To all my friends - an update on Lily - bravest cat in the UK!
By rosie_123
@rosie_123 (6113)
May 23, 2007 10:45am CST
Over the past week or so, I have been inundated with messages and questions about my kitten Lily - so horrificaly injured in an accident almost 6 weeks ago. I have not posted a new discussion for a while, because I just wanted to let time go on a bit, and see what was really happening with her - but I am pleased now to report that things are looking much, much better:-))
So far - Lily has had 3 skin grafts to rebuild her leg - each one has "taken" and the Vets have now pronouced them all "successul". She even has her first bits of fur growing on parts of them! Her main problem this past few weeks has been a really virulent infecton - a feline form of the MRSA virus, which is not necessarily fatal in cats like it is in humans, but often proves difficult to control, and resistent to antibiotics. It kills over 50% of cats suffering with it, and at times two weeks ago, the Vets told me Lily's temperature was way over 40 C, and they did not think she would survive the night. But - somehow she did, and today the Vet told me "I'm sure we are finally beating this thing!"
Lily is definately not the cat she was when she came in............. they have taken so much of her skin for the grafting purposes, that she now only has fur remaining on her face and tail, and her poor, naked sides and tummy are cris-crossed with scars and stitches like a little patchwork toy:-(( She has pins in her leg and a plaster cast to stop her moving too much and damaging the grafts, and a big collar round her neck to stop her pulling at her stitches. But she isn't on a drip anymore, and no more morphine.
But despite all this, she is still the vibrant little soul she always was - her fighting spirit and determination to survive is amazing. She has so much fire and strength, she makes me feel ashamed in comparison. All the staff at the Hospital have fallen in love with her, and a film of her treatment is currently being made to help Vetinerary students in their training. So Lily will soon be a film star. LOL!
Anyway - sorry to go on so long - but I know so many of you have asked after her. I am not going to say she is totally "out of the woods" yet, as she still has another 2-3 weeks hospitalisation, and things can go wrong at any time.......... but the outlook is more positive! And I just wanted to say a huge thank you, to everyone here who cared about her. Thanks for your prayers, your thoughts, your PMs and kind messages.
Much love
Rose (and Lily)
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28 responses
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
24 May 07
I just have to say AMEN!!! I was rooting for her and saying prayers of hope for her. I am so happy to hear she is doing better and I hope she comes home soon, I have been checking your profile for days waiting to see what the outcome was. Seems as though she has a wonderful vet in her corner too. I will keep saying pryers for her in hopes for her speedy recovery.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Yes - both the Vets are wonderful........ both Sam who is the actual Vet, and James who is the best animal surgeon in the South of England, especially for skin grafts. We are lucky to have them. Thanks for your response my dear.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
24 May 07
Wow, and Lily are holding up well. I know I will be a complete mess when faced with a situation like that. Lily had gone through a lot and I agree that she is the bravest cat I heard of. I will continue to pray for Lily's recovery.
@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Well, thank you for your words. I agree that Lily is very brave, bless her, but I honestly don't think I am at all. I'm just doing what I have to do. I guess I'm just a stuborn kind person who won't countenance defeat or failure. I tend not to get depresive or hysterical - I just get on with things!!! My partner calls me obstinate and extremely pig-headed! LOL!
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
23 May 07
I can't believe that it has been almost six weeks since that happened to your poor Lily. Its good to hear that she is doing well. I know she still has a ways to go but she has shown that she is a fighter. I will continue to keep you and Lily in my thoughts.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
Yes - it wil be 6 weeks this coming weekend - on Saturday. Thanks for your good wishes.
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
24 May 07
I'm glad to hear she is doing better....but I have one question for you.How much is the estimated cost of the treatment?
That has got to be expensive.
Would be nice if we all could give up a dollar or two from our earnings to help you out on that one.
I wonder if myLot would let us do something like that.
I hope you are not offended by me asking about it.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Well that is a really nice thought, but, honestly - we'll be fine. Like all our cats, Lily is insured for Vets' treatment, so the bulk of it will be covered by that. So far, the treatment has cost about £7,500 (about $15,000) - but the Insurance covers us up to £6,000 ($12,000), so we will just cash in one of our ISAs (Investment Bonds) for the rest. I know it probably sounds ridiculously expensive to some people, but we're both working full time in good jobs, and our cats are our "babies". My partner and I discussed it right from the outset, and he said that money would never be a barrier to getting our Lily fit and well again, even if it meant taking out a Bank Loan, though we won't have to do that.
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@hf15studio (30)
• Brazil
24 May 07
Really , that beautiful little cat , so brave ,
you are wonderful, thanks for keeping us up to date . I love any animals.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 May 07
Rose I am so happy to hear this as I did ask the other Day how she was and because you didn't respond I thought something had happened to her and left it for a bit
I am so happy that she is doing so well and I know she will keep fighting
This might have taken 6 of her 9 lifes but she is still with you
Love and Hugs to you both

@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Sorry I didn't repond Gabs:-(( It was not intentional - guess I must have missed your message - I've been really busy at work lately. Thanks for posting here anyway.
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@Tanika (632)
• Australia
24 May 07
Wow! she sure is a fighter. I am sooooooo glad to hear she is doing so well.. I was wondering what was going on with her. Poor little patchwork kitty.
Lotsa Love to her and you of course, Send us a picture when she is home safe as I am sure she will be.
@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Yes of course I will. Thank you for your response and your interest.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
2 Jun 07
She is one fighter and I am so glad to hear she is doing well. I cannot believe it was 6 weeks ago, it doesn't seem that long, but I'm sure to poor Lily and you it must feel like a lifetime.
I hope the next 2 weeks go well for her. She should be up for a bravery award.
Thanks for the update,
my thoughts are with you both. x
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@rosie_123 (6113)
2 Jun 07
Yes - it's actually 7 weeks now - and it does seem a lifetime. She's doing great though - every time we visit we can see an improvement:-))
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
24 May 07
Yes I remember that kitty, I was so worried about her when you described her condition. So she is now a film star well she deserves it, for bravery and strength. I'm so glad you posted this. Hope the best for her :)
If it's at all possible, please post her picture when she is completely recovered
@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Thanks LittleMel. And yes, of course, I will post a photo of her when she looks a bit more like a cat again, and less like something out of a horror movie:-(( And in the meantime, here is one of her when she was just 8 weeks old..
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
24 May 07
OMG she is so cute :):) thanks a lot for the pic!
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@nancyrowina (3850)
26 May 07
I'm glad the skin grafts have taken and she's nearly out of hospital, her fur will all grow back, though cat's look weird with no fur don't they? I didn't know there was a cat version of MRSA and am glad she got over it, and I hope there are no further complications so she can go home as soon as possible.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
2 Jun 07
Actualy, yes - she does look strange......... no fur apart from on her face and tail and one front leg, pins through her bad leg, and a big "buster collar" to stop her chewing at her bandages! Looks a little like an alien with enormous eyes - LOL - but I still love her!!!
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
24 May 07
Oh, Rose, that is such good news!!!I wonder if the film is going to help defray some of the costs - I hope so, tho I'm sure you are going to be happy to pay what it takes to keep her alive & back & happy with you!I had an old cat that the staff at my clinic just loved too. He was in & out for years with his diabeties. They only put cats they could trust not to reach out & snag people in the top cages & Hobo was a "top shelf" cat.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Well the film is being made purely for educational purposes - to teach trainee Vets how to work on other cats that may have similar problems to Lily - so there will not be any payment, and to be honest I wouldn't want any, because training Vets is ore important. Not everyone is in the fortunate position to be able to pay for their pets' treatment, so would rather more help was given to those who cannot afford stuff. Thanks for your reply.
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@whimsystoryteller (1743)
• United States
24 May 07
Oh, I'm so thrilled for you and Lily! I didn't know anything about it until now but that's an extraordinary story and you really need to document everything and put it in a story for publication. Actually, you should get hold of a copy of the film and see about doing a narration of it and the story from your perspective and Lily's.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
24 May 07
Well that's an interesting concept, but the film is ourely an educational one to help train young Vets at college, so the only narration will be technical stuff I wouldn't have a clue about! Thanks for your response.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
23 May 07
Thank you for the update my friend, Zeus has been asking after her, he's clever and he's send his love too as do the rest of the family. Lily is a survivor and takes after her mum! She has plenty of TLC and care and that is what keeps her going! It will take time, a lot of dedication and patience but the rewards are bountiful and she'll love you more for it. Give her a kiss from Zeus please and here's a hug from me to you x
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@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
All hugs gratefully received:-)) And thanks for fiding the time to come over here, as I know you're not feeling too good at the moment
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
23 May 07
Hi Rosie :)
I'm tickled to hear that Lily's health is improving. I imagine you're thrilled, and who could blame you. The worry you must be suffering had to be taking a toll. This is great news! When you get to see her, give her a little pat on the head from me. We're all pulling for your little kitty here in Indiana.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
Yes - I sometimes can't get my head around what the poor little mite has been through. The pain and consant medication and surgeries would have killed a lesser creature. I also know that the Vets have chosen to "spare" me a lot of the details about her suffering, and on the "bad" days, they have spoken only to my partner, so that he could decide how much I needed to be told! She'll make a lovely film star though! Thanks for your input.
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@killahclaire (3665)
23 May 07
This certainly hsouws what the power of thought can do whether you believe in God or not. I think everyday we have had all had a wee think about Lily and I am so glad she is pulling through.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
Well something/someone/somewhere has certainy been putting in a good word for the little rascal:-)) Thanks for your thoughts and your contribution.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 May 07
What a brave trooper that Lily of yours is and so good to hear this news. I had a cat once, Bobby, who was in dire straights himself...He was only a kitten at the time....All of a sudden I noticed that "third" eyelid thing...when you see that on a cat it means a really high temperature...he had given no indications of being sick or anything...I managed to take his temperature and it was way up there about 103-degrees F. My mom took him to the wasn't good news...the vet re-hydrated him as he was severely dehydrated and started him on anti-biotics, but he wasn't hopeful--in fact he, the vet, wanted to put Bobby mom wouldn't hear of it, and said that my daughter (me) will take care of him--so she took him home and I began treating now he wasn't eating so I had to force feed him, give the medications, plus I was even giving him steam baths for his congestion--I was literally working round the clock like a nurse!
Well..Bobby not only pulled through, but lived another sixteen years!
Amazing how animals can pull through and be so resiliant..isn't it?
Your Lily, really must have the fighting spirit! I bet she misses being home with her mom though!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
Awww - thanks for the story about Bobby - sounds like he was a fighter too. And - yes - i think Lily is missing us now:-(( For a long while, she was far too ill and in pain, and on strong medication, to really know what was going on, but the Vet says that for the last couple of days she's been pretty snappy and miserable (just like people get in convalescence I suppose), and she seems very bored.......... so I guess that means she's missing us!!! She was even trying to play when we went over last night!!!!
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@mivarg (277)
• India
23 May 07
That's great news dear friend! i am sure that she will survive. Her attitude is great, and so is your attitude. I was just wondering whether this could be a usual incident there, and am not surprised to hear that they are filming her treatment and progress. She is indeed an extraordinary cat, and what's happening to her right now is nothing short of a miracle. I keep my fingers crossed and wich you all the best!
@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
Well it's very unusual in that they still don't know what caused the injuries, and also because Lily is young and still growing, which makes their job alittle harder, but skin grafts are pretty common for cats here. Thanks for your response.
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