Do you like Ketchup?

May 23, 2007 10:35am CST
I like ketchup with almost all food I eat. Pizzas, subs, sandwiches, hotdogs..everything. But some curious folk find ketchup disgusting. Where do you belong and why?
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13 responses
• United States
26 May 07
My dad puts ketchup on everything. I used to but now I only put it on hotdogs and hamburgers. I've been kind of put off by ketchup ever since I saw my friend eat an entire bottle when I went over to her house. That was disgusting.
• India
26 May 07
Why isn't anyone mentioning Pizza? :(
@angelco (345)
• Philippines
24 May 07
yes i like ketchup especially when im using it as a dip to my fries with a combination of mayonnaise, i like it also for fried chicken, fried pork and usually i used it in making of spaghetti...i like banana ketchup :)
• United States
26 May 07
I like ketchup and mayo too...I forgot all about it
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 May 07
I love ketchup or what we cal tomato sauce here in Australia, I could have tomato sauce on anything, I love it. One of my favourites is a fresh bread roll with butter and sauce ot toast and butter with sauce, hmmm I feel like some now...
• India
23 May 07
Yeah in India too it's often called sauce but in the US and Europe, I think they have different recipes for both. Oh I'll try the bread roll. Thanks :)
@h_gaurd9 (986)
• United States
23 May 07
I too like eating ketchup with a lot of the foods I eat. Fries, burgers, and hot dogs. I never tried eating ketchup with pizza unless the sauce is the ketchup. Sandwiches and subs are not really my favorites to add ketchup. I don't think ketchup is disgusting, unless you're drinking it strait from the bottle which I'm sure you don't do. :P
• India
23 May 07
Hehe but its not just me. I know so many who don't like ketchup at all. With anything!
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
27 May 07
I like tomato ketchup, tomato, chilli sauce, chilli, garlic sauce etc. This will go well with any thing, like Vada a deep fry round item, dosa, bread, potato fries and even with pizza. I am from India.
• United States
27 May 07
I love ketchup but I only eat it on certain things. Chicken, fries, hotdogs, burgers etc. Ewwww, I wouldn't dare to put it on a sub or pizza but if you like it then go for it!
• United States
23 May 07
the same with you... i have tomato ketchup always in the dining table. i love it as a dip for fries, dumplings, chips, and even the wierdest taste for jackfruit and corn in a cob as salsa with butter. so much ketchup for burgers, sandwiches, hotdogs, porkchop, barbeque, cheese steaks and dumplings.
@aweins (4199)
• India
27 May 07
Me too. i love ketchup with almost all the things i eat. the best where i enjoy eatijng is with Mac Donald's french fries. i love thier french fries. when everi see the size of their fries, i am so amazed and alwayz think that what the size of the potato do these people grow. their size of french fries is such a big one and i love the taste , the crispiness of it. i enjoy it with burgers, i enjoy it with sandwiches , pizzas. i even enjoy eating it with fried rice or vegetable rice.
@a_ce_e (1422)
• Philippines
23 May 07
Well i like ketchup too, but not much. I only use ketchup for burgers, hotdogs and pizza. For those who doesn't like ketchup, maybe they doesn't like sour taste even a little sour or they might not want it's bloody color =)
• India
24 May 07
Wow!! Tomato ketchup or sauce is my favorite. I can eat it with anything. I love it with Burgers, noodles, chicken and the list goes on and on. Its so tasty. I love that saucy taste.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
23 May 07
I LOVE ketchup! I eat it with all kinds of things that people think are crazy.=) I used to dip carrots in ketchup when I was little. I eat ham and cheese sandwiches with ketchup and my hubby thinks it's gross.
@TinaCL (429)
• United States
23 May 07
I love ketchup--in moderation. I like to have it on burgers, sandwiches, hotdogs, and fries. I love the tomato flavor. But too much ketchup makes things too salty and too watery. I still like my fries to be crunchy, so I just use a little ketchup. Sometimes, when I want something different, I replace ketchup with salsa or marinana sauce.
• United States
26 May 07
This is weird, I like ketchup on my burgers, hot dogs, french fries of all kinds, but I HATE the smell of it. Go figure...