By wulikanhua
@wulikanhua (140)
May 22, 2007 8:42pm CST
Yesterday i read an article about "50 Tings to Do Before I Die".I think more about it.Have you read it?It's below:
A few weeks ago, I followed a friend into an art-supply store.I found him picking out bubes of water-color paint, which surprised me because he's not an artist.
"I signed up for a water-color class,and it starts next week,"he said sheepishly,"I don't really have time for it,but it was on my list of 50 things to do before I die,so I went for it."This sounds interersting,"What else is on the list?"I asked him.
"All kinds of things,"he said,"Every few months I look at the list and decide what to focus on next.Before I had the list, I moaned a lot ablut what i was missing in my life.Now i just do stuff.Write your own list, and you'll see what i mean."
/s that night i did just that, and he was right.The list revealed a whole lot about what was important to me.It also revealed how hopellessly behind i am at getting to the things i really want.
Just writing the list helped me sort through some of my prioritiess.i filled up the first 20 blanks quickly,but then began to think carefully.Eventually i added item i've thought about for years,dreams i've carried with me since i was young,and things that reasonated when i first heard avout them.When i reviewed the list later,some entries surprised me.
First, i want to travel much more,particularly now that my children are older and can go with me to see the world.I would like to take them to bike through Denmark and camp in the camp in the Canadian Rockies.
I'm also surprised to find some things on the list that need to be done soon.If i'm going to learn to roller-blade, for instance,i'd better start before i turn 50.
A few of the items are intiidating because they mean a serious commitment of some sort.I would like to publish a novel before i die,and i also plish these things, i need to start writing every day and polishing my piano skills.
Like my friend, i now have an alternative to complaining.When i'm bored with life, i take out my list.Maybe i'll send off for travel brochures or sit down in front of the piano.
I have a cousin who has accomplishen an amazing string of interesting things.She told me the key was preparing the ground so that life could work in mysterious ways."If you want your ship to come in, you must build a dock,"she said.
Thanks to my list, I'm woeking on some big docks.
Friends maybe you can find something special for your life as me.You can make a list too .It may be can give new inspirations.Make your life more colourful.
Have a try.Wish your good news back.
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