
• United States
22 May 07
I definetely tell my dh everything. I don't think that we'd have the open/honest marriage that we have w/out sharing everything. Plus, after 11 years together...he knows it all...
@daryljane (3406)
• Philippines
22 May 07
wow!!! thats great! bring it on! :)
@natuser28 (907)
• United States
23 May 07
No, i don't tell everything to my partner. Not because i'm hidding something, but more its what they want to hear at that particualr time. So i jst gives little bit every now and then about myself. If my partner want direct than i have no problem telling them.