My daughter won't sleep through the night anymore

@cynddvs (2948)
United States
May 23, 2007 6:59am CST
For a couple of weeks now my daughter has stopped sleeping through the night. I have no idea what is going on. She only takes one nap a day for about an hour. I've even tried to not give her a nap. But that never works because she'll eventually get so tired during the day she'll just find a spot and go to sleep. And I've tried putting her to bed later and that doesn't make a difference. Like last night I put her to bed at 9:30 and she still woke up at around 2am, I got her back to sleep and she woke up again at 6:30 this morning and has been up every since then. I don't know what else to do and why she is getting up. Does anyone have any advice? I'm really hoping this is just another phase.
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9 responses
@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
23 May 07
I feel for you ... My son is going through one of those phase too ... I haven't slept more than 2 hours straight in weeks!!! :( But I do know why my son wakes up s many times during the night, he is teething - only 6 months old but he already got 2 teeth!! ... and I have the ffeling that the 3rd one is going to cut through very soon .... Last night it was 4 am and I still had not had a chance to sleep ... I feel on anoter planet today ... lol hopefully it will be better tonight ... I hope I think your daughter is either probably growing or teething -good luck
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
25 May 07
thank you I hope we both go through that phase very fast lol
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
24 May 07
I'm sorry to hear you are going through the same thing. It's so hard when they get so many teeth at one time. My daughter just got 5 teeth within 2 months. Talk about a cranky girl lol. I think she may be getting some more because I just noticed yesterday after I posted this she was chewing on her hand like crazy. I'm just ready to have this teething over with and I'm sure she is too. Good luck to you! I hope you get some sleep soon!
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@jennawash (161)
• United States
23 May 07
I think all children go through this phase. I see that a poster had mentioned Dr. Sears!! He's amazing and almost always right. YOu might want to bring your daughter into bed with you for a while. It's possible she is having dreams wether good or bad and is not able to verbalize them to you and that can be scary for a little one. Everyone is always afraid if you bring your child into the bed with you that they will never leave and nothing could be farther from the truth. They will leave. It's a right of passage for a child. Some just go through it slower. B
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
24 May 07
I do bring her to bed with us if she doesn't go right back to sleep in her own bed at night. I have no problem with doing like because I love snuggling with my little girl. Thanks for the advice.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
23 May 07
There could be lots of reasons: growth spurt, change in routine during day, teething, an oncoming illness. It's important to keep the nap and take her to bed at the same time everynight. Here are some medical reasons (don't want to freak you out, but sometimes the kid has no symptoms for ear infections)
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
24 May 07
Thanks for the link. Looks like there is some great information there. I've got it bookmarked now.
• United States
23 May 07
How old is she? My son is 14 months old and he HAS to take 2 naps a day or he won't sleep through the night. I know it sounds weird but if he doesn't take his naps then he gets OVERTIRED and fights his sleep. She could also be going through a growth spurt or teething (depending on her age) so this could be keeping her awake at night. The only thing that I noticed that helps is starting a bedtime routine. A bath, a massage with lotion and a bedtime story or song. It may not work right away but my son thrives on routine and knows when it's bedtime. Good luck! I hope you find something that works for you both.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
24 May 07
I guess an age would have helped this discussion. She is 19 months old. She finally slept through the night last night. I'm going to start trying a good solid routine. She had a routine for a while but teething kind of messed that one up and I think she may be teething again. Thanks for the advice.
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
25 May 07
My kids did this for a time. I finally made a bedtime routine. Baths, teeth then bedtime story. I also had to make sure they had no food with red dye or stimulants in it for a few hours before bed. For the first while I also had a music box playing in the room after the story was over. As it wound down, they fell asleep.
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• United States
23 May 07
Without an age ts hard to say, but most children will go through this phase. However you should speak to your pediatrician. It could be health or other reasons. But if the doc gives her a clean bill of health and she is still waking up.... don't rush to her.. its difficult but you should ignore her.. she will get the picture.. it is oka for a baby to cry
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
23 May 07
well, since you didn't post her age, it will be difficult to give specific advice but maybe I can help. Well it could be one of the more obvious; teething, growth spurts, bad dreams, growing pains, ear infection, or an illness coming on. ALso, it could be her sinus' the mucus draining, could cause her to be more congested, and she wakes up because of it, this (along with Ear pain) can be helped by putting a few pillows under her matress so it's at an incline, that way it will help the mucus drain better, waking her less. If it's just started, I would be more apt to say it's an oncoming cold, or that it's allergy/sinus related due to the changing season (of course it does depend on where you live) there are other reasons a child could wake up to, What kind of matress do you have? OUr Oldest couldn't sleep on the cheap one we bought at walmart, so we went and bought another, nicer one, and he does fine on it now (the baby has to sleep on the cheap one! He doesn't mind it though). Is she acting fine during the day? Sometimes baby's just go through restless stages of sleep too. I know with my oldest, when he was first learning to walk, he didn't sleep well, he just wanted out of his crib, so he could walk around, he eventually got better after a couple of weeks. If she's not running a fever, and doesn't seem sick, I think it's safe to let her cry for a bit. Give her at least 5-10 minutes to settle down herself, and then go in and check on her, pat her on the back, and leave before she's asleep. She'll stop waking up soon enough. I can't remember the last time my almost 3 year old woke up! Good luck!
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• United States
23 May 07
We had a similar problem with our daughter from the time she was between 3-3.5 until she was almost 4.5. At that time we had her tonsils and aednoids removed and tubes put in. After about a 2 week recovery it was amazing the difference. Her tonsils were so large she wasn't getting enough oxygen at night and would end up either sleep walking or with night terrors virtually every night. Once she could breath it was much better. Without knowing how old she is and if there might be any other factors, it's hard to say. It's likely a phase of some kind, but there is a CHANCE that it may be something else - an ear infection or a number of other things. Will your doc do a call back without having an appointment? If it was me, I would call, leave a message for a nurse who would call me back later and discuss it with me - whether I needed to bring her in or what. They know my daughter and can give me better suggestions than a mostly anonymous website.
23 May 07
Hi there, I had the same problem as you it done my head in what i did in the end was made sure she had her milk and her teddy clean nappie i would then put her to bed and i know this is going to sound bad but when she started crying to get out i would blank her she used to scream the place down but the more she knew that i was not going to her she soon quiten down it took a while but got there in the end. Good luck to you however you decide to deal with it
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