What's the deal with the names....
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
May 22, 2007 6:27pm CST
A friend of mine is almost due with her third child...she's 8 months. She picks the weirdest names and it seems to be common with kids being born these days. Her first daughter was named Shelby Ann...not bad. Her second daughter was named Satina Heather Kay Danielle...yes those are all her names. With the third she wanted to name a boy some weird name like Micheal Anthony James Ryan or something like that...her soon to be hubby put his foot down and they settled on Alaxander Micheal if its a boy. Now she's working on girl names and wants the name Skylar. When I jokingly mentioned just naming it Sunshine she said her friend just had her baby a couple weeks ago and named it Sunshine Daisies...is it me or is it stupid to give your kids these names??
I thought naming your kid Tiffany, Jasmine and Crystal was weird but now it seems to keep getting weirder.
When I suggested common names like Rebecca, Amy or Susan she said they were too common and boring. Personally I like the old names like Morgana, Matilda or Johnathan...but thats me. What do you think?? My name is common enough: Tina Marie
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30 responses
@mememama (3076)
• United States
23 May 07
I really don't care what people name their children, they are the ones that have to yell out the door "Rainbow Moonbeam, it's time for dinner!" I chose to name after family, so my sons name is somewhat traditional to his fathers nationality ;)
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@toe_ster (770)
• United States
23 May 07
This is funny and I agree. The parents are the ones that have to live with it the most.And later on down the line if the kid hates it, they will have to sufferthrough that. To each its own. And picking names is kind of hard for some.

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 May 07
Ok, four names is kinda too much! If your friend likes exotic names, has she considered any of these ideas. Exotic cat species like Pixiebob, Chausie or Savannah. Or, how about Hewbrew names; Shiloh? City names: Trenton, now that actually sounds normal. Or, San Francisco? And, about poor Sunshine Daisies: I feel so sorry for her. She is going to get so much teasing when she goes to school. As for me: I used numerology to determine my daughters name. She is living up to her numbers so far! Maybe this stuff works. Best of luck with the baby naming. Beautyqueen26 (aka Beverly)
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
23 May 07
my grandson name is skylar.i really like names that know one has heard before.my grandaughter names is nioca.[i named her].but i like the name satina your freind picked out for her second child.but i dont see were haveing all the middle names. that would be to confuseing for the child when they grow up.the new generation comes up with some with things anymore."nameing a child with a frist,middle an last name is enough dont you think? i do
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 May 07
I believe the reason for this is that each of us is different and has different things they like in life including names . Not everyone likes the same thing and this is acutally a good thing or this would be a very boring place to live if we all liked the same things .
I have always liked names that were different as well and my reason has been that I don't want the same name as everyone else around us . I want my children to be unique right from the beginning and hate names that every second person has so look for names that are different , in fact one of my daughter's name is Skylar , lol .
I think it is good that we all want something different though weather it is a common name or a unique name as it spices up things around us and doesn't make us all the same .
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
23 May 07
I actually grew up with a Tina Marie, haven't seen her since grade school but still remember her and think of her from time to time.
Anyway... All my girls have 2 middle names. It started when I had my first one and couldn't decide between two names so I had to continue it with the others so one didn't feel odd or different. At one point I was going to name my 4 year old Rayn (Rain) but after thinking about it all I could hear was the other children teasing her saying rain rain go away, so we went with a more tradional name and just spelled it a little different (nothing too odd, it is just Rachael, most don't put the "a" in there). I think parents are trying to give their children a name that will make them stand out instead of just becoming a name in the crowd.
Just my two cents.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
23 May 07
I grew up in Michigan and Texas. I think its great that ppl want their kids to be unique but I also think they should think about how a certain name will affect the child...your outlook on the name Rayn is what I'm talking about.
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@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
23 May 07
Good thinking Dragon, I wish my mom would've given me another first name. Trust me, no fun growing up being Danielle Boone. Thankfully I had two cool middle names to pick from to be called. And the way your first got her double middle name is the same way I got mine. My mom couldn't decide.
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@MrsWickham1 (464)
• United States
23 May 07
My daughters name is Jordyn. If we have another girl her name will be Trinity a boy we are still deciding, but all those names. Gosh I would be so confused. My name is Catrice I thought that was weird.
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@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
23 May 07
I have two children, both girls. I named them Jade Hope and Jasmine Faith. Now, if I ever have a boy, I'd like to name him Atreyu Xavier. Yes, I know you probably think those names are "odd". The reason I enjoy names like these is because they are unique. I went to school with so many Jennifers, it drove me insane. So I chose to name my kids with unique names. It works for me.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
23 May 07
I like names from different countries. I have a Russian friend named Svetlana. I love that name for a girl, it's not "weird" but it's not common in North America, either. I don't need to make my kid a novelty by giving her a name like Sunshine Dasies, but I do want something unusual.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
23 May 07
I think people want their kids to have unique names and sometimes they go too far. My hubby wanted to name our son Voltaire. I said while that was a really cool name, and it is, kids are cruel and I wasn't about to set my kid up to be teased for his name. We went back and forth over names. My husband came up with some wild names. He suggested Thor, Loki, Janus, and various other names of gods. I wanted names like Anthony, Moses, Joshua, etc. If it was a girl my hubby suggested names like Ashanti, Akasha, Kali, etc. I wanted names like Gloria, Elizabeth, Cynthia.
I like nice, strong names and old fashioned names. I don't want my kid being so unique in name that he is only known for having a different name. Like people who name thie kids Kid or Pilot. I mean, seriously, you couldn't come up with somethign better than that?!
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@kakemafarm (492)
• United States
23 May 07
I think people come up with more unusual names because they don't want to be like everyone else. My name is Michelle and I couldn't tell you how many "Michelles" I went to school with, it would have been cool to stick out a little with a different name. But, like you, I love the traditional names, they are so classic. I worried about the teasing from other kids about unusual names so my kids' names aren't real crazy. But I do bestow all those interesting names on the animals that I have so I still get to use them!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
2 Aug 07
I love naming my pets. In fact, twoey was a cat we had and the cat we have now is Morgana. Petey was my best friend and dog for 10 years and I've had pets named KSHE (after a radio station), Scooby Doo, Booger (my nephew named her), Brownie and lots more. Thank you for taking time to respond.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
23 May 07
I love the nave Shelby. I wanted to name my daughter that but then we found out our friend named her dog that. I guess that I am boring with picking names for my kids. They are Andrew Carl, Nicholas Craig, Taylor Parker, and Katelyn Jean. Each one has a middle name after someone. Taylor is my moms maiden name and Parker is my mother in laws maiden name~ that was as original as I get.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
23 May 07
I would have to agree with you on this....The names I have for my children are:
Cierra Lee, Jessica Irene Marie, Britney Leeanne, Reuben Christopher Lawrence, Jonathan Michael, Adam Riley, Timothy Ryan. and soon to have another son in Aug I have No clue what to name him, I was thinking Ashton but I think that would be a odd name ....But names are getting a lot more different now a days for sure. The most important thing we need to think about is how with the name affect our child/ren?
Take care
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
23 May 07
When I read your title I thought you were going to talk about wierd names like Apple or Wolfgang. I found your discussion had no wierd names at all except for maybe Matilda; I don't think anyone should be called Matilda!
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
23 May 07
Sure there are lots of different names, but that doesn't mean they are bad or weird. I am sure some people don't like my children's names and that's okay! Just think you don't have to call your kids those names, so you don't have to worry about it! I am sure she thinks the names are great and really that's all that matters!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
23 May 07
Naming a child is such a personal thing that I don't think anyone has the right to judge another person's choices or consider them stupid. Everyone has different tastes and it would get very boring if we all had to conform to the same set of rules regarding names. Sure I've seen or heard some names that have made me roll my eyes and think "I would never name my child that" but that's the point it isn't MY child. I can name my child whatever I want and everyone else can name their children whatever they want. I don't have to like their choices and they don't have to like mine. It's none of my business if my best friend wants to name her own child Rainbow Starlight Saffron Rainstorm Meadow Fruitcake, it's not my taste but I wouldn't say she was stupid for choosing it. I personally don't care for your suggestions to your friend or for the names on your "list" but you probably wouldn't like the names I've given my children...and that's alright!
(BTW...while I wouldn't use Michael Anthony James Ryan all on one child, they are all either first or middle names of 4 of our 5 boys)
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@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
23 May 07
Sorry, I just had to come back and say I thought you started a really good discussion. And on the surface I thought this could really get a steady flow of conversation going. However, I never thought that so many would get defensive with such an innocent topic. Did you think the same? I read some of the other responses and I just can't believe that something so innocent and beautiful as discussing baby names could draw up so much tension.
I hope you don't let those comments discourage you in anyway. Good luck in your future posts and success.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
23 May 07
No, actually I didn't think ppl would get so bent out of shape over this topic lol. My friend will name her child whatever she wants and thats up to her...I just thought it was weird how ppl are picking some really weird names (in my opinion) to give their kids.
My mom named my oldest brother after our Dad, she named me after Tina Louise (the actress from Gilligans Island), another brother is Jesus (spanish for Jesse) James (after the bandit) and my other brother is Pedro Miquel (spanish for Peter Micheal).
No, it doesn't upset me...makes me wonder why ppl reply negatively to a discussion...to me it would be a waste of time...I'd just skip it and move along but oh well.
I have read this to my friend and she likes several of the names so who knows what she will come up with.
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@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
25 May 07
Im glad you and your friend dealt with this discussion very well. Like you, I don't see why the negative comments were left it is just a waste of time. Talking about baby names is suppose to be fun, even if there are some weird names out there.
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@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
14 Sep 07
I'm with you on this one. What ever happened to names like Mary, Ruth, Deborah, Paul, Michael or Joshua?
My name is Lorna, from what I've been noticing it is not a very common name and I don't think that it is weird. In fact I often get compliments. And I found out recently that it is Scottish. I always thought it was latin.
The other thing I don't get with naming the children these days is the spelling. People are spelling the names phoneitically. What's up with that?
What kind of life are they forcing their kids to endure by naming them Metallica or Ender or Piper or Camera or Seven...that's my favorite or Puma?
OK I'm done now. Don't get me started about girls who are named traditionally boys' names or vice versa!
@RookRocks (381)
• Philippines
23 May 07
Where do parents get these names? WHen I have kids instead of naming them randomly I will select a theme. My parents did that, naming us after variants of their own names. But yeah, I understand parents wanting their children to have unique names. Just be careful though. Make it too unique (or long) might make your kids hate their own names. WHich is sad, because it's like hating your own identity. And names are one of the most important legacies parents give to their kids.
@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
14 Sep 07
Lucky for our family everyone has stayed with the traditional names. My sister has three children, Joshua, Mary and Samantha, nice and simple. Now my best friend is another matter, she had a baby girl and named her Starlight, where she got that I will never know. But at least she can be called Star for short, poor baby! My name is common also, Annie! No not little orphan, lol!